Rebirth Of The Mightiest Disciple (Reboot)

Chapter 72: Girls Talk

Kenichi was sitting on a seat while drinking and eating the fast food he had asked from the chef to make while he was still in his own thoughts. After sometime he asked not from anyone particular "Will these guys be enough to finish the food!?"

"I don't know man!? Food for more than 100 people isn't easy to finish" Takeda said.

"Hmm... You are right Takeda!?" Kenichi said then looked at Niijima by his side who hasn't eaten much and asked "Oye Niijima do you have Kisara's number.....!?"

""phufff"" ""phhuu"" everyone who was eating or drinking something soiled there food when they heard Kenichi's question from Niijima.

"Oye oye Kenichi please press the break's on yourself I know that you want to make Kisara your girlfriend but isn't this too much, I mean we highjacked the cafe which Ragnarok booked and now you wanna ask them to come and have meal with us as if you are paying the bill but in reality it's them" Takeda said.

"Yes, that's why I am calling them Takeda. Without the Host it doesn't feel good to have meal dose it. Now those whom we have called will think it's us who are the host so we should also call one so that we can feel the same way shouldn't we" Kenichi replied.

"But-" Takeda wanted to say something but got interrupted by Kenichi "An-an-a Don't try to dissuade me Takeda, I have already decided. Niijima bring me Kisara's number."

"Yeah wait a minute" said Niijima as he took out Kisara's information on his tablet and gave her number to Kenichi while he asked "But will she even come!?"

"Don't worry about that! She is a wild cat and I know which buttons to press to make the wild cat do what I want her to do" replied Kenichi with a smile then dialled the number which Niijima have him.

*ring ring ring ring*

Ragnarok Kisara's Hideout

Kisara was not in a good mood as her former boss whom she respects even now, has came to meet her, regarding her fight with Kenichi's team the so called Shinpaku alliance.

"What do you think Kisara will Loki be able to deal with Shinpaku Alliance" asked Kaname

"I don't know Kaname, as though they are a new team they have some strong peoples in it, Like that Shirahama Kenichi and those Two Dairy Cows. Hell even Takeda whose right hand was cured stays around that Kenichi" Kisara replied.

"Dairy Cows!?" asked Kaname as she raised her eyebrows looking towards Kisara for the answer of her question.

"Nothing just two irritating girls!?" said Kisara while not looking towards Kaname to in shame, Kaname also didn't asked anymore as she knew that Kisara easily gets jealous from girls with big breasts.

"Huh!? Interesting they may be able to spark some interest in Sir Ogata Kensei" said Kaname

"You want then to join us even after knowing that they have been against us from the beginning" asked Kisara.

"Kisara!! I joined Ragnarok with my Valkyries to learn from Sir Ogata Kensei and if there is a chance that some more people can make him interested in teaching us then I would like to take that chance" Kaname said.

"Right!? You are right I completely forgot about that! But Kaname this Sir Ogata Kensei has he taught anyone uptil now" asked Kisara.

"Oh Yes, Odin the first fist has been learning from him for quite sometime as his personal disciple and the reason that Ragnarok was made because he wanted to find more suitable disciple" replied Kaname.

"So that's how it is huh!!?" Kisara said to which Kaname nodded her head, they continued to talk until Kisara's phone rang showing an unknown number.

"Huh!? Who is this!?" Kisara thought while she picked the phone.

"Yes! Who is this!?" asked Kisara

"Hello! my wild Kitty how are you doing!?" asked Kenichi from the phone.

"YOUUU!!!!! KENICHI SHIRAHAMA!!" shouted Kisara as she stood up from her seat.

Kaname who was sitting infront of her raised an eyebrow and said "Put it on speaker, let's hear what he wants to say."

Though she didn't wanted to she did as Kaname asked her to do. Even though she knew that Kenichi will say something that will make her embarrassed in front of Kaname.

"Yes, It's me Kenichi Shirahama darling you don't have to be so excited for that!" Kenichi said

"You!!! K-E-N-C-H-I I will Kill you!?" said Kisara while grinding her teeth.

The Valkyrie members and Shiratori who were not far from Kisara and Kaname's position didn't heard there conversation but clearly heard the shouts that Kisara was making.

"Kisara stop shouting!! Ask him the reason he called you!?" Kaname said to Kisara.

"Oh! Such sweet and calm voice who could it be!?" Kenichi said making Kaname look at the phone from where the voice came.

"If it isn't The Third Fist Freya, fertility goddess and leader of the Valkyries." said Kenichi and as he finished, his words made Kaname blush a little maybe in shame or anger or something else due to him calling her Fertility Goddess.

By this time the Valkyries and Shiratori we standing right next to Kisara and Kaname so as to know whom they are talking with.

"Why have you called me Kenichi Shirahama and how the hell did you even got my number" asked Kisara

"Well I have my own network of informants for that and the reason I called you was because I wanted to invite you to a meal" Kenichi said

"Meal!? Haa Why would I have a meal with you" Kisara asked

"Because we already had one before and this time I am telling you to call everyone you could, yeah why don't you come as well Miss Freya. I would be honoured to bye a meal for you" said Kenichi.

"We wo-" Kisara was going to say no but Kaname stopped her and said "Ok we will come just text us the address"

"Ok will do..." Kenichi said then disconnected the phone

"Why did you excepted his offer" asked Kisara from Kaname.

Kaname looked at Kisara and replied "Because I wanted to meet this guy and see what is the reason for his confidence...."

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