Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 101 I Met Boss Liu For The First Time

Chapter 101

Tang Feng originally planned to accompany Bai Yaqing to spend a few days in the capital, but he didn’t have that time at all. There were too many things waiting for him to deal with. Chen Yuhua went to major mobile phone companies. Any result. YY has stopped development without his team leader, only two artists are constantly improving the beautification of the official website.

Fatty and Dewey took over the work of Chen Yuhua first. The two of them were also busy. Fortunately, the post has entered the normal stage of development. As long as there are regular checks for loopholes and non-compliant posts. Xu Yan is developing the sub-page 58 of Tieba in accordance with Tang Feng’s request. Fortunately, Tang Feng organized the planning of before coming to Beijing.

In Zhongguancun, Bai Yaqing did not understand why Tang Feng pulled herself here early in the morning, as if looking for a name he had never heard before. People call him Boss Liu. When it comes to Boss Liu, later generations will know it, but now, Few people knew him at all in the capital where a brick could kill two directors and directors.

In 2003, Boss Liu’s “Jingdong Multimedia” business in Zhongguancun was in full swing. In just a few years, 12 branches have been opened one after another, and the scenery is endless. In his plan, he will continue to expand physical stores in the second half of the year and strive to become the industry leader in retail IT products. Those who are familiar with Boss Liu know that “Qianzi” has ambitions and wants to be the best and the biggest in everything, so he wants to open one family after another.

Before 2003, his goal was to become Gome and Suning in the 3C field. At that time, already had many chain stores. If there were no such big plague, there would be no Mall today. (In 2003, everyone knew what happened, but it didn’t mention it in order to prevent harmony.)

There are few people shopping, so they don’t walk around and are in a hurry. The more important thing is the old Liu Renyi. He said that he could not make his employees get sick for his own money. He accompanied more than 8 million in just one month. Just when Boss Liu was desperate, a teenager found him and he was the protagonist of the book. Tang Feng, if Tang Feng does not appear, Boss Liu will also become China’s leading tycoon after more than 10 years according to the normal development of history.

To be honest, Boss Liu at that time was a little white at all. He didn’t know the charm of the Internet. He only knew Tencent’s QQ. Even Bai Yaqing didn’t understand why Tang Feng found such a person and listened to the conversation between two people. It seems that there is still some cooperation to talk about.

When Tang Feng first saw Boss Liu, he was much younger than his previous life. He politely extended his hand, “Hello, Boss Liu.” Boss Liu looked at the middle school student in front of him dumbly, politely Reach out, “Are you?”

“Boss Liu, my name is Tang Feng. This is my sister Bai Yaqing, the current general manager of Yade Information Technology Co., Ltd., which is YY. We are looking for you this time because we have a good project and we want to cooperate with you, I don’t know. Can you take a step to speak?”

YY? Boss Liu seems to have heard that it seems that a newly emerging company is similar to QQ. He looked up and down the two people. If he hadn’t seen Bai Yaqing’s dignified look, he would really think Tang Feng is a liar.

Boss Liu didn’t even know what the purpose of these two people was for finding themselves, and he didn’t care about cooperation. He chose a place where there were few people and stopped, “Let’s talk about it?”

“Boss Liu, I know you have encountered difficulties recently. Is it a sales problem?” Boss Liu gave Tang Feng a strange look, even he knew this.

“Don’t be surprised, Boss Liu, you also know that we do the Internet. I believe you should be no stranger? We have developed a new sales plan and want to cooperate with you. I don’t know what you think?”

“Internet, online sales?” Boss Liu is really thorough.

Tang Feng smiled and nodded. At this time, Bai Yaqing could understand it roughly, but she didn’t know why Tang Feng found such a person to cooperate with him so far, why not do it himself or find someone with a stronger ability to cooperate. , She just listened without interrupting.

“Yes, if Boss Liu is interested, don’t let us talk about it.” Tang Feng has already decided on Boss Liu. This year can be said to be a turning point for Boss Liu. Tang Feng only acts as a catalyst and accelerates. Boss Liu’s turning progress.

