Rebirth of England.

Chapter 010 Unpopular?

In fact, Barron's original idea was to raise more than 200 million pounds of funds from the family, so that he would be sure to use the money to get back more than 3500 million pounds of funds through the capital market within six months to save Devon. The Duke of Hill family.

But the reality is that the funds he can currently use are only part of the cash directly held by the family, which accounts for a very small share, only 10 pounds.

With this amount of capital, it is indeed difficult to achieve your goals in the short term - even if you invest in start-ups and do venture capital work, take Internet companies like Google and Facebook as examples. From start-up to completion, they can be completed a hundred times smoothly. The exit of venture capital is often not achieved within a year and a half.

In the end, in desperation, Barron had only one choice - to expand the scale of his 10 pounds as much as possible through World Cup betting.

In fact, this is not difficult to think of. After all, the World Cup is about to begin. This time in the Asahi World Cup, only England in the British Isles has entered the finals.

As one of the countries that are crazy about football, the recent newspapers have reported a lot about the World Cup. Therefore, as a reborn person, it is very normal to think of using betting to make a fortune.

And the Asahi World Cup itself is very suitable for Barron to choose to place bets. On the one hand, when it came out, this World Cup was still very familiar to the Chinese people. Not only was it a World Cup held at home, but the start time was also very familiar to the Chinese people. It is said to be very friendly; in addition, because this World Cup is the only one in which the Chinese team has entered the finals, they are more familiar with the results of the game than in other tournaments.

And at the end of the day, when betting on this kind of World Cup, you can usually get higher odds only if you are an underdog.Because of well-known reasons, this World Cup has a lot of upsets. If nothing else, it is enough to just bet on the match between South Korea and South Korea - after all, normal countries often do not use the "home field advantage" so nakedly. Degree.


Betting on football matches is very popular in England. After all, William Hill, which is well-known in the sports betting industry, is a British company.

In addition to this company, many other powerful gambling companies also have many betting stations in London, so it is very convenient just for betting.

After arriving in London, Barron came to his apartment.

Barron's apartment in London is also a family property. After all, the Duke of Devonshire family is a long-established British aristocracy. Although the family's overall economic strength is now slightly weaker, their ancestors are still rich. Correspondingly , it is also very normal to have a residence in London.

Of course, in this regard, it is still far inferior to the Duke of Westminster, which is also a ducal family and claims to own half of London.

After returning to London, Barron couldn't help but think of the girl in the hotel room when he first came to this time and space.

At that time, he just felt that the other person looked familiar, but because he had just "came over" at that time and was greatly shocked, he did not delve into it too much.

And when I met the then-Crown Prince of Wales at the family funeral that day, I suddenly realized that the girl with whom I had a one-night stand was actually the future Princess Kaiser!

This discovery surprised Barron. After all, although he had no special knowledge of the British royal family in his previous life, Cather's wedding to the prince caused a sensation at that time. At that time, the Internet was already extremely popular. He has also read many related reports.

If I remember correctly, Cather should have been studying at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland at this time and had already met the prince. How could he appear in a London nightclub and have an affair with his... predecessor while drunk? What about such a "friendship"?

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