Rebirth of England.

Chapter 065 The Chance to Get on the Car

It was also because of these obstacles that Britain later vigorously developed satellite television.

As early as 1980, the British BBC Radio and Television Station recognized the importance of satellite TV and wanted to become the first and largest satellite TV operator in the UK, so it applied to use two satellite channels to broadcast its TV programs.

Although the British government agreed to the BBC's application in 1982 and allowed the BBC to launch satellite radio and television services in 1986, it did not give the BBC any financial allocation.Due to the lack of financial support from the government and the BBC not wanting to bear the risk alone, the BBC withdrew from the competition.

At the same time, media companies headed by Pearson Press, publisher of the British Financial Times, established British Satellite Broadcasting (BSB), which was preparing to launch radio and television satellites in 1989 and monopolize the British satellite television market. .

But what they didn't expect was that in 1988, Murdoch announced that his Sky TV would launch satellite TV services in the UK based on the Luxembourg-based Astra satellite!

In 1989, Sky TV launched four satellite TV channels in the UK. Due to its excellent technical strength, successful marketing strategies and management skills, as well as strong financial backing - in 4 it even risked an annual deficit of 1990 million pounds to vigorously develop Launch satellite TV business!

So in 1990, Murdoch's Sky Television merged with British Satellite Broadcasting (BSB) to form BskyB.

Since then, British Sky Television (BskyB) has become the only satellite TV operator in the UK, owned by media tycoon Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation.

On October 1998, 10, BskyB launched a pay digital TV service. Now, they are the largest satellite TV station in the UK and Ireland, almost in a monopoly position.

The reason why Britain is eager to develop terrestrial digital television is that the British government does not want its television market to be monopolized by Britain's commercial television, Murdoch's Sky Satellite TV (BskyB).

Because once BskyB monopolizes the British digital TV market, it will cause great harm to the development of British public culture and the multiculturalism of Britain.

BskyB began experimenting with digital TV business as early as the early 20s. In 90, after it officially launched its digital TV business, it quickly attracted many British viewers.

At the same time, ITVDigital, the British digital TV conversion business organized by ITV, encountered Waterloo and ended in failure in 2002, this year.

Obviously, if BskyB, a commercial television group, is allowed to monopolize the British digital television market, it will be a disaster for Britain, a country that advocates multiculturalism and public broadcasting and television culture.Under this circumstance, it is imperative for other British radio and television organizations to carry out digital TV conversion.

Now the British government has its hopes on the BBC as a public television station. They intend to let the BBC take over the business of ITVDigital and continue the development plan of terrestrial digital television stations.

However, so far, although the BBC has begun contact with ITV Digital, it is still in the process of bargaining, because just like when it first launched its satellite TV business, the BBC does not want to take too big risks without government financial support. Because if they take over the ITV Digital business, it is expected that they will need to invest at least 8 million to 10 billion pounds in the next few years, which is extremely difficult for them to make a decision.

Faced with the situation of British TV at this time and the uncertain future, I am afraid that anyone will be worried about a move that will involve spending such a huge amount of money.

Especially now that Sky TV, with the strong support of News Corporation, has occupied the vast majority of the British television field.

But for Barron, if he wants to enter the TV field, then ITVDigital's terrestrial digital TV project is also his best choice. After all, based on the situation in England, the development potential of cable TV is not great, and it requires The amount of funds invested will not be less at all.

As for satellite TV, BSkyB is so strong - if you want to make a difference in this field, you can get involved when the BBC and ITV form a free satellite TV alliance in the future, but that will have to wait until 2005...

Therefore, at present, ITVDigital's terrestrial digital TV project can be said to be Barron's best opportunity to "get on board".

Although he does not have the conditions at this time in terms of funding or TV station management experience, Barron is not in a hurry. The negotiations between the BBC and the government and ITV Digital cannot be completed in a short time. For him, there is enough time to make the layout.


"Barron, you are finally here. This is my girlfriend Sasha..."

"Sorry, William, I was delayed by something just now. Hello, Ms. Sasha, it's nice to meet a beauty like you."

On Daisy's side, the short position building of London copper is still in progress in an orderly manner. The price of London copper has been hovering below 1500 pounds, which also gives them time to build a position.

In addition, he also paid attention to the situation in the U.S. stock market. Until late July, Netease's stock had not made much movement and was still oscillating within the range of US$1 to US$1.2. Seeing this, Ba Lun has asked Daisy to increase her position in NetEase stock by another 100 million pounds. At this time, they already hold approximately 430 million shares of NetEase stock, with an average share price of around US$1.05.

On the contrary, Amazon stock, which was the first among other investments to complete a 5-fold leverage increase, experienced a certain increase in late July, with an increase of more than 7%...

As for international crude oil and international gold prices, although they have risen, the magnitude is not large, which still leaves room for them to build positions.

After finishing the matters with DS Investment, Barron temporarily gave his assistant Wang Wanting a holiday. He took his valet and driver Ramos to a high-end club in London, and Prince William made an appointment with him. Meet here.

Since Barron showed his kindness to Prince William before, the two have had more contact.Especially after Prince William visited DS Capital last time, he asked Barron to hang out together - but Barron had too many things to deal with before, and he finally had time today.

After the meeting, Barron also met his current girlfriend Sasha through William's introduction. She has good looks and figure, otherwise she would not be called the school beauty of St. Andrews University.

Speaking of which, according to the tradition of British aristocracy, Prince William is not very honest when it comes to women, and he has the blessing of a prince. In addition, he is still young at this time, has abundant hair, and is also considered handsome. It can be said that he is very Attract girls to like you.

The 18-year-old Prince Harry was also at today's party. He is at the age where he loves to play, and Prince Harry is also quite active.

In addition, there are two other friends of the two of them - both of them are from noble families, as well as several other beauties.

In fact, as a prince of England, especially because his mother is Princess Diana, William has been the focus of the whole of England since he was born. Therefore, it is impossible for him to go to the more lively nightclubs like ordinary people. Today they chose It is a high-end club that specializes in serving the rich and famous.

In his previous life, it can be said that Barron played crazy every time he went to a nightclub. Therefore, driven by some of his novel ways of playing, William and Harry were very happy.

"Your game called "Werewolf" is very interesting. It is a bit similar to the previous 'killing' game, but the rules are more complete and interesting."

Among these games, the most popular was the Werewolf game from the previous life that Barron taught them. After playing a few games and becoming familiar with the rules, they were completely immersed in it. Prince William couldn't help but praise it. Holding Barron.

Sure enough, games like Werewolf will be welcomed by everyone in any era.

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