Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 635 Before Leaving

Chapter 637

Tang Feng stayed with his parents for the next week. One week later, Tang Feng called Nangong Yuqing to his side, “Yuqing, as my apprentice, I haven’t really taught you anything yet. It’s you who have been helping me. I’m a person with clear grievances and grievances. Today, I will teach you something, but you must make sure that you can’t spread these things out, otherwise, I’ll have to implement it if I get to Jiuyou Convicted of the teacher.”

Originally Tang Feng and kind, Nangong Yuqing was very happy when she heard that Tang Feng was really willing to teach herself something, but then she saw Tang Feng’s cold face, she was shocked at the time, “Master, don’t worry, I will not pass it on to anyone.”

“This is the last time I have taught you. My family will leave it to you in the future. Maybe I will come back in a few years. Maybe this is a farewell. If you are lucky, maybe we still have a chance to meet. At that time I was teaching you the real magic.”

Tang Feng looked at Nangong Yuqing’s eyes earnestly while speaking. The eyes are the window of the soul. From the eyes of a person, you can read the person’s heart.

Nangong Yuqing nodded first, and then a little confused, “Master, are you going to leave? Where are you going?”

“There are some things you may not know. Since we are leaving, it is time to tell you something. There are many worlds outside of our earth. The earth is just a small world in the small world. The environment here has been affected. Serious damage is no longer suitable for cultivation. I must leave here to find a new world, that is, the realm of cultivation.”

“Cultivation world?”

“Master, is there really a realm of cultivation? Where is he?”

Nangong Yuqing has too many questions. This is the first time she has heard about the realm of cultivation.

“Your current strength is still too low. Don’t talk about self-protection wherever you go. Even passing through the gate is a problem. When your strength has not reached its peak, don’t get close to the gate, otherwise you will die. Land.”

Tang Feng is telling the truth, even if he brings Yimeng and Bai Yaqing to the limit, fortunately, both of them are cultivators. If they are replaced by ordinary people, he can do nothing.

“Master, when are you going to leave?”

Nangong Yuqing was a little sad. She really fell in love with Tang Feng, and now she is about to parte. Maybe, as he said, it’s a farewell.

“This is for you. If you use your mental power to probe, you can see what’s inside, and you will destroy it after you memorize it. Don’t fall into the hands of others.”

Tang Feng said that he put a jade medal in Nangong Yuqing’s hand.


“What else?”

Tang Feng frowned. He found that Nangong Yuqing’s situation was a bit wrong.

“Tang Feng, I like you.”

Nangong Yuqing looked at Tang Feng affectionately, hoping to engrave the figure of this man in her mind forever. This is her last chance. If she doesn’t confess, there will be no chance again.

“Yuqing, you are a good girl. Hope you don’t let me down.”

After Tang Feng spoke, he walked outside without looking back.

“Master, can I give you a hug? Just a moment.”

Suddenly, Nangong Yuqing chased him and hugged Tang Feng from behind.

Tang Feng was a little unbearable and did not resist. About 5 minutes later, “Okay, I’m leaving, and my parents will leave it to you. There is also a woman named Chen Yuhua. Please take care of me and help me.” Just help her more.”

When people left, only Nangong Yuqing’s infatuated gaze was left, and the only memorial was the cyan jade medallion.

Tang Feng still has a lot of things to do. This time he is going to Beijing, some people still have to meet, and some things still have to be resolved.

A day later, Tang Feng walked out of the Beijing Airport with black sunglasses. His handsome appearance instantly attracted countless eyes. Some bold girls even showed ecstatic eyes. As long as he hooked his fingers, he quickly hugged.

Renmin University Library.

“Hi! Beauty, how about being my girlfriend?”

A handsome guy with sunglasses walked over to a girl who was reading a book with her head down. The girl didn’t even hear it. She continued to read the book, and regarded the other person as air.

“Beauty, it’s so shameless, if you kiss me, I will forgive you for being rude.”

The eyes of the people around him widened, and the man on the opposite side actually put his hand on the shoulder of the goddess, and also waited for the goddess’ madness, in exchange for a slap in the face.


