Rebirth of a Dungeon Master

Chapter 75: Tea Party/ Epilogue

In the tranquil garden of the Tempest palace, the demon lords sat around a large, ornately carved wooden table, enjoying a rare moment of peace. The air was filled with the fragrance of blooming flowers and the gentle rustle of leaves in the breeze. Tea was served in delicate porcelain cups, steam rising gently as they sipped and conversed.

Rimuru, sitting at the head of the table, raised his cup in a welcoming gesture. “Welcome everyone! t's good to see everyone in such high spirits after that entire mess.”

Guy Crimson leaned back in his chair, a smirk on his face. "It's not often we get to sit down and just enjoy a cup of tea. Although do slimes even need to drink tea?”

Milim Nava giggled her usual demeanor back to its normal self. “My BESTIE CAN DRINK TEA IF She? He? It! Wants to drink tea!” Milim shouts

“The tea is alright although why does Nekra get blood in hers while I don't?” Luminous Valentine asks

Nekra shrugged, swirling the crimson liquid in her cup with a lazy smile. "Nya, I have my preferences. You can have some too if you want, Luminous." Her grin showing off her fangs causing everyone to pause.


Nekra just shrugs in response not answering.

“Anyway’s now that that whole mess and war is over what is everyone’s plans?” Rimuru asks

“Do you really have to be that obvious about it slime? Of course we are not going to attack you or your people. That would be literal suicide.” A rather cranky Dino states

“I think I might pop off world for a bit. Kyra is having some sort of war and she’s pregnat so she needs a war time advisor.” Nekra states

Everyone turns to look at her in shock.

“Pop off world?” Guy asks

“Yeah? Can you guy not travel through the dimensional gap? I mean its rather simple to go through." Nekra states 

Milim leaned forward, eyes sparkling with curiosity. “Can you teach us how to do that?”

Nekra chuckled. “Maybe, nya. But for now, let’s focus on rebuilding.”

Guy nodded thoughtfully. “Indeed. We need to ensure that any remnants of Yuuki’s influence are completely eradicated.”

Luminous added, “We also need to strengthen our alliances and build trust among our nations. Yuuki’s actions caused a lot of damage.”

Rimuru raised his cup once more. “To the future, and to the peace we’ve fought so hard to achieve.”

The demon lords raised their cups in unison, as everyone smiled to the tentative peace and the very possible alliances in the future.

A/N: And thats it for this book guys… Please do check out my other works and feel free to come say hi in the discord.

Next book is maybe gonna be called Crimson Moon. I am going to spend the time doing a full harry potter book with alot of cross over elements.

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