Rebirth of a fishing village: starting from Hua Axiang in Jiehu Village

Chapter 8 You can’t lose even an inch of your own land!

Sun rise.

The temperature is getting higher and higher.

Zhao Dahai stopped, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and frowned.

What's going on?

Who planted something here?

Zhao Dahai looked up and carefully looked at the straight line facing the east corner of his house. When his parents built the house, they faced the ridge of their land. In the middle of the ridge was a path about half a meter wide. On the other side of the road is another family's land. Now that the path is gone and the ridge is gone, it's all turned into land. They have set up a shelf to grow beans, which are growing pretty well.


"Sneaky stuff!"

Zhao Dahai sneered, occupying the open space that was originally a path, and then occupied the ridge of his own field, creating an extra meter of land one meter wide and ten meters long, which was a good plan. When I arrived early in the morning, I didn't pay attention and didn't notice it. I thought it was someone else's land. Grandma Zhong Cuihua said that someone wanted to plant their own land but refused. No matter who planted the beans, they didn't care. They just dug up the beans with a hoe.


"Zhao Dahai!"

"What are you doing?"

"Dig my beans!"

Zhao Dahai looked up and saw a short, fat woman rushing over while shouting. It was Dong Li, the woman from Sun Minghua's house next door to his own.

"Your beans?"

"Plant on my ground?"

Zhao Dahai was not polite. One hundred and eighty yuan is a small thing, and the land must not be ambiguous. There is very little land that can be cultivated in the fishing village, and every inch is rare. This is what my grandfathers used and passed down to my own hands. In the future, I have to pass it on to my children and grandchildren. If I don’t have the ability, the old man will If you work hard on the land, you will have some grain and vegetables to eat, and you will not die of hunger. This is the root of your livelihood. It is impossible for Dong Li or Sun Minghua not to know whose land this is. They saw that they had been a fool in the past two years. Grandma is too old to farm the land, so she wants to occupy it and plant things. For three to five years, ten to eight years As time goes by, as soon as grandma leaves, even if she is not dead, she will dare to say that the land belongs to them, or once she dies, she will immediately say that the land belongs to their family. If any family in the village has an unworthy descendant, this kind of deprivation will definitely happen.

"What's your land?"

"This is my home land!"

Dong Li scratched her neck and bared her teeth.

Zhao Dahai sneered and continued digging beans with the hoe in his hand.

"I'll fight with you!"

Dong Li waved her hands and rushed over.

Zhao Dahai sneered, raised his hoe, pointed it at Dong Li, and dug down hard.

Dong Li screamed, stopped, sat down on the ground, her face was as white as paper, glanced at the hoe, and directly dug it into the ground, less than half a step away from her. If she ran faster, it would definitely land on her forehead.

"Oh my God!"


"What happened to the land I farmed?!"

"Zhao Dahai is bullying me, a woman who is a woman!"

"Take my land!"

"Let's all comment!"

"You, the boss, are such a coward!"

"Zhao Dahai bullies your mother-in-law and still hides and doesn't show up!"

Dong Li was lying on the ground rolling around, crying and crying loudly.

"What the hell!"

"Zhao Dahai!"

"Dare you bully my mother-in-law!?"

Sun Minghua shouted and rushed out of the house.

Zhao Dahai stood up straight, threw away the hoe in his hand, and looked coldly at Sun Minghua who was rushing towards him.

How dare you stand in front of yourself.

Beat him to death.

Sun Minghua was shocked. Zhao Dahai was over 1.8 meters tall. He grew up by the seaside. He was a middle-aged boy who had to do manual labor since he was a child. He was tall and tall. He was over 1.6 meters tall. He was in his forties and looked as skinny as a monkey. If he really charged forward, he wouldn't be able to kick him away, and he would stop abruptly.

"What's wrong?"

"Didn't you rush over here?"

"See if I don't beat you to death!"

Zhao Dahai was not polite.

Sun Minghua's face turned red. He said this without giving any face. The key point was that he really didn't dare to rush over.

"This is my family's land."

"How dare you hoe the beans I planted?"

Sun Minghua looked left and right, his voice loud, but he had no confidence at all, and he secretly complained even more. In the past two years, Zhao Dahai was too lazy to work, and Zhong Cuihua was old. The land behind the house was unplanted and the grass was half a person tall. He and his mother-in-law got greedy and occupied the land secretly. At first, they were very worried that if Zhao When Dahai found out, he immediately said that he remembered it wrong, but for more than a year, Zhao Dahai kept silent. He originally planned to take advantage of the opportunity this year, but he didn't expect that Zhao Dahai went crazy and started digging early this morning. Dong Li had seen Zhao Dahai digging the ground a long time ago. She kept watching and saw the beans planted on the ground occupied by the hoe. She was reluctant to take advantage of it before rushing out. She thought that Zhao Dahai didn't bother to fight with women and sat on the land he occupied. It's his own. I didn't expect Zhao Dahai to be so tough.

Zhao Dahai picked up the hoe and continued, and the beans fell down in clusters.

The village is not big, so the news spread immediately, and people gathered around to watch the fun.

"what happened?"


"It's about the land!"


"This is the land of Zhao Dahai's family."

"Who would let this happen?"

"You have to take it back even if you beat it to death!"

"Lard has deceived you, right?"

"People are not dead yet!"

"Aren't you going to get rid of it if you plant it on someone else's ground?"

Sun Minghua's face was red and he was too embarrassed to stay any longer. He took Dong Li and went home in despair, closing the courtyard door without even daring to let out a fart. Every inch of the land is owned. People in the village know who owns the land after staying in the same place for several lifetimes.

Zhao Dahai dug out all the beans planted by Sun Minghua and Dong Li with hoe after hoe and threw them aside. Not even an inch of his own land should be missing. Anyone who dares to occupy his own land will risk his life without saying a word.

These people around you?

Fighting a injustice?

think too much!

Not many people truly speak up for themselves. Most of them just hated Sun Minghua for taking advantage but not themselves. Doesn't anyone know that Sun Minghua and Dong Li occupied their own land? Why doesn't anyone come forward to complain?

If grandma Zhong Cuihua and herself were both dead and there was no one left in the family, not all of them, but there would definitely be many people rushing to grab their land. This would be the same as what Sun Minghua and Dong Li are doing now.

Zhao Dahai saw his grandma Zhong Cuihua walking over in a hurry. Knowing that she was disturbed by the loud noise behind the house, he immediately walked over to support her and whispered what happened.

"Sun Minghua!"

"You are the one who has no descendants!"

"Dare you occupy our land!?"

Zhong Cuihua picked up a stone from the ground and smashed it directly on the glass window of Sun Minghua's house.

Zhao Dahai was not surprised at all that Zhong Cuihua did this. Unless he nodded in agreement, not to mention a piece of firewood or even a piece of grass, his own things could not be taken by others, let alone occupying land. Will the village have simple folk customs? Helping neighbors? It's very silly and naive to really think so. I've definitely never seen two families in the village fight each other for ten and a half months over some trivial matter. I've certainly never seen a family with two sons being bullied by a family with five sons. scene.

Zhao Dahai waited for grandma Zhong Cuihua to scold her enough before helping him go home.

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