Reawakening of the Nameless Dragon

Chapter 156: Change Of Plans

"Change of plans," Aron declared, swiftly making his way to the sewer map on the wall, scrutinizing it once more. "We're leaving now!"

"Are you certain, Master?" Viper inquired, taking the magical calendar from Grunt's grasp. "As far as I know, monster waves always occur at the same time."

Aron replied without turning, his crimson eyes examining every minute detail of the map. "Did you forget, Viper?"

Viper tilted her head. "Forget what?"

"Did you forget that Eamon informed us that the monster waves from two years ago arrived a week early?"

Viper, Kasumi, and Lucca widened their eyes in shock. The two girls recalled the conversation Aron had with the lieutenant when they first encountered him. As for Lucca, his thoughts drifted to the Keep's dilapidated state.

Aron turned to face his companions, his expression grave. "We can't afford to delay any longer. If Grunt's instincts are accurate, then we need to act swiftly."

All three nodded, comprehending the gravity of the situation. It's always better to be safe than sorry.

Aron then placed a finger on a specific spot on the metal map. "Grunt, are you familiar with this place?" he inquired.

Grunt approached, examining where Aron placed his finger. Upon recognition, he swiftly nodded. "Yes, Grunt knows this place. Grunt used to find a lot of food there." 

Aron smiled. "Good, Can you lead us there?"

"Yes, Grunt can take you."

"Marvelous," he turned to his companions, issuing orders. "Prepare yourselves, we're departing immediately."

"Grunt," Aron called, crouching to be on the same level as the small, deformed man. "I'd like to buy these items from you," he held in his hands the bone horn, the whistles, and the bracelet.

Grunt's eyes widened with surprise at Aron's request, his expression a mix of confusion and curiosity. "Buy?" he repeated, his voice tinged with uncertainty. "But Grunt made them for his friends, and Aron is a friend, a good friend."

Aron smiled reassuringly, placing a hand on Grunt's shoulder. "I understand, Grunt. But I want to compensate you for your craftsmanship," he explained gently.

Grunt's hesitation dissipated at Aron's words, replaced by a warm smile of gratitude. "Thank you, Aron," he said softly, his voice brimming with genuine warmth. "Grunt is happy to share his creations with you. Grunt will sell them to you."

"Very well, what do you desire in return?" He paused, granting the little man time to ponder, but then Aron quickly added, "You must know, Grunt, that these items possess great power and value."

Grunt's eyes sparkled with excitement at the prospect of making a trade, but he paused to consider Aron's words carefully. After a moment of thoughtful silence, he nodded in understanding. "Grunt understands, Aron. Grunt knows they're powerful," he replied earnestly.

With a sense of purpose, Grunt raised two fingers, "Grunt wants two things," his voice filled with a mix of excitement and determination. "Grunt wants…Book! Grunt enjoys books!"

Aron chuckled softly at Grunt's enthusiasm, nodding in agreement. "A simple request, I'll get you some books, but I think your best option is to accept my offer and join me. In the Keep, we have a giant library filled with thousands of books."

Grunt's eyes widened with wonder at Aron's words, his excitement palpable. "A giant library?" he repeated, his voice filled with awe. "Grunt would love that!"

Aron smiled warmly at Grunt's reaction, pleased to see his friend's enthusiasm. "It's settled then. After the monster waves, You can come with us to the Keep, and you'll have access to all the books you could ever want," he said, his tone filled with genuine sincerity. 

"And your other request?"

Grunt scratched his head thoughtfully, a small frown creasing his brow. "Other request..." he muttered, his voice trailing off as he surveyed the room. His gaze finally landed on the four pieces of the sandwich he attempted to offer to Kasumi, Viper, and Lucca, but they politely refused since he needed them more.

He hesitated for a moment before his eyes lit up with determination. "Aron, Grunt wants... food," he exclaimed eagerly, his voice filled with excitement. "Good food, like... like…that," pointing at the sandwich pieces.

Aron chuckled at Grunt's request, nodding in understanding. "Of course, Grunt. Good food is important," he replied with a smile. "Consider it done. I'll have someone get you food and take care of you until the monster waves. Then, I'll return for you, alright?"

Grunt's face lit up with delight at Aron's promise, his eyes shining with anticipation. "Thank you, Aron!" he exclaimed, his voice brimming with gratitude. "Grunt will be very happy!"

