Rebirth: The New Game of Life

Chapter 100: What is Your Wish?

The interior of the room was quiet enough, Liu Yang sat down next to Fang Luoyang, who was lying down, he was looking at her beautiful and exquisite face in an admired way, he had to admit that she was really very beautiful.

"Xillia, how is your child?" Liu Yang began to talk to Xillia Wolf to try to keep busy.

"She's fine, even though she's not in actual combat, her level is already at level 90, I stopped feeding her with Reconstruction Fruit's juice, because when my child reaches level 100, she'll go through the tribulation to gain ability of speak, as we are in a place with many people is very dangerous to go through tribulation in this kind of environment "

Liu Yang knew of some things about the tribulation that all beings should cross to be stronger, Liu Yang could not access the memories of Arthur Pendragon about this question because his level was low at the moment.

"Xillia, after the tide is over we will go to the Imperial Capital, and then to the First World, after that, we can go to some desolate place to get your child through tribulation." Liu Yang's suggestion was exactly what Xillia Wolf was thinking.

"Yes, I was thinking about it. Look at that little seed, I feel that her power is growing slowly. "Though Xillia Wolf could not see or feel exactly, she had a certain impression about the power of that little seed.

Long ago Liu Yang did not look at the tattoo of the small seed on his arm, the moment he looked, he was scared because Liu Yang clearly remembered that the tattoo was only a small seed, but now, the seed had germinated, had a small leaf growing.

Liu Yang could not see the information of the seed, nor of the child of Xillia Wolf because the two were in a different place. He just knew that the both were growing and getting stronger with each passing day.


Sometime later, Fang Luoyang finally woke up.

"Was that a dream?" She asked in a low voice.

"Miss Fang, do you want what happened between us to be just a dream?" Liu Yang's voice suddenly appears.

Looking to the side, Fang Luoyang finds the look of Liu Yang, who was staring at her. Due to Liu Yang's words, she began to remember the long section of kisses she and Liu Yang had given before, which made her face turn red with embarrassment.

"Rascal, are you really the young miss's husband?" Fang Luoyang looked sad when she said that.

"Yes, I am her husband, and also the other girl who came with her" Liu Yang did not hide about the fact that he had two wives.

"I have committed a great sin by using my body and my abilities to seduce you, a simple clan servant seducing the clan princess husband, it is a sin that I must pay with death." Fang Luoyang's eyes were losing their shine when she said those words.

"Oh ... !!" Fang Luoyang let out a small cry as Liu Yang lifts her up and puts her in the same position as before, Liu Yang lying on the sofa while Fang Luoyang was lying on top of him.

"What are you doing ??" Fang Luoyang was extremely embarrassed when she was placed in the same shameful position as before.

Pah ... !!

"Hmm ..."

The sound of a slap is heard, followed by a seductive groan. Liu Yang hit again on the fat bottom of Fang Luoyang.

"Why are you beating me again?"

"I'm punishing a troublesome woman"

"Rascal, do not you understand, I, like a servant, seduced the princess's husband, how can I look into the matriarch's eyes after that?"

Pah ...

"Hmm ..."

"I do not want to hear, what's wrong with seducing another woman's husband? In this world, if man wills, he may have multiple wives and concubines "

"But I…"

Pah ...

"I have not finished speaking yet, if you interrupt me again, I will give you another punishment, do you understand?"

"Yes ..." Fang Luoyang knew she could get rid of the Liu Yang's claws, but she did not, she just lay in his arms, while his hands caressed her soft plump bottom.

"Luoyang, do you understand that these words you say, this left Xiao Xi extremely sad and worried? What about the matriarch? If she knew you said those suicide words again she would be sad. "Liu Yang was trying to persuade Fang Luoyang to give up committing suicide. She was shy about the fact that Liu Yang is calling her by name.