The girl was furious, and just about to turn around and slap the other person, she was stunned, “Is it you? Is it really you?” Her voice was very small, and no one around him heard it.

“Why, you won’t pay the kisses you owe me?”

Tang Feng looked at this familiar face and smiled. That’s right, this handsome boy is Tang Feng, and that girl is Chen Yuyao who hasn’t seen him for two years.

Chen Yuyao was a little shy, looked around, there were a lot of people around, and seemed to be watching some excitement. Finally, with the courage she gathered, she stood on tiptoe…

Everyone’s eyes widened and saw an incredible scene where the goddess of Renmin University actually took the initiative to kiss a boy.

“Either way, if I had known that Senior Sister was so easy to strike up a conversation with, I would have gone a long time ago.”

A boy was indignant, but also a little envious of Tang Feng.

“You, dream? If you change to you, I guess it’s not a kiss. The greeting is just a slap in the face. Didn’t you see Goddess Chen’s eyes? It means that two people know each other, and they are lovers.”

The other boy who looked like a butterscot curled his lips.

“No, I have heard that Goddess Chen has always been very clean and self-conscious, but I have never heard of any scandals with her, let alone any boyfriend she has.”

The entire Renmin University exploded. The campus goddess took the initiative to kiss the mysterious man. There are pictures and the truth. Posts and forums are discussing this issue everywhere.(Read more @

The two did not kiss. Chen Yuyao just tapped on Tang Feng’s lips. It happened to be photographed by a photographer and posted on the Internet. This caused a sensation across the campus.

“He’s back, he actually came to the capital.”

When Ye Tianxue saw the picture, she became excited at the time, but when she saw the girl again, her face changed, “It turns out he has other women.”

“What have you done in the past two years? You just left without a sound. Do you know how I feel?”

Inside the Old Tan Duck Head Hall, Chen Yuyao looked at Tang Feng aggrievedly with tears hanging from the corners of her eyes. In the past two years, she has been thinking about him all the time, often thinking of him secretly in the middle of the night alone, thinking about the scene of the two of them meeting him.

Tang Feng’s goal is to accompany Chen Yuyao for three days, maybe three days later is the time when the two people are separated.

“Yuyao, this is for you, I hope you will always take him, don’t take it off, don’t take it off even if it’s a bath.”

Tang Feng took Chen Yuyao’s hand and put a purple bracelet on her wrist. It was exactly the glass kind of violet that year. He had already held the bracelet a long time ago, and now he has depicted the formation on it again, and wearing it for a long time can prolong life.

“Thank you.”

Chen Yuyao didn’t know the value of this jade bracelet at all, but looked very beautiful and liked it very much, so she didn’t think much about it at the time.

“Come and drop a drop of blood.”

Tang Feng took out a steel needle as he spoke.

Chen Yuyao didn’t think too much. Just as Tang Feng said, she gave her finger a little bit. Although it hurt, she didn’t complain. When a drop of blood dripped on it, it was quickly absorbed by the jade bracelet.

This violet jade bracelet is no longer an ordinary bracelet, but has been portrayed as a magic weapon by Tang Feng. Now it is a drop of blood to recognize the master, just to prevent some people from unpredictable.

When the blood dripped on the jade bracelet, the jade bracelet seemed to be alive, and even became a part of her body. If she didn’t want to, no one could take him off her arm. Not only that, but also has a certain defensive effect, able to defend against ordinary swords.

For three whole days, the two of them were almost tired of being together, and Chen Yuyao, who had never been absent from class, actually missed class.

“Yuyao, forget me!”

In the Old Tan Duck Head Hall, it’s time to end. In these three days, apart from the last level of relationship between the two, the boy and girl friends have done everything they need to do, watch movies, travel, and go shopping. …

Chen Yuyao was stunned. Tang Feng was okay just now, so why did she say such a thing.


Chen Yuyao resisted the tears and tried not to let him stay.

“I’m going to go to a place far, far away, and I may never come back again. You are still young. In the future, you will get married if you find a good person!”

Tang Feng was a little unbearable, she must have been the woman she used to, just like this, she let her go.

“It’s far, far, how far, I’ll wait for you.”

