Rebirth Online: From Single Mother to OP Demon Lord


After waking up, I walked downstairs, expecting mom to have breakfast ready. I arrived in our small dining area and saw some covered plates on the table. I didn't see my mother anywhere, and I felt kind of lonely. It didn't take me long to see the note on the table, and after reading it, I knew where she was.


I sat down and started to eat breakfast, which luckily was still warm. Shortly after I sat down, Aunt Alex walked in and joined me for breakfast. After breakfast, she left to go home and hop into the game later. I decided to do the same thing.


I found myself waking up in the inn the night before. I saw Emiko sitting at the small table in the room, but Gwyn…or mom, was nowhere to be found.


"Bout time you logged in. I don't know where Gwyn went. She was gone before I got in, makes me a little angry. She also isn't responding to any of my messages."


Seriously mom! You just log in and ditch us? I know you said you needed some space, but at least properly explain! I guess I have to be the one that breaks the news to Emiko.


"Sorry about her. She isn't in the right headspace at the moment and needed some time to herself."


"Really? I wonder why I didn't get that message?"


"It really wasn't a message that was sent. Um…how do I explain? I was hoping she would talk to you, but I guess I'll do it for her. So, Gwyn and I met up yesterday in real life."


"What?! You met up in real life? Why did you do that?"


"It wasn't on purpose. I was talking with my mom and aunt about the game yesterday and sort of discovered…that Gwyn…was my mom."


There was a moment of silence as Emiko looked at me as if waiting for the punchline to this joke. Once she realized there wasn't any, she came out of her daze.


"Gwyn, is your mom?! Wait! That means…Oh my god!”


Emiko quickly got over her shock before she started looking excitedly at me.


“This is just like the short stories I used to write during my years in high school. The forbidden romance between a mother and daughter, and I am caught in the middle of it. This inspires me to start writing again!"


Emiko looked as if she had stars in her eyes and looked as if she was about to keel over from excitement at any moment.


"Wait? What? So…you're ok with all of this?"


"Hm? Yeah, I am fine with this. Sorry, I got a little too excited at the moment. Please tell me everything that happened and don't leave anything out."


Why are people I know just suddenly ok with this? I am glad Emiko is fine with it. Was mom just thinking too much about this? I shake those thoughts away for now and tell Emiko the whole story of what happened that night.


"I see. So that's what happened. I guess I can understand why she needed some space. Well, I'll give her some space too, then I will go talk to her later. I hope she accepts your confession. In the meantime, let's go do some quests or something to take our minds off this for now."


I nodded my head, and after getting geared up, we left the inn.




After spending the morning with Old Man, I decided that I would wander around for a bit. I still need to think a bit more. I don't know how I feel about Yuki just yet. Before I knew who she was, I enjoyed myself around her and Emiko. Now that I know, I can't help but feel like I am doing something wrong.


I have a lot of things I need to do as well. Since Old Man recommended it, I should go to the magic academy to learn some magic and better mana control needed for some crafting. I also need to do that important quest too. Maybe I should just travel to the capital and do both things, then I can just pop back here when I am ready. It would be a good distraction for my problems.


I was lost in my thoughts when I bumped into Emiko, literally. The contact brought me out of my thoughts, and I noticed she was on the ground.


"Sorry. I wasn't paying attention to where I was walking."

I said as I helped Emiko to her feet.


"Ah! Gwyn! It's fine; I got separated from Lenora anyway. So…she may have kind of filled me in on what happened last night."


I felt my face get flushed with embarrassment at Emiko's words. As if sensing my mood, she quickly responded.


"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to embarrass you. I don't see anything wrong with any feelings between Lenora and yourself. I understand you may need time to figure yourself out, but until then, you shouldn't avoid us either."


"I know…you're right. But…"


"How about this? We will just hang out like friends right now in-game until you get yourself situated. No lovey-dovey stuff until then."


I think for a moment before accepting her proposal.


"Good. Now I will message Lenora and just have her meet us by the inn we stayed at. Then we can figure out our plans from there."


We didn't wait long for Lenora to show up at our meeting spot, where I then apologized to her. We walked through the town until we got to a café of sorts and took one of the outside tables to discuss our plans.


"Does anyone have things they still need to do in this town?" I asked everyone.


Lenora and Emiko both said they didn't have anything that needed to be done in town. I suggested that we go to the capital since I have a quest there and plan to go to the magic academy.


"That's a good idea. The schools in the capital cities offer advanced training. This will allow you to specialize your skills if you want."


I wasn't sure what Emiko meant by that, but Lenora or I guess Yuki, sensed my confusion and answered me.


"What she means mo…Gwyn, is that at those schools while they teach the basics like the ones in this town, but they also offer advanced stuff. For example, if a hunter such as you wanted to, they could learn how to be a ranger, or you could learn how to be an assassin."


"Lenora, you don't have to hold back for my sake. If you want to call her my mother instead of her in-game name, I won't mind at all."


Emiko started to get a scary look in her eyes as if she was staring at a buffet, and she hadn't eaten in years.


"Lenora, why is she looking at us like that?" I asked under the fierce gaze of Emiko.


"I…I think it is because she used to write short stories, most likely of the erotic kind, involving family members. She mentioned to me earlier that she was inspired to start up again."


That makes a scary kind of sense, I guess. Is she planning on using Yuki and me as material? Now that I think about it, Alex said something about those kinds of stories. Wait? Is that stuff actually popular? Am I the only one that cares about this thing between Yuki and me? I'll mull that over later.


"Anyway, how long would it take to get to Riadence, and do we need supplies?"


Emiko snaps out of whatever mood she was in before answering my question.


"The capital is about a day's travel from here. If we left early morning, we could reach the city by dusk. It would also be a good idea to bring a camping set with us. Just in case we get delayed and need to camp. The camping set allows up to five players a safe place to log off."


"That sounds good. Then how about we leave tomorrow morning? We can stock up here, and I can go let Old Man know I am going to the magic academy in the capital."


I managed to spend the day normally with Yuki and Emiko.  We visited some player-owned street vendors where I managed to sell a few of the potions I had. I was planning on making some more at Old Man's place when I told him my plans.


After all our preparations were done, we went to our usual inn to log out. We got our own rooms this time around. My pod door slid open, and I got out. I opted to forgo the shower right now and instead went to go make dinner.


Yuki joined me shortly afterward. It was a little awkward between us, with neither of knowing what to say, so we just finished our meals and did our own thing for the rest of the night.

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