“Can it be done?” Although Boss Liu will eventually embark on that path, he doesn’t know whether he will succeed before he does. After nearly 10 years of training and exploration, he is gradually succeeding.

“Boss Liu, since I found you, then I believe that we will be able to succeed. To be honest, I have heard the story of Boss Liu since I was a child. The reason why we asked you to cooperate is because I admire your personality, and For the willfulness of commercial development, we came to Beijing from Haicheng this time just for you.”

“Have you heard of me?” Boss Liu opened his mouth wide and looked incredulous. Where did Tang Feng come into contact with Boss Liu? This is not for the sake of further cooperation. No matter what method he uses, Boss Liu must be pulled into his own boat.

“In fact, it’s not anymore. It’s a distant cousin who used to work in Zhongguancun. He admires your personality very much. These are all he told me.” Tang Feng made a fool of himself.

Boss Liu didn’t expect to have his own fans in Zhongguancun, and he must meet if he had the opportunity. Then he said, “I don’t know who your cousin is?”(Read more @

After Boss Liu finished speaking, Tang Feng’s face changed, “Boss Liu, I made you laugh. My cousin, my cousin, I am ashamed of all. He had a car accident on his way home last year. …” Tang Feng sighed when he said here.

Bai Yaqing, who is standing next to Tang Feng, has been turning with her beautiful purpose. She is thinking that Tang Feng actually had such a cousin, but she is a bit strange, why Tang Feng has never told herself, think again Even when I came here this time, I didn’t discuss with myself, and I felt a little sad.

There are things that Tang Feng can’t discuss with Bai Yaqing. He can only use the results to prove that he is right. If she tells her that she came here to find a boss Liu to work with, she will definitely have a lot of problems, such as you. How did you get to know him, why you asked him to cooperate, too many questions, Tang Feng couldn’t explain clearly at all, could she tell her that she was a rebirth? Is this possible? This is his biggest secret, what if it is exposed and catch him to be Xiaobai?

The rebirth not only knows the direction of the economy, but also the direction of the world, such as earthquakes, floods and other natural disasters; wars, aggressions and other countries and the development prospects of countries; the development direction of culture and science and technology, and the future is the master of the destiny .

After more than half an hour of flicking, Tang Feng finally touched Boss Liu. The two people reached a preliminary sense of cooperation. Reaching a preliminary sense of cooperation does not mean that both parties must cooperate. Boss Liu still has a lot of things to do, such as Tang. The identification of Feng and Bai Yaqing’s identity, as well as his own strength, etc. are too many factors. For this reason, he is going to visit Haicheng in person.

When Tang Feng and Boss Liu were discussing the awareness of cooperation, the general meeting of shareholders of Baidu was led by Mr. Li in the meeting room of Baidu, and they were discussing the acquisition of Tieba.

“Shareholders, I believe you all know that we discussed the acquisition of Tieba yesterday. We have already sent you the specific situation. I don’t know if you have any comments?” President Li sat in the middle of the meeting room and waited for everyone. After reading the documents in hand, he said.

“Mr. Li, the other party may not be too big to speak.” This is Mr. Xu, another major shareholder of Baidu, who snorted directly after reading the information on the table.

“Mr. Li, I don’t agree with such an acquisition plan. This is simply nonsense. Don’t say whether our current situation at Baidu is able to spend so much money to acquire Tieba. Even if it does, I will not agree.”

“I don’t agree.”

“I don’t agree.”

Several small shareholders in a row opposed such an acquisition proposal. Only the last two people did not speak. Mr. Li looked at the two people and said, “Lao Yang and Lao Niu, you can also express your opinions!”

Lao Yang looked at Lao Niu, “Let Niu speak first!”

Lao Niu glanced at Lao Yang and then said, “Mr. Li, since this plan was proposed by the other party, then I would like to ask what will happen if we don’t buy Posts?”

“Assistant Xu, let’s talk to everyone!” President Li looked at his assistant Xu Ying.

