Rebirth Of The Mightiest Disciple (Reboot)

Chapter 57: Natsu vs Kenichi 2

"So you are here for me right" Kenichi asked while coming infront of him.

Natsu nodded his head after hearing Kenichi's question and said "You have become a thorn in Ragnarok so the faster we deal with you the better it is"

"Bastard has really chosen the perfect day for that" thought Kenichi in his mind.

"Since we are going to fight why don't you show me your face" asked Kenichi

Natsu removes his hood and let them see his face.

"Ahh... Tanimoto-San" Miu said in surprise

Saeko was surprised as well which could be seen from her face reaction but she didn't had one as drastic as Miu.

Only Kenichi didn't had any reaction, seeing which Natsu raised his eyebrows and asked "Did you already knew about me"

"Yeah more or less, as when we shook hands for the first time I knew those hands weren't of someone who only does acting in the play, then those delinquents who were badly beaten after creating a ruckus wasn't done by me so I knew someone from the drama club must be behind it and finally you used the half-turning three step unconsciously while acting in the play which is part of a Chinese martial arts steps" Kenichi explained.

"Oh I see looks like you have great observation skills as well" Natsu said as he went into his battle stance.

Seeing that Natsu won't stop until he gets to fight Kenichi he also got into his battle stance to fight against him.

Unable to wait anymore Natsu attacks Kenichi with his right palm towards his face which Kenichi blocked using both his hands by making a X.

Kenichi knew that his speed was not fast enough to dodge all his attacks so he has already bared his teeth to take a few hits as well.

Nastu with his left hand attacks on Kenichi's stomach but Kenichi uses Double Palm pushes away the attacks of Hemit, and when he gets closer, pushes the enemy with both hands.

He stands with his right foot in front. As he makes a circular movement with both hands, he steps with his left foot. While stepping, he brings his hands to his right, and then pushes both hands forward and hits the ground with his left foot at the same time.

Natsu takes the hit on his stomach and started coughing as he back downs to create some distance between them but Kenichi didn't let him have a moment of rest and gives a low kick with his right leg at his left knee.

Natsu goes on one of his knee due to Kenichi's kick and sees Kenichi knee coming towards his face, he uses both his hands and blocks the attack.

After his last attack is blocked Kenichi takes two steps back and starts breathing heavily as the 10 kg of extra dead weight was making his movements sluggish otherwise Natsu wouldn't have been able to block the last attack.

"Tell me is your Master Sougetsu Ma" asked Natsu while holding his stomach.

"No! but one of my master is Kensei Ma maybe he has some relations with this Sougetsu Ma of yours but I don't know" Kenichi said as he took his defence position once again ready to defend and attack Natsu the moment he comes.

"He is stronger than I had predicted" thought Natsu as he started to think his next moves.

Not far from there position the members of Ryozanpaku were looking at there fight.

"Hmm... Kenichi's movements are sluggish, is there any reason for it!?" asked Kensei Ma

"We'll just yesterday only I increased his restraints weight so it's normal that his movements will be sluggish" said Akisame

"What then won't he lose against such an opponent!?" asked Sakaki.

"Well we will have to wait and see how it goes" replied Akisame.

On the bridge Natsu and Kenichi's fight had became more dangerous as Natsu has started using more dangerous Technique.

Natsu went forward and attacked Kenichi with Back slash which is a front attack to the opponent face with a open palm strike forcing them back.

Kenichi protected his face with both hands but got hit by Natsu who used an Axe Kick (a front kick to the leg of a opponent to catch them off balance and sit up for the next technique.) making him fall down.

As Kenichi fell on the ground Natsu used Uryubanda (Black dragon smash An open palm slap striking towards the ground in a flat stance with heavy momentum.) to attack him. Kenichi roll over the ground to dodge the attack.

*Bang....* a noise was heard and there were some broken slabs of the bridge under his hand.

"Hey that's Hikaken! It looks a lot like Kung fu" said Kensei

"Hikaken!? Isn't that a dangerous martial art" asked Sakaki.

"Among Chinese martial arts, it is among the one's which is used more for actual combat. Using both arms like a whip, felling on the opponent without giving him the chance to counter attack, surely it is the fist of strength" said Kensei Ma

"Is it really the time to praise the guy who is after our disciples life" said Sakaki

"Don't get agitated Sakaki" said Akisame.

"You shut up!! restraining Kenichi's strength in order to help his to control is understandable but what I don't understand is why didn't you gave him a key to get out of the restraints when he has to fight" asked Sakaki.

"Hmmm.... because till now there wasn't anyone who could defeat him even with those restraints on him, but looks like I will have to pass on a key to him as his opponents strength is also increasing along with him" replied Akisame.

"Oh you better" Sakaki said as he became more restless.

On the bridge after seeing the last attack of Natsu, Kenichi looks at his in shock "That move just now if it got connected I could have been badly hurt, I thought you only wanted to teach me a lesson but it sure doesn't looks like it" said Kenichi with anger in his eyes.

Natsu didn't replied anything but once again attacked Kenichi this time his palm went for his left thigh, but before the palm of Natsu could reach Kenichi's thigh he moved forward and used his right knee hitting him straight at his stomach.

"Cough cough" Natsu coughed from the attack and lowered his head while trying to step back but Kenichi was finish he used his right elbow and hitted him on his head.

"Aaaaaahhhh..." shouted Natsu in pain as he fell on the ground after taking Kenichi's elbow.

"Ohh! he sure picked Apachai's move easily" said Kensei after he saw Kenichi's attack.

"Yeah! it looks like we won't have to worry about Kenichi for now" said Akisame.

"Apachai is a great teacher" said Apachai

"Hahaha that's my desciple" said Sakaki while laughing.

Kenichi moved back as he said "Get up I know you won't go down so easily"

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