Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 671 Murder In The Middle Of The Night

Chapter 673

After becoming a furnace tripod, Chang Qingping was simply obedient to Tang Feng. The seed had grown into a towering tree in her body, affecting her all the time. This is the overbearing aspect of Yin Yang Art.

Tang Feng has no guilt for a woman like Chang Qingping. The only regret is that she is a little sorry for Bai Yaqing. The original plan was to use her for double cultivation for the first time. Her disappearance made the two people wonder when they were able to meet each other. .

After two days of adjustments, Tang Feng’s strength was completely stabilized in the early stage of the golden core. The 7th-grade golden core, plus the previous rebirth, made his strength even surpass that of the ordinary mid-phase golden core, especially the physical hardness. Has reached the peak of the Golden Core, this is the benefit brought by the Ninth Rank and the Golden Body Decision.

The white and tender skin seems to be very elastic, but who can know that even if he is not defensive, he has reached the level of invulnerability. If he is facing Japanese missiles, he can escape without any damage.

In the past two days, he did not let Chang Qingping come to him, and there is one last day, which is tomorrow, which is the scheduled departure time.

After Chang Qingping returned, he continued to organize the exploration of the Ten Thousand Beast Forest, but there was nothing unusual.

In 3008 AD, under the leadership of Chang Qingping, a group of 16 people once again stepped into the Forest of Ten Thousand Beasts. These 16 people included Tang Feng, Kang Mingyang and 13 core disciples of the Chang family. All of them were Chang’s core disciples. The young strength of the family, she spent a lot of thought to get someone from her father.

Chang Qingping is still Chang Qingping. Walking in the middle of the team, it seems that there is no abnormality. In fact, she occasionally takes a peek at Tang Feng next to him. Tang Feng pretends not to see it, and the journey is considered safe. The more monsters go inside, the more monsters there will be, there is no need for Chang Qingping to take action at all, the Chang family disciples under him will solve it and receive the demon pill.

Kang Mingyang knew that Tang Feng would inspire the demon pill, and he would not let him go about digging the demon pill. The reason was that he was a lucky star. In fact, he was afraid that Tang Feng would do some tricks to inspire the demon pill. If they suffer, he will not take risks.

Chang Qingping was even more uncharacteristic. He actually agreed to his request and put him beside him. It seemed normal, but in fact it was very abnormal. Kang Mingyang didn’t notice it because his mind was put on Tang. The other disciples found out about Feng, because they found that the eldest lady’s temper had improved since the man appeared.

“Senior Brother, this kid is really amazing. Since he came, we haven’t encountered any powerful monsters. No wonder the eldest will take him.”

“Little Junior Brother, what is this kid’s background? How do I think that both Senior Brother Kang and Miss Kang are defending him, it is completely inconsistent with the personalities of the two.”

“Senior Brother, you can’t even tell, how can Junior Brother see it? Right, Junior Brother?”

It is strange to say that since Tang Feng joined the team, there have been a lot fewer monsters, and the disciples brought by Chang Qingping can actually relax and chat.


“Everyone, be careful, be on guard!”

When a few people were chatting happily, a tiger roar interrupted the chat, and Chang Qingping also reminded them in time.

Blinking his eyes, a black giant tiger appeared in front of everyone, staring at everyone.

The black tiger, a third-level monster, can reach the peak of the golden core in adulthood. It is 2 feet tall and has a black body. It is a large monster. Its combat power can reach the early stage of Yuan Ying. The black tiger in front of us is 2 feet tall, obviously one. Adult black tiger.


If none of the people here can escape from fighting alone, the reason Chang Qingping brought so many people out is to prevent the appearance of such monsters. The black tiger is already a top-level existence on the edge of the forest of ten thousand beasts. Cultivators in the Yuan Ying period exist and can only win by relying on formations.

Under the organization of Chang Qingping, 15 people quickly formed a small sky star formation, and its attack power even reached the middle stage of Yuan Ying. This is the power of the formation. This is why the Chang family can rest assured that these disciples will come out. , The death of the pinnacle last time was completely an accident. The silver fox evolved into two tails, and it was already a level 4 monster, which was an extremely rare phenomenon.


