Rebirth begins at Skull Island

Chapter 258 Multi-party attention (big chapter)

Chapter 258 Multi-party attention (big chapter)
Rhodes didn't know that he had become the target of someone else's live broadcast.

At this time, he was trying to break free from the shackles of the sentinel robot.

Judging from the increasing strength, the other party should want to bury him in his chest, and then directly suffocate him to death.

Unexpectedly, the sentinel robot had a soft side, and Rhodes was stunned for a while, but he didn't think of a good way to deal with it.


He remembered that the lightsaber was still in his hand.

Then, while breaking free, he slowly turned his wrist in a circle, and then opened the lightsaber again.



A blue light streaked across the body of the sentinel robot.

This time, it didn't have time to soften, and the lightsaber pierced its shoulder.


The Sentry droid was stabbed through the shoulder with a lightsaber.

Due to the high temperature of the lightsaber, the area around the shoulder pierced by the lightsaber began to gradually turn red.

This scene was captured by the live camera.

Bolivar Terras was still explaining in detail the combat effectiveness of the sentinel robot with the military inspector who came next to him.

As a result, not long after the live broadcast of the battle, the opponent almost melted his shoulder.

If he was slapped in the face, Bolivar almost couldn't hold back the curse.

"Mr. Truss, if your work is of this level, I think KSI will be happy for us to increase the order."

The leading military man's words made Bolivar's face turn green and pale, and he quickly explained:

"General Kebar, don't worry, we are only opening the first form for the time being, so that everyone can clearly understand the combat effectiveness of the Sentinel robot at each stage."

As he said that, he quickly winked at the man with glasses next to him, and the latter nodded knowingly, and operated on the computer for a while.

After he hit the last enter key, the computer screen trembled.

Then, everyone present noticed that the Sentinel robot's body began to turn red, becoming the same color as the shoulder that had been melted by the lightsaber!
This is!

"That's right! This is the second stage of Sentinel."

"It can deal with various emergencies and change its own shape in order to improve its combat effectiveness."

"At the same time, it can also copy the opponent's ability and share it with its own sentinel robot."

"Theoretically, it is invincible!"

Hearing these words, the people in the military seemed to be a little interested.

"How would the sentinels fight if they were facing a Kaiju beast?" General Kaibar asked his own question.

"It's easy!"

Bolivar raised his eyebrows and said bluntly:
"I heard that the internal organs of the Kaiju beast are very fragile, and the power heart source in my sentinel can be detonated!"

After speaking, he also made an explosive gesture, which attracted the attention of many military personnel.

seems to work.

A group of military personnel nodded in private.

At this time, the picture on the front screen suddenly changed.

I saw that the man who was originally under control broke free for some reason and landed on a pile of rubble not far away.

"How did you do it?" Kebal couldn't help asking, as he was talking to the person behind him just now.

"I borrowed the high-temperature weapon in his hand and drew circles around his body to break free!" an officer explained in a low voice.

These words made Kebal immediately focus on the high-temperature weapon in the man's hand in the picture.

"Who is this mutant?"

"There is no information, but judging from the current data, the guarantee level is four."

The officer whispered back.

Level four! ?
This level is not low.

Generally, mutants who have reached this level will not be unknown.

And with such a powerful weapon.



The officer complied with General Kebar's words, turned and left.

At this time, Bolivar also heard the conversation between Kebar and his men, and interjected:

"Your Excellency, if you are interested in this weapon, I can send it to you after the sentry kills this person."

Facing Bolivar's attentiveness, Kebar said nothing, smiled silently, and then nodded without any trace.

At this moment, Rhodes didn't know that his lightsaber had been pre-ordered. He just broke free from the shackles, and he was observing the enemy's flaws with cold eyes.

But Sentinel is just a robot.

No emotion, no fatigue, no pain.

The place where Rhodes stabbed with the lightsaber just now has almost recovered.

This exaggerated resilience is stronger than his own.

As expected of...

While muttering, the sentinel attacked again.

This time, it didn't fire a laser or attack with a stab.

