Rebirth: The New Game of Life

Chapter 460: My Precious

The next place that the old people appeared was a large arena the size of a football stadium, after looking sideways, they found that on the other side, there was another arena of the same size, but the people who were there were people dressed in black, they were the Remnants.

The elderly were surprised when they saw the situation of the Remnants were the same as theirs. For they had imagined that the Remnants chose the same place to be together and that it should have some easier challenges, but what they saw was very different from their expectations.

The Remnants were not surprised when they saw the group of a hundred seniors, as they already knew that this would happen. The two sides stared at each other for a while before a light shone in the middle of the two areas and two plates with the number 10 written appeared.

The elderly people were confused by this scene because they did not know what that ten meant. But it was different in the case of Remnants, for they already knew what they had to do.

The Remnants who were the weakest committed suicide immediately, leaving only ten members, and the badge changed, the number ten disappeared and an OK sign appeared in place.

Watching this scene, the elderly people were surprised and soon realized that they had to do. After a long fight previously, they had to fight again.

The elders were staring at each other with eyes full of hostility, for they did not know who the friend or foe would be. Each of them wanted to be one of the ten survivors, but they knew it was impossible for everyone to get this done.

The weakest began to think of tactics to try to survive, but there was only one way to do this, they would kill the strongest first. This was the common thought of the weakest, for if the weak were to fight the weakest, only the strong would survive.

Without needing to think of a joint plan, the weakest, those who were the weakest began the attack, they used the abilities and spells that did not need the conjuration.

Boom !!! Boom !!! Boom !!! Boom !!! Boom !!!

Many explosions echoed around the arena, which startled the others, as it was too sudden, the other elders did not even have a chance to fight back before being hit by spells and abilities. For they were still stunned by the things the Remnants had done.

After the first attack, the elderly recovered and also took off their weapons and attacked with all their might. The weaker ones formed small groups of three or four to attack the strongest who was alone.

There were also those who were more courageous and detonated their own body and soul, as everyone on the site were in levels above 900 and rank 9, anyone who detonated their own body and soul, the explosion would be something very insane.

Boom !!! Boom !!! Boom !!!

Three people committed suicide by detonating bodies and souls, the explosions were so great that many of the elders died because of violent energy, one explosion was enough to hurt all, two explosions were able to take the lives of those who were injured, and the third explosion killed everyone at the scene. For none of them had enough power to withstand the three explosions.

This was due to the fact that the size of the arena was the size of a football field, because, for a fight between a hundred specialists of level 900 and rank 9, the arena was very small, even being extremely resistant. Because of this, and also because the three powerful explosions were successive, this caused the death of the hundred people in the arena.

Looking at this scene, the Remnants were laughing wildly under their hoods, as it seemed they had already planned it. The Remnants were already aware that this could happen.

After the 100 elderly were killed, the plate in the arena also changed, the number 100 changed to 0. This happened due to the fact that all died.

A door opened in the arena where the Remnants were, the ten entered without hesitation.

On the other side of the door was a grand majestic hall with various types of visual arts, pillars with various types of drawings, antique vases and many other types of decoration. Each item could be considered quite old and valuable, but for Remnants, that was just rubbish.

At the end of the hall there was a large altar with a stone coffin, around the altar there were some small pillars with various strange symbols, strange lights were coming out of each pillars forming a strange diagram, this looked like a kind of seal.

The Remnants were staring at the coffin fervently, for it seemed that it was what they were looking for. Although they did not show their faces, they could not hide the excitement of finding the sealed stone coffin.

But before they advanced, the group began to explore the place carefully because they did not know if there were any traps or not. After several hours checking every inch of the room and discovering nothing, the Remnants finally sighed in relief and began to walk toward the stone coffin.

Around the altar were a total of twenty pillars, each of the Remnants was in front of one, but they were only ten, the remaining ten were missing. That's why both arenas need ten people each.

The Remnants removed ten wooden dolls from their space rings and ten bottles of white jade. After opening the bottles, a white ball came out of the bottles, those were souls of the dead, the Remnants took ten souls from their limbs and held. The souls were placed on the dolls, and they began to move and go up to the other ten pillars.

When the last doll arrived on the pillar, the group pressed the button on the pillars. A strong light emerges and covers everyone on the spot.

Boom !!!!!!

A strong explosion occurs as light is emitted from the pillars. The Remnants and dolls are sent flying backward, they hit hard on the ground and spit blood several times, while the puppets were broken along with the souls.

The light began to diminish gradually, seconds later, the light disappeared and the pillars were broken. The lights that surrounded the coffin also disappeared, this showed that the seal had been broken.

Seconds later, the room began to shake, the coffin began to crack if it broke, beneath the layer of stone, there was another coffin, but this coffin was made of wood that had a lot of energy of life.

The Remnants rose with difficulty, but it was impossible to hide the desire in their eyes. After much sacrifice, they were able to find what they were looking for.

They walked slowly to the wooden coffin as they were wary of what might happen if they approached the coffin. When they arrived at the altar, nothing wrong happened, after reaching the top, nothing happened yet.

The ten were around the coffin, each one of them had hot looks as if they were seeing the most precious thing in the world.

"My precious" The ten spoke at the same time.

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