"Excellent ...let's—Oh! I almost forgot," Aron halted in his tracks, reaching into his inventory and retrieving an empty glass vial. He turned to Grunt. "Grunt, I want a few drops of your blood."

Grunt's expression shifted from excitement to bewilderment at Aron's request. "My blood?" he echoed, his brow furrowing in confusion. "Why does Aron need Grunt's blood?"

Aron's expression remained serious as he explained, "I have a friend in the Keep, a Rune Master, he's very knowledgeable and maybe he can find a cure for you."

Grunt's eyes widened with surprise and hope at Aron's words. "A cure?" he repeated, his voice tinged with disbelief. "For Grunt to be a normal boy again?"

Aron nodded solemnly. "Yes, Grunt. I can't make any promises, but I'll do everything in my power to help you find a cure," he affirmed, his tone filled with determination.

Grunt's heart swelled with gratitude at Aron's offer of help. "Thank you," he said softly, his voice choked with emotion. "Grunt... Grunt doesn't know how to thank Aron enough."

Aron placed a reassuring hand on Grunt's shoulder. "You don't need to thank me, Grunt. Friends help each other," he said with a warm smile. "Now, if you're willing, I'll collect a few drops of your blood."

Grunt nodded eagerly, extending his finger towards Aron. "Yes, Aron. Grunt trusts you," he said earnestly.

With careful precision, Aron collected the necessary drops of blood from Grunt's finger and sealed them in the vial. "Thank you, Grunt," he said gratefully, tucking the vial away safely in his inventory. "Now, let's go."

Grunt concurred with a nod, his heart brimming with hope for the future. As he was unlocking the old, rusty door, Aron stole another glance at the metal map.

A bloodthirsty grin crept across his lips. "I'm coming for you," he murmured.

Step!. Step!

"Octavia!" a voice echoed through the dimly lit palace corridor, reaching the ears of Octavia, who was returning from a pleasant evening spent in the palace gardens.

"Ugh!... Not again," Octavia's steps faltered as she heard her name called out yet again. With a resigned sigh, she pivoted towards the source of the voice, spotting her brother approaching with his usual air of urgency.

"What is it now, Brother?" Octavia asked, her tone tinged with exasperation.

Theodore hurried closer, his expression serious. "Octavia, I need your assistance," he said, his voice urgent.

Octavia arched an eyebrow, curiosity mingling with her annoyance. "What kind of assistance?" she inquired, her gaze fixed on Theodore.

Theodore wasted no time in elucidating the situation, "The King's advisor is demanding half of our treasury."

"What!" Octavia's eyes widened in shock at her brother's revelation. "The King's advisor wants half of our treasury?" she repeated incredulously, her voice filled with disbelief.

Theodore nodded grimly. "Yes, Octavia. He claims it's necessary for the kingdom's future plans" he explained, his tone tense with frustration.

Octavia's frustration boiled over at the audacity of the King's advisor. "That bastard thinks we find money growing on trees or what?" she exclaimed, her voice laced with anger. "We cannot allow him to bleed our treasury dry for his so-called 'future plans'!"

Theodore nodded in agreement, his jaw set with determination. "Exactly, Sister, that's why I need your help, you're better than me with the numbers" 

"Anything else?" she inquired.

"Yes," Theodore nodded. "He also requested that we dispatch a few spies. North, apparently. The Queen has appointed a new Lord Commander for the Frostguard."

Octavia's eyes narrowed in suspicion at her brother's words. "Why does he request spies now?" she said, her voice laced with frustration. "Didn't we poison them all on his orders?"

Theodore's expression darkened at Octavia's question. "I don't know, Octavia. But we can't underestimate his motives," he replied, his tone grave. "It's possible he's planning something against us" 

Octavia's mind raced as she contemplated the implications of the King's advisor's requests. "If he's attempting to manipulate us, we can always sell his secrets to the Queen or align ourselves with her. After all, it's irrelevant which side we join, as long as we emerge victorious."

Theodore nodded in agreement with Octavia's astute observation. "You're right, Sister. Should we take action now?" 

Octavia shook her head, her mind whirring with calculated strategy. "Not yet, Big Brother. We must tread cautiously and accumulate more intel before making any moves," she advised, her tone measured. "In any case, let's go to your office and examine those reports."

Theodore sighed in relief when he saw that his sister was providing her help. Even though she's a little crazy in the head, she wouldn't harm him...much. Over the years, Theodore had learned to navigate around her.

'Just stay away from her things, especially her dolls and you'll be fine' he wrote this phrase on a piece of paper, reading it every morning after waking up.

