Rebirth begins at Skull Island

Chapter 268 Supreme Muto (big chapter)

Chapter 268 Supreme Muto (big chapter)

The high-temperature lightsaber inserted into the egg skin without hindrance.

Immediately afterwards, Rhodes held the sword in both hands, retracted the flying broom, and pulled it down hard.


A long opening was cut out of the egg wall, three to forty meters long from top to bottom!
Immediately afterwards, a large ball of green mucus erupted from the egg.

In an instant, Rhodes was submerged from head to toe.

Feeling the stench stuffing his nose, he almost vomited it out.

"Ding, found radioactive material, whether to absorb it as a rechargeable energy source."

"Ding, found radiation energy, is it absorbed as growth value?"

Get a hammer!
bah bah bah!
Woohoo! !
Rhodes resisted the discomfort and wiped off the mucus on his face.

At this time, a "plop" sound came from behind him.

He turned around and saw a monster with four thick legs and a dark body covered with a hard shell, lying in a pile of mucus.

"Hiss... hiss..."

The monster made a low sound, then slowly got up from the ground.

At this moment, Rhodes discovered through the light on the egg that this monster actually had an inverted triangle worm face that he was very familiar with!
The last time I saw this worm face was in San Francisco...

However, the physical structure of this MUTO seems to be quite different from that of the dog couple!
The couple had six claws, large and small, and no outer armor on their backs.

And this Muto has four claws and a layer of carapace.

Except the face is the same face, it seems...

Just as Rhodes was comparing, this Muto stood up.

At this time, he seemed to find that Mu Tuo was nearly 100 meters tall in size!

Bigger than the female of the male and female mutos!
This guy.

I’m afraid it’s the ancestor of Mu Tuo!
Rhodes was a little uncertain and controlled the flying broomstick to lean back.

But with his action, Muto noticed something, turned his head, and stared at him with a pair of scarlet eyes.

This glance actually gave him a feeling of cardiac arrest.

Take a deep breath.

Rhodes also raised his head, and bumped into those scarlet eyes head-on.

In an instant!
His scalp was numb, but then, the will in his blood made him feel like he couldn't help but want to transform.

But at this moment, a burst of bright blue light appeared above his head, attacking him instantly!
Rhodes' entire body came into contact with the blue light without any reservation.

first timing!

He felt numbness on the surface of his body, and then, his whole body trembled like an electric shock.

Subconsciously, Rhodes stretched out his hands to block the top of his head.


Before blocking for two seconds, he heard a strange sound from the skin on his hand.

Moreover, he could feel the current seeping into his arm, wanting to flow along the blood in his arm and into his body.

in this way.

Rhode suddenly felt bad, and then stared at the blue light, and flew towards the nearest giant egg.

one breath time.

He flew under the giant egg, and with the shield of the giant egg, he was not directly covered by the blue light.

At this time, Rhodes had time to look down at his hands.

The originally thin and whitish arm was blackened, hot, and had many cracks as if it had been roasted.

Looking along the crack, I saw black particles spreading deeper into the crack.

Rhodes endured the pain and took out a tiny black particle with his hand, holding it in his hand.


The black particle actually grew four legs and a pointed head, and was shaking its head and looking around.

It turns out that this is the source of transformation power!

A repair robot.

When Rhodes was about to study it carefully, he turned out to use too much force.


The robot was pinched into a sheet of metal by him.

I can't stand this amount of strength.

Rhodes shook his head, judging the survivability of the transformed robot.

Ordinary people will probably be transformed into robots if they are photographed.

But if the level of life is strong.

Such as Colossus, Storm, Magneto and other mutants with powerful life levels and abilities.

I don't think it's a big problem if I don't take photos continuously for hours.

As for the Titans.

Rhodes tilted his head and looked up.

The Muto Ancestor is holding his head high, and the blue light above his head should not be a big problem in a short time.

Thinking, Rhodes lowered his head and picked out the small particles stuck in the skin one by one.

Then, just as he finished picking, a roar reached his ears.

Rhodes looked along the voice.

I saw that the Muto ancestor had already started to climb up the wall step by step under the blue light.

After a while, it disappeared from his sight, leaving only the sound of '咚咚咚', which came rhythmically.

