Rebirth of England.

Chapter 381 Respect

Of course, although it is the most likely, the French view behind this espionage incident is still just speculation.

No matter who it is in the end, the most important thing for Kolo is to find a way to avoid intervention by those countries while taking precautions.

Although France is now unlikely to be like the United States and directly find an excuse to "invade" Colo.

But we must also understand that since Barron was able to support the Colo Liberation Front behind the scenes to carry out a coup to overthrow the government of Nassing Dema, France can also do the same.

This is why during this period, they transferred most of the force of the Koro Legion to Loti.

At the same time, Kolo's security department is also monitoring government officials and some pro-French people...

Just to guard against the possibility of another "coup".

In addition, we are looking for support for Kolo. Of course, this support mainly comes from England.

One of the more optimistic aspects of the current situation is that Barron's status is that he is a Duke of England. Therefore, because of this, France will have some scruples about what Collot does.

In addition, if Kolo joins the Commonwealth, it will play a certain role.

Finally, the most important thing is of course the binding of interests!

After talking to Inkster, Barron didn't rest because Jamei Bongo arrived.

As president of Kolo, Jamei Bongo still had to come to see Barron in person after he arrived in Loti.

After all, His Highness the Duke is his "financial owner". Not only that, Jamei Bongo also understands how he got to sit in his current position. If he can sit, another person can sit, so compared to him To be able to continue to successfully survive this presidential term in the next four years, or even continue to be re-elected, it is also necessary to show due respect to Barron.

"Hello, Mr. Bongo, sorry for having you come over so late..."

"This is as it should be, Your Highness the Duke. After all, this is your first time coming to Colo, and I also learned a lot from our last meeting."

Seeing that Jamey Bongo has not been inflated by being in a high position during this period, and can still position himself-at least for now, Barron's attitude towards him is also very polite.

"I also know the recent things. The mineral deposits in Kolo belong to all the people of Kolo. If some people want to get involved, we will not sit still and wait for death. Today, I just hope to reach a consensus with you..."

"Yes, Your Highness the Duke, Colo is extremely eager to develop, but faces the dilemma of lack of funds. This time God has blessed us and allowed us to find the treasure buried under the sea. This is a gift from God to all the people of Colo. I swear that I will protect this wealth for you and the people of Kolo."


In a friendly atmosphere, Barron and Jammeh finally reached a consensus.

Generally speaking, Jammeh Bongo is still a very pragmatic president, and he has indeed devoted his efforts to the implementation of Kolo's policies.

Of course, at the beginning, Barron also made a promise to Jamei Bongo. As long as he could successfully complete his term, in addition to being hired as a consultant by the West African Group with a high salary after the expiration of his term, his The family will also receive a percentage of the West African Group.

These shares are enough to make Jamey Bongo's family an influential family in Colo, or, in other words, a family similar to the Bush family and the Kennedy family in the United States...

Based on Kolo, the West African Group needs to win over or create some local forces. This method of control can be said to be similar to that of Britain during the colonial period, which is to control the colonies through local "chiefs"... …

It's just that it can no longer be called a "colony", but a country...


After sending Jamei Bongo away, Barron stretched and said to Wang Wanting beside him:

"Have you chosen your bedroom?"

"Yes, Your Highness the Duke."

"I'm going to have a rest. You should also rest early. You must be tired after a hard day today. There are still many things to do tomorrow..."

After returning to the master bedroom of the villa, Barron saw that only the faint bedside table lamp was lit. At this time, Fan Bingbing seemed to have been immersed in sleep.

Barron went to bed gently, but heard the woman beside him murmur:

"Did you come back?"

"Aren't you asleep yet?"

Barron held Fan Bingbing in his arms. She found a comfortable position on the man's shoulder, looked at him sleepily, and said softly:

"I slept for a while, but I couldn't sleep deeply. I would wake up after a while..."

Barron knew that she must be in a strange environment, and her inner guard was still there.

Then he kissed her on the forehead:

"Come, let's sleep together."


In Barron's arms, the woman soon fell asleep.


On the third day after Barron came to Loti, the capital of Kolo, 1000 fully armed personnel from the Protector Military Company, who had been performing missions in Iraq for more than three months, arrived immediately on a transport plane from the US-UK coalition. Lottie Airport.

In this way, the armed forces of the capital Loti were strengthened.

Before Barron arrived, Colo Petroleum Company had already announced some information about Block 5 of the offshore oil field with estimated reserves of more than 1 million tons, and completed an external tender for the first phase of development of this block.

Now, a steady stream of workers and related equipment are beginning to arrive at Loti Port, and from there, they start heading to Block 1 to prepare for drilling the first exploratory well.

It is conceivable that with the development of Block 1, more and more relevant personnel will flow in from Loti's side. Just like China Oilfield Services Company, Colo's side will demarcate an area specifically for them, using Come and build their logistics support center - a lot of prefabricated houses have been shipped there, and they will be ready soon.

"How does it feel here?"

Barron said to Fan Bingbing beside him.

After breakfast today, she accompanied Barron on a tour of parts of Loti, the capital of Colo. Now on a high ground in Loti Port, looking around, Fan Bingbing said:

"It's okay. Many places are a little different from China...well, China, but it's quite interesting."

In fact, no matter how backward a country is, there must be a certain area in a place like the capital that is still passable...

The same is true here in Colo. Just like what Barron took Fan Bingbing to visit before, most of them are the "rich areas" in Loti where government officials and businessmen are the majority. Whether it is the buildings or the cleanliness of the streets, they are all very beautiful. Not bad, relatively speaking.

But now most areas in Lottie, not to mention London where Barron lived before, compared with some remote towns in China at this time, are far inferior...

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