Chen Yuyao’s eyes were very firm, and she seemed to have spotted something.

Tang Feng shook his head, “Forget me!” After saying that, he walked outside, even if he didn’t turn his head back, only Chen Yuyao was left behind.

Maybe this is the best ending for two people. After regaining the feeling of love, he does not regret it. He had also probed Chen Yuyao’s body, but she had no spiritual roots at all, unable to cultivate, and there was nothing left behind.

Ye Tianxue, he had left her with something, so there was no need to meet him, but he didn’t know that she had been looking for him frantically in Manjing for the past three days.

At the gate of a certain bank in Beijing, Leng Yuhan was stopped by a strange man just after get off work, “Beauty, am I honored to invite you to dinner together?”

Originally Leng Yuhan ignored it at all, but she was stunned. The face that had remembered, “Is it you?”

“Beauty, am I honored to invite you to dinner together?”

Tang Feng repeated it again with a smile on his face.

This should be the second time the two have met. If it weren’t for Leng Yuhan’s deep memory, I’m afraid he would have forgotten the man in front of him.


Leng Yuhan looked at Tang Feng’s stretched hand and put it on, the cold expression on his face was somewhat relieved. She doesn’t have much feelings for Tang Feng, if it weren’t for his sudden appearance, she would have forgotten about this man a little.

“Where have you been all these years?”

Tang Feng didn’t speak, and finally Leng Yuhan couldn’t hold it anymore, and then opened his mouth.


Tang Feng only said two words.


In this way, the two people are embarrassed again.

“Don’t you have a boyfriend yet?”

Suddenly, Tang Feng turned to look at Leng Yuhan.

Leng Yuhan was stunned for a moment, “Not yet.” Then he seemed a little sad, as if he was thinking of something unhappy.

“Do you think of him?”

Tang Feng seemed to see something.

“what are you saying.”

“Actually, you are not right. He is in United States now, with a woman named Alice. You should have forgotten him a long time ago.”

“Are you investigating me?”

Leng Yuhan looked at the man in front of him in horror.

“No, because you are a woman in my previous life, I know you very well. Do you think that day was an accident? No, because I knew you were in trouble, I rushed there on purpose, and this saved you, then It is also the first time we are similar. I saved you in the previous life, but I saved you again in this life.”

Tang Feng is like telling a story, telling something unrelated to him. What he said was so mysterious, it was impossible to believe it at all.

If the man on the opposite side was lying to himself, why did he suddenly disappear for two years and only appeared today, and then said these strange things to himself?

Leng Yuhan was a little at a loss, she didn’t know whether she should believe the man in front of her.

“Just treat it as I tell the story.”

Tang Feng seemed to see Leng Yuhan’s mind.

“Are you true? Then can you tell me the story of our previous life?”

Perhaps because of curiosity, Leng Yuhan actually asked such a thing.

“In a previous life, we also met that day. At that time, you were given medicine. I saved you. There were a lot of people at that time. I couldn’t beat them at all. Fortunately, I was witty and called a policeman. Scared the opponent away…”

Tang Feng slowly talked about the two people back then, but he didn’t mention Leng Yuqing’s affairs. He knew what to say and what not to say.

Leng Yuhan listened very seriously, and suddenly smiled, “It looks like what you say is true. I didn’t expect you to have the ability to make stories like this.”

“If you believe it, you won’t.”

Tang Feng also smiled happily.

“But I’m so curious, how did you know about the affairs between me and Zheng Zihe?”

Leng Yuhan thinks this kind of thing is too strange. If you don’t believe it, there are many things that can’t be explained. Believe it, this is too mysterious, it has become a metaphysics.

“I have said that you are a woman from my previous life. Of course, you know about your rivals. How else can you hold a beautiful woman?”

Tang Feng looked at Leng Yuqing seemingly jokingly.

“You can’t talk about anything else? Is that how you chase girls? But this trick doesn’t work for me.”

Leng Yuhan didn’t know that Tang Feng’s words were true or that they were false.

“Do you still chase after me? You are my girlfriend.”

In Tang Feng’s eyes, perhaps this is the best ending. To be able to see her for the last time, but to forget the fate between the two people.

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