Instead, from its arm joints, a huge flame suddenly sprayed out, overwhelming the sky and covering the sky!
Facing such a ferocious attack, Rhodes had no choice but to temporarily avoid the limelight, and avoided the direct impact of the flames with the help of the big rocks next to him.

Then, after waiting for the flame shock to end, he immediately shifted his position.


Two lasers shot through where Rhodes was just now.

He turned his head and glanced, snorted coldly, and began to shuttle among the stone formations.

And the sentinel seemed to be fighting him too.

As long as he stays behind any stone for more than three seconds, it is guaranteed that a bright red laser will shoot towards the attack.

After a while, the half-collapsed tunnel was filled with the smell of burning.

"Cough cough."

This taste is refreshing.

After sniffing, Rhodes frowned involuntarily, and looked up at the top of the dilapidated tunnel.

At this time, another laser beam shot over, and he couldn't dodge it, so he could only raise the lightsaber in his hand, block, and reflect.


The reflected laser hit the roof of the tunnel, blasting a hole in a short while.


When the laser beam stopped, a big hole was suddenly blown out at the top of the tunnel, and even some transparent liquid was blown out, which slowly seeped out of the hole.

Seeing this, Rhodes moved his body immediately, and jumped into the big hole before the sentinel could react.

Afterwards, the sentinel robot also raised its head, leaped vigorously, and jumped into the big pit.


Lily Collins walked the subway in fear all the way and escaped.

As soon as she went out, she ran wildly, and didn't stop until a few hundred meters later on a road, panting heavily.

"This, this, what the hell is this guy doing!"

"How can Xiaodetang be messed up like that!"

While she was still thinking, there was a sudden shock on the ground, which shook her whole heart.

what happened!

What's wrong!
Lily looked around nervously, and after making sure she didn't see anything, she thought about it, and continued running wildly with a guilty conscience.

But this time, she hadn't run very far when she saw a manhole cover not far away from the ruins suddenly flying, like a rocket, it rose more than ten meters from the spot, and finally fell heavily in front of her.


The heavy manhole cover dug a small hole in the ground.

This is a ground covered with gravel and cement. Normally, even if you shoot at the ground, it won't cause much damage.

It can be smashed by this manhole cover.

Lily subconsciously took out the cross hanging on her chest and said a prayer.

At this time.

A figure unexpectedly sprang out of that manhole.

Lily took a closer look at the cartoon short sleeves, torn jeans, and dirty mask.

No matter how you look at it, it looks familiar.

this is not.
Before she could speak, the figure on the opposite side saw her first, and said:

"Hey, that who, go away!"


Due to the short distance, Lily didn't hear clearly. When she wanted to walk over, she found that the ground shook again.

Moreover, this time, not only the earthquake, but also the ground began to crack!

After two or three breath times.


A tall figure broke through the ground, lifted countless stones, and spread around.

At the critical moment, all Lily can do is to squat down, hug her head, and pray for God's blessing.

"Da da da da."

A series of sounds of stones hitting the ground reached Lily's ears, but strangely, she didn't feel any pain.

Confused, she opened her eyes.

A not-so-tall figure, with his back to her, blocked all incoming stones.

"A cartoon prince?"

At this moment, Lily seemed to see a prince dressed in Mickey Mouse, riding Donald Duck, standing in front of her, guarding her.

Her eyes blurred.

"Hey, wake up."

"Did you have a spring dream?"

Rhodes' voice woke her up, and she immediately realized something. Her face turned red, but she instantly became angry:
"What are you doing!"

"Huh?" Rhodes was taken aback for a moment, but he was in a bad mood thinking that this girl might have been bleeding a lot recently.

Slowing down his tone, he opened the mouth and said:

"Well, wait for you to hide away, it's not safe here."

"I want you to take care of it!"

Lily glanced at the strangely shaped humanoid creature in the distance. Although she felt a little weak in her heart, she still hummed coldly on her face:
"Wherever I love to go!"

Hard mouth!

After seeing Lily's duplicity, Rhodes smiled, turned his head, and focused his attention on the sentry robot.

Now, the second round.


Two footprints instantly appeared on the ground, and the wind brought up almost blew the face covering off Lily's face.

When Lili stabilized the cloth on her face again, the impact sound not far away made her raise her head involuntarily.