'I must do anything to avoid being taken to her dollhouse' A cold chill ran down his spine when he remembered the last time he was there. 'A dollhouse?… It should be called a horror house' 

"Is something wrong brother?"

"!!!" He froze, hearing her sudden question. He quickly composed himself, offering her a strained smile. "N-nothing's wrong, Sister," he replied, his voice slightly shaky. "Just... thinking about our next steps."

Octavia studied her brother for a moment, her keen eyes narrowing slightly as if trying to decipher his thoughts. "Very well," she said finally, apparently satisfied with his response. "Let's focus on the task at hand."

With a nod, Theodore led Octavia toward his office, his mind still reeling from the memory of Octavia's dollhouse. As they reached the office, Theodore pushed the unsettling thoughts aside, focusing instead on the numbers and reports that awaited them. When he unlocked the office door, he noticed that the interior was dark.

"Strange, I could have sworn I left the lights on," Theodore muttered, snapping his fingers in an attempt to activate the light crystals, but nothing happened.

He ventured a few steps inside, Octavia trailing behind him. Theodore tilted his head upwards, examining one of the light crystals hanging on the wall. He noticed that it had exploded.

"Ugh...not again, I swear this is the last time I'm going to purchase these types of light crystals," he grumbled, turning to his sister. "Wait here, I'm going to fetch one from my chambers."

Octavia nodded, her expression wary as she surveyed the dimly lit office. She watched her brother leave the room, or at least she perceived him heading for the door.


Theodore's face collided with something solid as he attempted to pass through the doorway.

Octavia's eyes widened in surprise as she heard the thud and muffled curse from her brother. "Theodore?" she called out, when she approached her brother, she saw something strange. 

A portion of his nosebleed hung suspended in mid-air, precisely in the center of the doorway. Immediately, she comprehended that an invisible barrier was obstructing their path.

Octavia's mind raced as she processed the bizarre sight before her. An invisible barrier? Within the palace? This was unquestionably the work of someone.

"Theodore, are you alright?" she called out.

Theodore winced as he pressed a hand to his sore nose, still reeling from the unexpected impact. "I'm fine, Octavia," he replied, his voice strained with discomfort. "But... what is this?"

Octavia shook her head, her eyes narrowing with suspicion as she studied the invisible barrier. "I'm not sure," she admitted, her tone filled with uncertainty. "But it seems someone doesn't want us to leave."

Theodore's expression hardened as he was about to speak, a strange, faint sound emanated from the side.

"!!!" Both Octavia and Theodore froze, their attention drawn to the source of the faint sound. It appeared to originate from the shadows at the edge of the room, where the dim light failed to reach.

Theodore narrowed his eyes, his senses on high alert as he tried to discern the origin of the mysterious noise. "Who's there?" he called out, his voice echoing through the darkened office.

There was a moment of tense silence before the shadows gradually receded, revealing a figure perched casually on his desk, flipping through the pages of one of the journals that lay open.

Theodore's jaw tightened as he watched the figure, his hand subconsciously inching towards the hilt of his sword. Octavia, too, tensed beside him, her eyes narrowed with suspicion as she studied the intruder.

"Identify yourself," Theodore demanded, his voice firm with authority.

The figure on the desk looked up, and for a long moment he didn't say anything; he just kept his gaze on them, the siblings couldn't see the figure's face since it was obscured with shadows. 

Finally, the figure closed the journal with a decisive snap and leaned back in the chair, letting out a sigh. With a casual flick of their wrist, the shadows retreated, revealing the entirety of the room.

Theodore's eyes narrowed further as he took in the figure's appearance. It was a man, with pale skin, dark hair, and glowing crimson eyes that seemed to pierce the semi-darkness.

'Who is he?' Theodore thought inwardly, unable to recognize the mysterious figure.


Suddenly, Octavia's heart began to race. She instantly recognized the man – how could she not? He was the most handsome man she had ever met, the man she had once proposed to.

'What is he doing here? Did he come for me…? KYAA! Is this love? Romance!' her thoughts ran wild.

"Who are you?" Theodore repeated, his voice still laced with authority.

The pale man smirked, crossing his legs and resting his head on his hand.

"The Lord Commander of the Frostguard and Grandmaster of the Watchers," he declared, his voice smooth and resonating. 


yO! New Chapter Enjoy. Don't forgot a comment,

Also don't forgot to check my other novel. "An Orc With A System"

Have fun.


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