Reborn 1990: Make a fortune and become well-off

Chapter 34 The Pain in My Heart

It's not that Song Yi refuses to listen, and they only have about two hundred yuan left in their hands now, or that Zhang Zhigang lost the TV money, and it costs money to go to the hospital. No one knows how much it will cost.

When he first received that blow, Song Yi knew that his ribs must be broken, otherwise there would be no such sharp pain, like an awl poking into the heart and lungs, but he also knew that once hospitalized, Lin Meihui would have to face it alone The pressure of not having money.

He didn't want her to be anxious. Broken ribs would always heal on their own.

Even if he went to the hospital now, the doctor would just let him lie on the bed and wait for the broken bones to heal on their own, so why go to all that trouble.

Hearing Lin Meihui's crying voice, Song Yi felt a little distressed. He turned around with great effort and took Lin Meihui's hand. "I'm fine. Don't cry. Ahem... I just feel a little pain in my chest. Please give me a drink." Water, let me drink some water."

Lin Meihui did not move, but said firmly, "Brother Song Yi, you said you will protect me from now on and will never let me suffer again."

Song Yi smiled, his lips were chapped and he looked a little haggard, but he still said gently, "You are my sister. Of course I will always protect you. I keep my word. You don't have to keep mentioning it."

Lin Meihui felt like there was something pulling in her heart, but she just felt sorry for Song Yi, "Then you are injured now, how can you protect me? If Zhang Zhigang bullies me again at this time, how can you protect me?"

"I...I will definitely not let him bully you again."

"You are lying in bed now and he is bullying me. What can you do?"

Lin Meihui's eyes were red, and her vision was blurred by tears. She knew that there was no way to force Song Yi to go to the hospital. She probably understood what he was worried about, but she had to go to the hospital when she was injured. Otherwise, how could she feel at ease if she suffered sequelae?

The wind outside the window was howling, and Lin Meihui's tears fell. This was the first time Song Yi saw her crying so sadly.

Song Yi was a little embarrassed and had to tell the truth in a hoarse voice, "Meihui, it costs a lot of money to go to the hospital. Now I don't have much money at home. Once the 450 yuan is used, I don't know when I can buy it again in the future." Get a TV.”

Upon hearing this, Lin Meihui cried even more sadly. She said sadly, "Who wants that crappy TV? I don't watch it. It's just a decoration. As long as Brother Song Yi is healthy, that's better than anything else." "

This cry made Song Yi's heart become confused. He tried to prop up his body and wipe Lin Meihui's tears. He tried several times but the pain was gone.

He weakly raised his hand, gently took Lin Meihui's hand and shook it, "Meihui, stop crying. I listen to you. Let's go to the hospital. If we don't have enough money, we can find a way to borrow some! Don't cry, I won't I feel that I am so unmanly to make you so anxious."

The next day, at dawn, Lin Meihui pushed Song Yi to the hospital on a flat cart.

The hospital corridor is filled with the faint smell of disinfectant.

After the doctor examined Song Yi, he looked seriously and looked at Lin Meihui, who was sweating profusely, and asked, "Why are we here now? If it's too late, the broken ribs are pierced into the heart, and the person can't be saved. It's really unfair." I know what you are thinking, you dare to delay this injury!"

Lin Meihui was a little worried after hearing this, and hurriedly held the doctor's hand and asked, "Is Brother Song Yi in danger now? Will there be any sequelae?"

"I already have a pneumothorax and need surgery. If you dare go and pay the fee, please pay 500 yuan first!"

After the doctor finished speaking, he went to prepare for the operation.

When Lin Meihui arrived at the payment office, she took out her cloth bag and realized that she only had more than 460 yuan. Lin Meihui stuffed the money into the window, "Doctor, can you pay [-] yuan first? I'll think of a solution later!"

"No, you have to pay enough for the operation. Go and raise the money quickly, don't delay the patient's operation." The doctor said in a routine tone, but Lin Meihui was a little flustered. Now that the Lin family has money, she knows that she will not use it to save Song Yi. of.

Now it's too late to go back to the village and ask Aunt Yang to borrow it. It takes more than an hour to go back and forth.

Lin Meihui put the money back into the cloth bag, and her fingers touched a hard object inside. It was a longevity lock that she had carried with her since she was a child. Once Zhao Cuihua tried to pawn it secretly, so Lin Meihui hid it.

The longevity lock was made of silver and should be pawned for some money. Lin Meihui made up her mind and ran out of the hospital to the pawn shop.

The pawnshop in the town is not big, and usually only collects scraps. When the pawnshop owner saw Lin Meihui's silver lock, he raised his eyes and looked at her, and advised, "Girl, no one can buy this longevity lock. It’s just for good luck, who is willing to pawn something that will protect him or her long life!”

"Boss, I need money urgently and I will redeem it later. You must help me and give me a high price." Lin Meihui begged.

Now she is desperate, otherwise she would not be willing to pawn this personal thing. This must be related to her life experience, and it may be the only clue.

The pawn shop owner looked at it with a magnifying glass and wiped it with a felt. After confirming that it was silver, he made a fixed price, "30 yuan, not even a penny more is lost. It is also because it is old and old." Only the craftsmanship can give you this price.”

Of course Lin Meihui knew the pawnshop's rules for lowering prices, so she immediately said, "The workmanship of this long-lasting lock is something that no one can ask for. It has been lost now. Boss, just because of this craftsmanship, please give me an extra ten bucks."

"Ten yuan?" The boss simply pushed the thing out, "Girl, if you think the price I'm offering is low, you can go to other places to buy it. I won't stop you. It's hard to get even one yuan in this day and age. How dare you say that?" Ten dollars?”

Lin Meihui was anxious. Knowing that Song Yi was waiting to pay for the operation, she could only use the bitter trick. "My brother's ribs were broken by Zhang Zhigang. Now he is lying in the hospital waiting for the operation. Boss, please save his life." Help me, give me ten yuan... I’m only forty short of the surgery fee.”

I don’t know whether it was the name Zhang Zhigang that irritated the pawn shop owner, or Lin Meihui’s look of crying that moved him. The shop owner sighed and said, “Okay, please stop crying. It’s unlucky. I’ll give you fifteen more for this pawn ticket.” You keep it, and if you want to redeem it, you have to do it as soon as possible."

Upon hearing this, Lin Meihui said gratefully, "Thank you, boss. Boss, you will definitely live a long life and have endless blessings."

The pawnshop owner gave 45 yuan to Lin Meihui and watched Lin Meihui leave. Then he turned around and said to another person in the shop, "Zhang Zhigang is really getting more and more lawless. He discounted other people's ribs. I don't know what God is doing." When the time comes to accept this number of people, we can live a little more peacefully."

It turns out that this pawn shop is also a place that Zhang Zhigang frequents. He will pawn anything he collects, and the pawn shop must pay a high price.

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