At the beginning, what she saw in her sight was a simple picture of you hitting and me hiding, and you hiding and me attacking.

But when she hit it, her head couldn't keep up with the rhythm.

A large rock as tall as a person was thrown out like a toy.

In the air of more than ten meters, there is nothing wrong with why the guy named Rhodes fell.


That robot-like monster, why can the eyes release lasers!
But it was blocked by a stick like a fluorescent stick! ?
Are you making a movie?

Are these props! ?
Lily couldn't help getting up from the ground, took small steps, and ran to a broken stone of about the same size.

He stretched out his hand and lifted it vigorously.


After exhausting all her strength and nothing happened, Lily turned her head and ran away without saying a word.

While running, he took out the cross in his chest groove and prayed:

"Honor the merciful God, Lily Collins is here to pray for your blessing."


A laser shot behind him hit the wall next to him, causing a lot of gravel to fall and hit Lily in front of him.

Lily turned her head in fright and changed direction.

As a result, before she could run very far, she heard a "whoosh" sound and looked up.

"Bang!" A sound!
The young man named Rhodes crashed into the wall of the building next to her without knowing when.

She was so frightened that she almost sat down on the ground.

Rhodes broke free from the wall, fell several meters high, and stood firmly on the ground.

As a result, he turned to look at Lily who was sitting on the ground, and asked doubtfully:

"Why haven't you left yet?"

As soon as he finished speaking, a laser beam from a distance hit him again, and he had no choice but to raise the lightsaber.

"Let's go, little girl!"

After speaking, he went up hard again.

You are the little girl!

Your whole family is a little girl! !
Stimulated by Rod's words, Lily quickly recovered, got up and continued running.

But this time, she didn't run very far, but arrived at a place she thought was relatively safe, hiding and observing the battle.

In fact, this battle has been noticed by many people so far.

Maple Leaf Country, Yukon Territory, KSI Corporate Headquarters.

Joshua is sitting on the sofa in the office, holding a tablet computer in his hand. On the computer is a picture of an abandoned city taken by a drone from the sky.

In the picture, a person wearing cartoon clothes and a mask is waving something like a fluorescent stick, and is fighting with a robot.

You hit me and hit me, and the fight was very exciting.

But Joshua frowned, seemingly dissatisfied.


He yelled "Ah", then stretched out his hand and pulled out a young woman with a painful face covering her mouth from under the table, and scolded:

"How did you do it! Do you still want to do it!"

The scolding made the young woman want to make amends, she knelt and leaned over, but he stopped her.

"Get out! Call me Lisa from the marketing department!"


The young woman was obedient, with humiliation on her face, and backed out.

But as soon as she arrived at the door, she heard the devilish voice coming again.

"That's right! Let Lisa take a shower and come back!"

After finishing speaking, Joshua stopped talking to the young woman, put Realization on the tablet computer on the table again, and said in a very mocking tone:

"Hmph, is Trask Industries, a mass-produced war machine, at this level?"

"It's been so long, you can't even take down a fourth-level mutant, and you still want to grab an order with us?"

"Ha ha."

The Xavier School for Gifted Boys at this time.

Charles was teaching the students when the classroom door suddenly rang.

He looked at the students, then set his eyes on the door, and after a moment of silence, said:
"Come here first today, get out of class is over."

Then, waiting for the students to open the door, a white-haired woman in a leather jacket walked in from the door, and walked in quickly.

"Professor, you made me pay attention"

Before Storm could finish her sentence, the professor stopped her with gestures, and then nodded goodbye to the last bald boy in the classroom.

After waiting for the bald boy to leave the classroom, he turned his head, looked at Storm, and said:
"What's the situation, tell me in detail."

"San Francisco, there is a fourth-level mutant confronting Trask Industries' sentinel robot!" Storm Goddess said seriously.


Charles' eyes were in a trance and his face was serious.

 Recommend the book of two friends, "Survive with a hundred yuan, I am shocked by the live broadcast", others survive with a hundred yuan, I get rich with a hundred yuan!

  "Welcome to My Weird Website", this book is written by a big girl!So beautiful!

(End of this chapter)

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