Xu Ying nodded to President Li and stood up, “According to the information provided by the other party, in addition to our Baidu wanting to reach a sense of cooperation with Tieba, there are also several of our competitors, especially Yahoo and Google. Tieba issued an invitation letter. Our initial assessment of Tieba is 30 million. However, we have ignored his development prospects and development speed, which has deviated from our final assessment.”

“Assistant Xu, if the other party has always been at a high price and finally can’t sell it, we can develop a new post.” Lao Yang interrupted suddenly.

President Li coughed lightly, “Lao Yang, let me answer you this question! Post it, the other party will not worry about not being able to sell it. If it really reaches that point, the other party will definitely reduce the price. This is what we most hope to see. But, how long this period of time is, we don’t know, and we don’t guarantee that the other party will turn their faces and break with us completely and sell Tieba to our opponents. That is simply a disaster for our Baidu.”

Old Yang thought for a while and then asked: “Why does the other party have to sell the post?”

“Because of money. Now the other party needs money very much. If the other party is not in urgent need of money, it is likely to create a new search engine again.” This time, President Li answered without thinking about it.

“Mr. Li, are you looking at the other person too highly?” Lao Niu said unconvinced.

“Lao Niu, I thought so before the mysterious founder of them. Even after seeing him, I only think that he is an ordinary middle school student. He looks black and dressed like a rural baby. , Nothing shines.” Mr. Li showed a wry smile when he thought of Tang Feng now. He was deceived by him, and he paused for a while and then said:

“Aren’t you curious? Actually, I’m also curious. To put it in a bad way, I was deceived by his appearance. Think about how it developed by posting? And his development speed, if you change it to you, Can you do it?” Everyone was silent when listening to Mr. Li’s words.

“Until I met him yesterday, I realized that Tieba has such a rapid development speed. It is not surprising that his philosophy, his control of the market, and the direction of development, if he can create a second Baidu, I It’s not surprising at all. Fortunately, he is not our competitor, otherwise we don’t know how to die.” Li always said while sighing, why can’t such talents be earned under his command.

“Mr. Li, I know that Tieba is very powerful. You may not be too exaggerated to talk about each other and destroy your own prestige. We, Baidu, have always been ahead of China in terms of search engines. We have the best development team and marketing plan. How come you Has your mouth become so bad?” Mr. Xu said a bit angrily.

“Mr. Xu, it’s not that I have the ambition of others to destroy my prestige. You should know about YY? Maybe everyone has been skeptical about the authenticity of the sale of Tieba. You don’t know the reason, because you don’t know that Tieba and YY are originally the same.” President Li’s words are like a stone falling into the sea, causing a thousand waves.

“Mr. Li, are you sure that this news is true?” Mr. Xu, who had been resentful, became solemn.

“I don’t know who of you has investigated the development history of Tieba and YY?”

“Mr. Li, you said that I can’t figure out a lot of things. These two companies have developed suddenly, and the speed of development is almost on the rocket. The two companies seem to be unrelated, but they are tight. Closely linked together, I don’t know if you have noticed that all the activities of YY come from Tieba, and every time it is publicized by Tieba, including the initial installation package of YY.” Lao Yang added after listening to Mr. Li’s words .

After listening to the conversation between the two people, Mr. Xu couldn’t sit still anymore, “Mr. Li, if you say that, I agree to buy the post, but 50 million is too high, we simply can’t get it out, can we pay in installments? , And 10% of Baidu’s shares are too much. Can it become 5%? If this condition is met, I don’t mind buying posts!”

Mr. Li and Xu are always Baidu’s largest shareholders, and the combined shares of the two have exceeded 70%. It is useless if two people approve the other people’s opposition.

“I agree with Mr. Xu’s approach. Although this acquisition is costly, it is not an opportunity.”

“I also agree with Mr. Xu. In addition, I have a personal opinion. Since it is an acquisition, it includes all of them, especially the two mini games. He is a part of Tieba, and we are not allowed to distribute them separately.”

“I agree.”

Now that the two major shareholders have agreed, those small shareholders have also agreed.

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