Rebirth Of The Mightiest Disciple (Reboot)

Chapter 111: Natsu vs Berserker 2

Natsu attack with his forearm aiming for berserker's temple. "Too slow" commented Berserker before suddenly being hit in the back of his head by hermit's two-step attack.

Wincing in pain, Berserker threw a left straight just for Natsu to dodge it to try to elbow his face. Berserker caught it, but was unprepared for Natsu to extend his arm out and punch him in the face, followed by a roundhouse fist while planting his leg behind Berserker to make him lose his footing.

"He won!" shouted Matsui while waving the Flag.

Kenichi said while shaking his head "No, not quite"

Berserker quickly flipped over and performed a handstand on Natsu's shoulder.

"Hermit, what are you going to do now? As powerful as your master might have been, he shouldn't have taught you how to break an attack from above." said Kenichi.

"Don't look down on me" said Natsu as he quickly tried to shake him off by hitting him with his left hand, only for Berserker to flip in the air and stomp his face. Natsu quickly rolled away, only to keep rolling as Berserker began to do back flips, trying to stomp hermit's face.

"Are you scared of fighting?" asked Berserker with a maniacal grin, "Everyone is bound to be! That's what it is to be normal! But compared to battling and losing, I'm more scared of being bored! Will you be like others and bore me!? If you can't do it maybe Kenichi Shirahama can help me have some fun"

"Don't compare me to all those fake martial artists you fought" scoffed Natsu as he managed to get back up, "I'll defeat you"

With a quick kick, he tripped Berserker and shoulder charged Berserker into the ground before quickly spinning to attack with an open palm on his neck.

Uryuu Banda

"I won't lose to someone who is only fighting for Hobby!"said Natsu as he kneed Berserker,"I made a promise that I would win! You, who has no stubbornness for victory! I was taught that losing was the same as dying, so i will never my guard down!"

Before he could finish Berserker with his elbow strike, Berserker saw it comming and caught the offending elbow.

"Hmm... so he finally got mad huh!" Odin said.

Berserker Mode Activated!

"You're letting me have some fun!" roared Berserker as he threw a haymaker into Natsu, hitting his head.

"Shut up!" shouted Natsu as he recovered , only for Berserker to send a flurry of punches and kicks without any pattern to follow.

"Hey Kenichi I have been meaning to ask you! Why does that guy know Hikaken and Hakkyokuken" Renka asked.

"Well it's simple he learned it from your uncle Ma Sogetsu" said Kenichi!

"What! My uncle took someone as a disciple!? How did he do that!?" Renka asked

"Apparently he bribed him with lots and lots of expensive liquor but that still Ma Sogetsu didn't train him till the end and left" said Kenichi.

"Well that's what the type of man he is right!" said Renka to which Kenichi complied and said "Yes both brothers are same in some matters."

Natsu ducked from a punch of Berserker and with his arm as he whip attack him on his kidney but Berserker blocked it easily and continued his Barrage.

Natsu weathered the attacks, trying to find an opening before shifting his momentum to counter the barrage of attacks.

"Ho, then try this!" said Berserker as he suddenly turned his back towards Natsu.

This move if not shown by Kenichi once while he sparred against him would have landed but after sparring with him more than thrice Natsu has developed good instincts to dodge attacks well.

Natsu stepped forward just as Berserker did a flip to kick Natsu in the head, Natsu himself fired a soccer kick right at Berserker's head while easily dodging his attack.

"He was my brother's disciple that is to be expected of him" said Kensei Ma who was standing on the river bank with the rest of the masters.

"That's true... as expected of your brother's disciple, a normal person could have died from that kick" Sakaki said.

"Doesn't matter after a kick like that he should be down right now" Kensei said

"Nope. Not necessarily!" Akisame said.

"Oh really!" questioned Kensei.

The conversation of the master wasn't complete but by this time Berserker has stood up.

"Mm...because the adrenaline he can't feel pain anymore." Akisame said

As Berserker began his attack once again without any pattern. However he didn't notice that his speed has decreased making it easy for Natsu to charge through it and break his momentum with a swing of both his arms. he got in close, hitting Berserker in his knee to force him lose balance before catching another fist twisting it to his back.

"Just give up! to you, martial arts is just a game! Real martial arts are quite scary" said Natsu.

"You're being silly", Berserker smiled,"I am just starting to have fun".

*crack* came the noise as Natsu broke Berserker's elbow.

"As expected of Hermit. Breaking Berserker's elbow without Hesitation" Odin said as if appreciating Hermit's cruelness.

"You Bastard! Die!" shouted Berserker as he tried to Kick Natsu and attacked with his broken elbow.

"Of course, talent can get you far" said Natsu as he dodged the attack, "Maybe even 100 parts of hard work can't overcome it."

Then Natsu launched a series of attack that hit Berserker each time, "But what about a thousand parts of Hard work? Ten Thousand parts of Hard work? Martial arts can be passed down for thousand of years ago to now! In the world of Martial arts, in the end, Hard work will overcome Talent!"

Natsu ended the attack with an elbow to the chest before slamming a whip-like attack into Berserker's chest sending him flying into the ground in front of Odin.

"Come to think about it, I am someone with talent and yet I still work hard. If you had fought with Kenichi you would have lost more miserably then this" Natsu said.

"Crap.. my body won't move! This... this feeling coming from the bottom of my heart .... this mysterious feeling is..." Berserker said as he didn't know about this feeling.

"Hn... that's... The feeling of Defeat!" Natsu said as he walked towards Shinpaku Alliance.

"Damn I didn't knew he had become this strong" Thor said.

"lalalalala..... that my friend is the power of friendship and trust" Siegfried said.

Kenichi walked forward as Natsu almost reached where he was standing "Alright, my part is over Kenichi!" stated Natsu as he gave a high five to Kenichi "You're on!"

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