Rhodes probably guessed what Muto wanted to do.

Holding the idea of ​​sitting on the mountain and watching the tiger fight, he continued to squat under the big egg, waiting for the blue light to dissipate.

After a while, the blue light suddenly dissipated, and darkness returned to the pothole again.

At this moment, Rhodes walked out from under the big egg, took out the flying broom, mounted it, and flew upwards.

When he was about to reach the top of the pit, he suddenly heard a familiar 'scream' from above.

Moreover, if you listen carefully, there are explosions of different numbers and sizes.

It seems that, no accident, the ground must be fighting fiercely.

The fact is as he thought.

When Rhodes flew out from the edge of the pothole, he saw a huge ravine between the many buildings next to the pothole.

And look along this gully.

In the distance, a few kilometers away, in the center of the city, an extremely tall figure was constantly swinging its limbs.

Rhodes looked up at the spaceship floating above his head.

It's a bit strange.

Why didn't this Muto attack the spaceship in the sky after it got out of the pit.

Does this guy have something to hide?

However, although it was a bit strange, he still flew quickly in the direction Muto left.

But not long after flying, Rhodes suddenly felt something strange.

Look up.

It turned out that the spaceship was also flying towards the direction Muto left, and the speed was getting faster and faster.

Rhodes saw a fast shadow, and the spaceship had already arrived at the position above Muto's head.

Is it.

this speed.

He complained about his broom again, buried his head and accelerated to fly over there.


In Rhodes' line of sight, a black shadow flew from bottom to top towards his position!
Depend on!
Forget about the clump of flies!
Rhodes immediately stretched the broom and accelerated upwards in order to get rid of these low-flying creatures.

But after he flew several hundred meters, he looked back.

This group of mechanical bats is still following him, and the distance seems to be getting closer!

It seems that mechanical bats do not have the same flight height restrictions as ordinary bats.

Rhodes thought for a while, then ruthlessly drew out his lightsaber.


When the blue light of the lightsaber appeared, he twisted the head of the broom, turned a corner in the air, and rushed towards the group of mechanical bats head-on.

And the group of mechanical bats were unexpectedly excited when they found that the target turned to rush towards them!
"Chick! Chick! Chick!"

There was a sharp sound, and they opened their mechanical mouths one by one, as if to bite at any time.

See it!

Rhode suddenly turned around in the air, hung upside down on the broom, controlled the broom, and wiped past the mechanical bat swarm!


He raised his lightsaber and swiped hard at the large group of mechanical bats!

The stumps of countless mechanical bats fell from the sky.

"call out!"

After he crossed the group of mechanical bats, he quickly turned around and flew again.

When you take the lightsaber and prepare to do it again.


"Da da da da!"

A large number of bullets were ejected from this group of mechanical bats.Like a golden curtain, it poured over Rhodes!

Good guy!
After Rhodes sighed secretly, he stopped suddenly, and then clamped the hilt of the lightsaber with two fingers, horizontally in front of him, and spun quickly!
"Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!"

A large number of bullets were blocked by the lightsaber, and the leaked bullets basically did little harm to Rhodes with his thick skin.

Waiting for the rain of bullets to pass, Rhodes swung his lightsaber again and rushed over.

After a few back and forth, there is not much left of this group of mechanical bats.

Ignoring the last few mechanical bats who were still trying to attack him, Rhodes turned around and continued to fly towards the spaceship.

After a while, they saw artillery fire from the spaceship and a large number of mechanical creatures shooting at Namuto on the ground.

Almost the entire Muto was surrounded by all kinds of artillery fire.

"Hiss! Hiss!!"

As a giant titan, Rhodes could vaguely hear negative emotions such as anger, annoyance, and pain from this Muto's voice.

It's a pity that we can't communicate, otherwise we can unite and kill Kuntasha first.

and many more.


Rhodes quickly steadied his body and looked levelly at the spacecraft.

If the guess is correct, Kuntasha's attention should be on that Muto.

It wants to transform Muto into a mechanical life form for its own trend.

Then if you are now.
Do it when you think of it.

Rhodes immediately reversed direction and flew towards the back of the spaceship at high speed.

When he was about to reach the back of the spaceship, he quickly rose to the altitude and flew close to the back of the spaceship.

