Rebirth begins at Skull Island

Chapter 289 That Running Look Looks Familiar

Chapter 289 That Running Look Looks Familiar

Rhodes started instantly!

He picked up a huge steel bar on the ground, put it on his shoulders, and then jumped hard, jumping into the air.

At this time, the 'Eureka Raider' seemed to have guessed Rhodes' intentions, and quickly activated all the kinetic energy on his body.

Then with the help of several thick flame thrusters, the body quickly moved to the side.

However, if Rhodes simply jumped up and charged with his body, then the 'Eureka Raider' could still dodge this time.


Face the 'Eureka Raider' who has moved sideways 200 meters.

Rhodes just chuckled, and then clasped the giant steel bar on his right arm in the air.

'Fatal blow! '

'Quadruple increase! '

"call out!!!"

The giant steel bar came out!

Under the action of huge force, the giant steel bar broke through the air in an instant, and briefly disappeared from the sight of Hansen and his son.

Seeing so.

In the minds of Hansen and his son, a thought flashed almost at the same time.

'Oops! '

next second!
Both of them were blinded.


A huge pit appeared instantly!
The White House within the range, surrounding parks, and even buildings within hundreds of meters.

In this instant, everything turned into ashes.


A muffled sound followed.

Under the powder, a big pit suddenly appeared!

Seen from the air, the White House at this time has disappeared, replaced by a huge pit covering hundreds of meters.

This kind of destructive power not only shocked the few remaining mecha fighters on the scene.

Even those behind the television who watched the live broadcast on television were shocked.

For a time, fear spread in America...


Two or three kilometers away.

The underground vault of the treasury building.

A group of bodyguards in suits helped Obap, Kebal and the few remaining people out from the tunnel under the vault.

"Cough cough cough!!"

As soon as he came out, Obapu, who was still coughing, asked the people around him aloud.

"Who can tell me if something happened just now?"

Everyone was speechless.

No one dared to tell the owner of the White House that the White House was completely destroyed.

At this time, Lisa Moke, the chairman of the Homeland Security Committee, came out from behind the strong men and said:

"Your Excellency, man, we found it."

Obapu was in a trance for a while before realizing who he was talking about.

Quickly asked:
"Where! Who did it!"

"It's the emperor's plan..."

Hear this.

Obap's anger almost rushed to his head.

Dare to love is really done by people from the government!
Although the Emperor Project is only a secret organization, it is still under the management and control of the government.

What this kind of secret organization does makes him a president.

The more he thought about it, the more angry Obapu uttered swear words for the first time.


"Let them! Now! Immediately! Immediately! Send me people!!"

Rhodes on the other side doesn't know what's going on outside.

At this moment, he just landed.

Wait for the smoke to clear.

He looked at the Mech Warrior who had fallen into a pit hundreds of meters away, and the surrounding buildings that had been affected by his attack.

Shaking his head lightly.

Then, he turned around and set his sights on the Mech Warrior behind him.

Kill them all.

Anyway, it's already like this, so why be so polite.

Immediately, he took a step forward, stepped on the dirt, and walked towards the mech warrior behind him step by step.

At this time the 'brave Omega'.

The uncles and nephews in the cabin finally recovered from the terrifying destructive force.

Not far away, the demon giant ape has already approached them!

"Uncle...uncle... quick, quick, think of a way!"

Facing the death threat, Tucker couldn't help but keep asking his uncle.

And Adam.

As Tucker's uncle, he is actually not much older than Tucker.

Although he was also a soldier before, he was a medical soldier.

I have seen a lot of life and death, but I really let him face it in person, and it is impossible to say that it is true in my heart.


"To shut up!!!"

Adam's voice was almost roaring.

After shouting, while Tucker was still in a daze, he quickly activated all the kinetic switches of the mecha.

Before the giant ape on the opposite side rushed over, he turned his head and shouted again:
"Withdraw! Withdraw!"

withdraw? ?


Here comes the good ones.

In an instant, Tucker completed his own half of the evacuation operation ahead of Adam at a manipulation speed that was several times that of the past.

Even in an overloaded state, he helped Adam complete some of his operations.

Such a skilled retreat operation.

Adam shouted loudly.

Afterwards, the mech warrior 'Omega the Brave' ran away in the eyes of countless people...


Looking at the mecha warrior who was running away, Rhodes was just stunned, and there was only one back of the other party left.

This way of running is kind of familiar...

Rhodes, who was considering whether to pursue or not, suddenly heard Raton's cry.

Turning around, he saw that the khaki mecha warrior actually used two thick khaki chains, together with another dark metal mecha warrior, to clasp Raton's feet.

And Raton flapped his wings and flew upwards.

Do you wrestle?
I love this game!

Rhodes immediately opened his mouth excitedly, selectively forgetting the mech warrior that ran away.

Stepped forward, roaring all the way and rushed over.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The heavy steps immediately attracted the attention of the 'Dark Interceptor'.

In the cockpit, after the two strong men looked at each other, they released a hand in a tacit understanding, pulled out a giant gun barrel from their sides, and put it on their shoulders.

"Heavy machine gun, ready!"

"Load the bullets!"

"Three, two, one..."


With the unison of the two strong men, a chain made of metal was ejected from the barrel in an instant.

"Da da da da!!!"

A round of bullets far exceeding the normal caliber shot at Rhodes.

"Clap clap clap!"

Sweep from the ground to his body.

Seemingly feeling the damage of the gun, Rhodes chose to dodge, avoiding the attack of the bullet with his agility.

However, the body size is too large.

Despite trying to hide, a few bullets still hit him, making a muffled sound of '呲呲'.

Taking advantage of the opportunity to turn his head to dodge, Rhodes looked down and found several bullets one or two meters in size embedded in his thigh.

There was no blood, but it still hurt.

Assessing the damage from the bullets, Rhode let out a breath, then rolled sideways to avoid a circle of bullets.

By the way, a large piece of wall was torn from the side of a nearby building.

Get up, take the opportunity, and throw it out!
"call out!!"

The boulder burst out of the air, but Rhodes quickly followed the boulder.

"Den! Deng! Deng!"

After the boulder smashed through two buildings, it hit the 'Dark Interceptor' directly.

It's a pity that it reacted ahead of time, and with the help of the chain of the 'cougar', it blocked the boulder in front of it.

But before the boulder fell to the ground, a giant claw broke through the boulder and grabbed the barrel of the giant gun.


With a roar, the giant ape tore off the giant gun.

Then, twist the muzzle, shoulder it, take aim, and pull the trigger.

"Da da da da!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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