"I know my words have left the young miss extremely sad, but I'm just a servant. She does not have to worry so much about me "

"Are you sure that for Xiao Xi, you're just a servant? Before she called you big sister Fang, but you did not seem to care about it, it was like it was normal "

"That's ..." Fang Luoyang did not know what to say, because deep down she still wanted to be a big sister to Xiao Xi as before, but she was still afraid of that fact.

"I know what happened in the past, Luoyang, you were not to blame for what happened, it was an accident, no one would ever imagine such a thing could happen"

"Did you know…"

"Yes, Xiao Xi told me this after you passed out. Looking at you, I know you want to be next to her again, but you're still condemning yourself for what happened before "


"Luoyang, this is not only your desire, it is the desire of Xiao Xi too, she also wants the relationship between you two to be as it was before. That's why she made that strange plan, if I'm your man and you're my wife, the relationship between you could improve a little. I hope you'll forgive her attitude "

"I understand her intentions, but I just can not accept it. I may be the matriarch's personal disciple, but there are certain things that can not be changed overnight. Many elders and relatives of the matriarch would protest against this, even if it was the young miss's wish. At that time, the matriarch accepted this and made me the main auction of the aliance's grand auctions, it was the most she could do for me "

"Luoyang, what is your wish?" Liu Yang stared into Fang Luoyang's eyes.

"My wish ... is to want to stay with the young miss again" Fang Luoyang had difficulty speaking these words, but when she finished speaking, a few tears began to fall from the eyes of Fang Luoyang, Liu Yang used his finger to clean the tears.

"Silly girl, do not cry, it does not do well for your beautiful face"

Liu Yang waited for Fang Luoyang to calm down to start talking again.

"By your words, I can understand that other people want you to stay away from Xiao Xi, but the matriarch probably would not want this. Earlier, you probably did not express your desire to stay with Xiao Xi because you was so devastated by what had happened to her, am I right? "Liu Yang made some assumptions from Fang Luoyang's earlier words.

"Yes, at that time I was very devastated by the news of the young miss's illness, I tried to kill myself, but the matriarch stopped me, she even made the elders stop criticizing me for failing my bodyguard duty. I was very grateful to the matriarch for what she has done for me in all these years, due to this, I did not express my opinion on the matriarch's orders "

"Luoyang, what would have happened if you said you wanted to stay with Xiao Xi?" Liu Yang knew the answer to that question, but he wanted Fang Luoyang to answer that question.

"She would probably keep me as the bodyguard of the young miss ..." Fang Luoyang knew the matriarch would do this, but as her emotions were unstable at that time and under the pressure of the elders she refused to speak her wish.

"What would happen if you said your desire to want to be together with Xiao Xi again?"

"The matriarch would be happy with this ... But the elders, they would manifest against ..." Before Fang Luoyang could finish speaking.

Pah ...

"What are you doing?? Why did you hit my ass again? "

"I'm just punishing a stupid girl. Luoyang, if this is your wish, the desire of Xiao Xi, and the matriarch hopes for this. Why do you still refuse? Because of the elders? They are only third parties in this, they have no relation to this matter, the matter is between you, Xiao Xi and the matriarch, only the three of you can decide how they will resolve this matter "


"No more. In addition, Xiao Xi already handed you to me, the relationship of you would be the older sister and younger sister again "

"Who delivered who? Rascal, despite the young miss wanting this to happen, who has the final word is the matriarch "

"But if the two of you agree to be my wives, the matriarch, you will have to accept that fact"

"Who agreed to be your wife?" Fang Luoyang was shy when Liu Yang said those words.

"Xiao Xi is already my wife, but what about you, Luoyang, would you refuse to be my wife?" Liu Yang approached Fang Luoyang's ear and spoke slowly. This action made her totally red with embarrassment.

Liu Yang looked for a few seconds at that beautiful face before slowly approaching Fang Luoyang's face, she knew what would happen next, so she closed the eyes and waited.

The four lips touched each other, the two tongues intertwined. The long kissing session lasted sometime before the couple separated.

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