Then he found a gap and turned right in.

This gap is the location of a turret, but at this moment, the turret is not working.

Probably the robot controlling this fort was transferred to the other side.

Thinking about the possibility, Rhodes drew his lightsaber, cut a hole in the turret, and then got in.

As soon as he entered, he bumped into two Cybertronians who were six or seven meters tall.


After the two Cybertronians said a lot of things that Rhodes didn't understand, they raised their heads and fired at him.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Several shots in a row blasted all over Rhodes.

The heat wave generated by the explosion made him clearly feel that the power was much greater than that of the mechanical creatures on the ground.

So he wasn't going to fight hard, relying on the flexibility of the flying broomstick, he quickly came in front of the two Cybertronians.

Swing the lightsaber!

"Baby! Bass!"

With two quick sword strikes, two heads with red-hot edges fell to the ground with two 'plops'.

After taking care of the two soldiers, Rhodes quickly searched for a path and flew towards the center of the spacecraft.


He then encountered several Cybertronians.

Facing more intense firepower, he had to stop and hide in the corner.

Listening to the approaching footsteps of those Cybertronians.

Rhodes took a deep breath, put away the lightsaber and flying broom, and switched states.

"Den! Deng! Deng!"

Three punches down means that the three Cybertronians have successfully turned into steel cakes.

But at this moment, a piercing alarm suddenly sounded in the spaceship.

'Toot!beep!beep!beep! '

Immediately afterwards, a large number of Cybertron soldiers appeared from all directions and surrounded him!
As expected, it is indeed the spaceship led by Cybertron, and its vigilance is much higher than that of the bounty hunter.

Seeing this, Rhodes was not timid, but opened his arms and slammed his chest.

'crazy! 'Turn on!

With a roar, Rhodes stepped forward and rushed towards the passage with the largest number of people in Cybertron.

"Da da da!"

"Boo! Hah! Hah!"

"Tom! Tom! Tom!"

Numerous bullets, shells, and artillery attacks came from all directions.

But Rhodes is worthy, with his defense power not much weaker than that of an adult titan, he resisted all incoming attacks!



All of a sudden, countless explosions sounded in the passage, setting off a large amount of smoke and dust, which slowly spread in the passage.

But those Cybertronian attacks continue!
"Boo! Hah! Hah!"

I don't know who informed them, those Cybertronians cut off their machine guns almost at the same time and replaced them with shelling.

As a result, a large number of shells flew into the smoke.


The smoke and dust are even more powerful, spreading the smoke and dust almost to the height of 70 meters that connects the upper and lower floors of the entire passage.

But even so, these Cybertronians still did not cease fire.

Continue, artillery, bullets, and shells are poured into the passage like no money.



In less than 2 minutes, the entire passage was covered by the sky full of smoke and dust.

Just when this round of attacks entered a short interval, a big sword from the sky suddenly shot out from the smoke, and slashed down obliquely from top to bottom.

"Woo! Crack!!"

With a single strike, there is a huge bonus.

Wherever the blade touches, it cuts into two pieces!

And after the knife was cut, the big knife fell back, and the turning edge was another knife!

that's it!
With a few simple cuts, the twenty or so Cybertronians on this passage were almost wiped clean.

Only the various parts left in one place.

After cutting, Rhodes walked out from the smoke, glanced at his masterpiece and then looked down at the big knife in his hand.

He nodded and praised the American military's knife-making technology from the bottom of his heart.

Then, pick up the big knife and continue to rush forward!

On the next journey, anyone who stood in the way would be killed miserably by this broadsword.

It didn't take long for Rhodes to come to the center of the spaceship, where the blue beam of light was released.

"It turns out to be you, Titan Ape!"

In front, Kuntasha was suspended on a black seat, resting her chin with one hand, and said calmly:

"Come here in such a hurry, do you want to watch your kind be transformed by me?"

After finishing speaking, it stretched out its hand and tapped the void twice.

In an emergency, the ground shook, and a blue ball of light suddenly appeared and quickly accumulated energy, becoming bigger and bigger.

Rhodes looked along the gap below the spacecraft and saw that the MUTO on the ground had fallen to the ground at some point.

Lying on the ground, life or death unknown.

(End of this chapter)

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