The black tiger kept roaring, showing his dominance, and he would expel all people from here, even kill them.

The battle was on the verge of breaking out. Tang Feng got into the ground without everyone paying attention. This kind of battle is not what he can participate in at present, and hiding in the ground is the best choice.

“The sky is full of stars!”

As Chang Qingping, all the skills of a dozen people were involved in her. Her strength reached the early Yuan Ying stage. A sword pierced out with a thousand golden rays of light, covering the whole body of the black tiger.

Able to reach the level of the black tiger, he has a certain IQ long ago. Feeling the danger, he immediately uttered a whistle, “Aw!” The whistle spread thousands of miles, and the huge sound wave instantly blew the golden light away, leaving only hidden Golden sword.


Chang Qingping’s sword collided with the black tiger’s claws, and the black tiger took a step back obviously, and Chang Qingping’s sword also shifted its direction. The first move, Chang Qingping, had the upper hand.

The one with the lowest strength here is Tang Feng. The other fifteen formed a formation and are integrated. Their strength is comparable to that of the black tiger, and the impact is very small. Tang Feng who is hiding in the ground can be miserable. At that time, blood spurted out and he was injured.

Tiger Howl is a range attack skill. The sound can not only spread in the air, but also in the material. Tang Feng’s strength is too different from that of the black tiger. This is why he suffered a certain amount of damage without any precautions, if it weren’t for him. His physique is special, and he has both internal and external cultivation, and this one can kill him.

“falling stars!”

Chang Qingping screamed, the formation changed, and the sword sent a golden light straight to the black tiger’s forehead.

If the sky full of stars just now was a group attack skill, then the fallen star now is a single attack skill, and Evergreen’s sword is like a falling star turning into a shooting star.(Read more @

The black tiger is huge, and the meteor speed is so fast. The black tiger is unable to dodge at all. It can only be hard to connect. “Dang!” Sparks are emitted between the sword and the sharp claws. The sword is slapped by the sharp claws. Flew by on the left and stabbed on a thick tree, “Boom!” The big tree fell to the ground, showing the power of the fallen stars, even if it is left over, a big tree can be cut off.


He was frustrated twice in a row, which obviously angered the black tiger. He changed from passive to active. He took the initiative to attack and jumped three feet. The giant claw larger than the washbasin patted Changqing flatly.

“Star Barrier!”

The sword formation changed, and the fourteen swords formed a sword wall, completely blocking the attack of tiger claws.

The confrontation between the two is equal, and it is difficult to tell the winner in a short period of time. Chang Qingping must be 15 people. They have a certain advantage in strength, and they have an advantage in durability. The black tiger loses. Sooner or later.

Half an hour later, Heihu’s attack power began to weaken, and several wounds appeared on his body. The king’s majesty did not allow him to escape, even if it was his own life.

The fifteen people here didn’t feel that well either, the consumption was very huge, and now they have used spirit stones for maintenance, and some disciples even used pill.

Pills are a luxury even in the realm of comprehension, and alchemists are very respected.

“The star core has fallen!”

With Chang Qingping’s loud shout, a golden light was like the sun, exuding dazzling brilliance, and flew straight to the black tiger. This was the strongest blow of the small sky star array, reaching the mid-primary stage directly.

The star core is the core of a star, the gathering point of energy, and the energy it emits is the energy of the entire star. The energy of this blow has exceeded the energy of the golden core self-detonation.


Heihu had already sensed the danger, and he kept roaring.


The golden light collided with the sharp claws, but it was blocked. The golden light continued to move forward and directly hit the black tiger’s forehead. A hole with a big bowl mouth looked so terrifying that the black tiger fell to the ground and could only make the final struggle. , Obviously hasn’t completely died yet.

“Chi! Chi Chi Chi…”

Several swords pierced the black tiger’s dantian. The black tiger lost the support of energy and completely lost his life. A generation of kings fell. In the near future, this generation of forests will have new kings.

“You Ruo, let’s go, it seems we don’t need our help!”

Thousands of meters away, there is an old man standing with two girls beside him. The younger one is in his teens and the older one is in his twenties. If Tang Feng is there, he will definitely be able to recognize him. The year-old girl was Yimeng who had separated from him.

