Rebirth Of The Mightiest Disciple (Reboot)

Chapter 34: Beating Dojo Hunter

Kenichi and Kumatori went into their battle stances. The moment Miu gave the signal to begin the match Kumatori striked with a straight punch towards his face.

Kenichi used Parrying by slapping the punch with his left hand from the side towards his left then used his elbow strike straight at the jaw of Kumatori which connected.

" ahhhh Ughh" shouted Kumatori in pain as he stepped back from Kenichi.

Kenichi didn't move as he wanted to give Kumatori time so that he can fight him seriously. After Kenichi stopped going to underground arena he wasn't able to fight seriously and now that he has got such a great guniea pig like hell he will let him go like that.

"Ughhh you used an elbow what Martial arts are you even using" said Kumatori as he went into his stance once again.

"I am learning Karate, Jujutsu, Muay Thai, Chinese Kung and Weapons use" said Kenechi as he went into his battle stance once again.

Kumatori and all his disciple were dumbfounded "You aren't even focusing on a single martial arts and you think you could beat me like that" shouted Kumatori as he kicked with his right leg from above and brought it towards Kenichi's face.

Kenichi backstepped and dodged the kick then went infront of Kumatori and used Yamazuki he stepped in with his left foot, and pretends that the main attack is a punch to your Kumatori's head, Kumatori used both his hands to block the punch while actually Kenichi simultaneously punched at his stomach with 3/4th of his strength. This attack is forbidden in sport karate.

"It may be true for others but for me I have the best master's so you don't have to worry about that" said Kenichi.

"Bwwa ughhh" Kumatori almost went on his knees but barely stood his ground. Kenichi then used A Muay Thai technique where the user slams the opponent's head directly into the user's knee the same time the knee rises up(Tee Kao Trong) and hitted Kumatori's face.

Kumatori after the knee hitted his face fell on the ground with blood leaking from his nose and mouth.

""""M-Master"""" shouted Kumatori's disciple.

"Don't move" shouted Kenichi.

"What-What do you want the sparr is already over" said desciple No. 1

"No it isn't" said Kumatori as he started to slowly stand up.

"Good I knew you won't go down like that" said Kenichi.

"Yes I won't and I will use my own martial arts to beat your combined martial arts" said Kumatori.

"Then come" said Kenichi.

Both of them moved at the same time. Kenichi used his left leg and did a spinning knee kick towards Kumatori who steeled his body to take the hit while he simultaneously kicked with his right leg towards Kenichi who used One of the most basic techniques in Muay Thai, the user moves into a position where they can use their shoulders to block an incoming attack to the head.

Both Kenichi and Kumatori stood their ground showing that there simultaneous attack didn't hurted the other party.

Kumatori then lunged towards Kenichi and gripped him tightly.

Kenichi used Ma Style Takusousho(Ma Style Elbow Lifting Palm) Kensei's secret technique for getting out of a grip. He first used an open palm uppercut to the opponent's chin at close range. Once his hand was placed against Kumatori's chin, he used his other hand to strike his elbow. The force created from both hands was now behind the one hand that's in contact with the Kumatori's chin. Since his hand is already in contact with Kumatori's chin, he wasn't able to evade the second hit and was fulnged backwards for atleast 3 to 4 meters. Kensei taught this move to Kenichi, and told him to never use this technique against a weak opponent because of how powerful it is.

""""Master"""" shouted Kumatori's disciples when they saw their master falling 3 to 4 meters back.

"Don't come in between" said Kumatori as he started to stand up slowly.

By this time Kumatori didn't had the strength to kick so all he could do was punch hence he punched towards Kenichi.

Kenichi had also decided to end this match hence he used Double Palm to push away the attack of Kumatori, and when he got closer, pushes Kumatori with both hands.

Kenichi then stood with his right foot in front. As he makes a circular movement with both hands, he steps with his left foot. While stepping, he brings his hands to his right, and then pushes both hands forward and hits the ground with his left foot at the same time.

Kenichi used it on the The sternum or breastbone of Kumatori after which Kumatori wasn't able to stand and the match was over.

[Sternum or breastbone It is a long flat bone located in the central part of the chest. It connects to the ribs via cartilage and forms the front of the rib cage, thus helping to protect the heart, lungs, and major blood vessels from injury.]

"M-MASTER lost" said desciple No. 1

The rest of his desciple were shocked as well but didn't said anything.

"You should let him rest here for a while then take him to Akisame-sensei's clinic. My master is a great doctor so he will be able to treat him quite easily there." said Kenichi as he went out of the dojo room followed by Miu.

"Kenichi you did great there why didn't you ever went all-out against me" asked Miu.

"Why would I do that against my own girlfriend and that too in a spar Miu and that's not just you I won't ever go all-out against a girl even if she is stronger then me as I don't want to hurt them much" said Kenichi which made Miu smiled sweetly.

"You did great Kenichi" said Sakaki as he came infront of Kenichi and Miu while drinking a bottle of alcohol.

"Sakaki-san when did you came" asked Miu in surprise.

"Oh when Kenichi and that guy started there fight I came at that time" said Sakaki.

"Then why didn't you came then" asked Miu.

"Well Kenichi wanted to fight this guy so I didn't wanted to ruin his fun that's why I didn't came in between them" said Sakaki and smiled

Kenichi also smiled and said "Thanks sensei for letting me fight...."

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