There is no idea about the things here. After killing the black tiger, they all adjusted their breaths in place. This battle must be a lot of consumption for everyone. If you encounter a monster of the same level, it may be difficult to deal with.

The battle was over. Tang Feng also got out of the ground, but he looked a little weak and couldn’t even stand firmly.

“Earth escape!”

Lost the cover, Tang Feng’s escape technique was discovered, and a disciple of the Chang family screamed in exclamation, all guessing his origin.

Tu Dun is a top-notch technique, and only big sects exist. It is even a legend that once Tu Xing grandson used Tu Dun to defeat Xiqi, it can be said to be famous.

There is no other way. The injury is too serious. He must heal the injury in time. He can’t maintain the escape technique for a long time. He can only get out of the spot.

“Everyone shut up for me, this matter must be avoided, no one can say it, otherwise we are all in danger, Junior Brother Kang, you go and see his injuries.”

Chang Qingping didn’t dare to be abnormal, and at the same time he knew the seriousness of the matter. Once the wind leaked, everyone might be in danger.

The requirements of the earth escape are very high. First of all, it must be the attribute of the earth, and the second is the talent. Even if some people have learned the earth escape, they are only fur, they can only escape into the ground, or even cannot move, just like the ninjas in Japan. He couldn’t get down to the ground as easily as Tang Feng.

Tang Feng’s injury was really serious, but it was not fatal. With the help of the Evergreen Ping Pill, he quickly recovered and was able to use his own power to repair it.

This kind of delay time is also slowly draining, the sky will soon get dark, walking in the forest at night is a very dangerous thing, you can only set up camp.

Arranging a maze and killing formation around is an indispensable step to prevent monsters from sneaking attacks. Among the disciples that Chang Qingping brought, there are professionals who know the formation method. After some arrangement, they quickly formed a formation. Small formations, at least in case of a sneak attack, can remind everyone in time, so that everyone is ready.

Tonight is a special night. Chang Qingping is going to use this opportunity to kill Kang Mingyang. She has been preparing for this opportunity for a long time.

“Brother Kang, come to my tent at night.”

Chang Qingping walked past Kang Mingyang inadvertently and said in a low voice.

Kang Mingyang seemed a little surprised, but looking at Chang Qingping’s twisted body, he was full of desire in an instant, “Do you think Miss…” He has been pitying her beauty for a long time, only because of Chang Qingping’s strength. Don’t dare to show it easily.

From the various behaviors of Kang Mingyang, it can be reflected that he is a person with great desire, so he works very hard, even among the disciples of the same age, he is also the best, and he has followed Chang Qingping all the year round, just hope that one day Get her favor.

“Does the lady ask me to discuss that kid’s business?”

Kang Mingyang is a very smart person. He can think of it, and guess Chang Qingping must also think of it. It was just his obsession just now. It is probably what happened today and what happened last time. She found something unusual.

The night was quiet. At about the third shift, Kang Mingyang quietly left his tent. He observed the surroundings first and found that there was nothing unusual. Then he walked gently to Changqingping’s tent.


Kang Mingyang first pretended to cough twice.

“come in!”

Chang Qingping’s voice was a little abnormal, and it sounded very charming, which made Kang Mingyang, who was already a little nervous, even more uncertain.

The eyes of the cultivator disagree with ordinary people. Even at night, they can see things around them clearly. Kang Mingyang just walked into the Changqingping tent and felt bloody. She wore very thin, looming, especially added. The misty night makes the sense of temptation stronger.


Kang Mingyang swallowed, feeling a little dry mouth.

“sit down!”

Chang Qingping said softly.

The tent was originally small and could only allow two people to sleep. If Kang Mingyang sat down, it would almost stick to Chang Qingping’s body. He was a little nervous, and finally sat down.

“Does Miss really want to…”

At this time, this scene made Kang Mingyang’s brain a bit dull, full of wretchedness, and even thinking about what will happen next.

“Junior Brother Kang, have you been pitying me for a long time, do you really want to get me?”

Chang Qingping’s voice was very ambiguous and seductive, which made people feel like a crime. Kang Ming couldn’t imagine what would happen next.

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