Reborn 1990: Running towards the life of a housewife

Chapter 108 Going to the capital

It was a nice day to set out, with no clouds in the sky.

As soon as she got up in the morning, Xiaowei Xiaoyue urged her parents to collect their things and stuffed her towel and toothbrush into her schoolbag.

"You don't need to bring these with you. When we go to the capital, we will stay in a hotel. They are all available in the hotel."

Xiaowei Xiaoyue had to take it out again, "Mom, do I need to bring my homework?"

"Yes, don't let your homework fall behind."

"Okay, I think so too."

Lin Zhe walked out of the bedroom wearing a short-sleeved shirt and jeans. Seeing that he was wearing tightly covered sneakers, Shen Xiaojun asked: "Do you want to change to a pair of sandals? It's hot and you have to cover your feet after wearing them all day." sweat."

Lin Zhe always had sweaty feet. Not to mention the smell on his feet when he took off his shoes. Even Yao Yao thought his father's feet smelled so salty that it stung his eyes.

Lin Zhe shook his head, "It's too vulgar, I won't wear it!"


Well, from the perspective of future generations, today’s plastic sandals are a bit vulgar, but they are easy to wear!Not even kicking my feet.

As for Lin Zhe, why didn't I see him being too frivolous when wearing clothes at the construction site?

Shen Xiaojun didn't bother to persuade him to wear whatever he liked, as long as he didn't mind the heat. They wore sandals anyway, and even Yaoyao wore his favorite little sandals on his feet.

Seeing that their father was about to go out, Xiaowei and the others were very anxious, fearing that he would come back late and not have time to catch the plane.

Lin Zhe pushed away his son who was holding his legs, "Why are you so anxious? Your mother bought a ticket for [-]pm, and it's still morning!"

The cost of picking up a bargain is that it will be late at night waiting for them to arrive in the capital.

"Then dad, please come back quickly."

"I know, it's not too late."

Shen Xiaojun continued to pack his luggage. He had already packed part of it yesterday, and now he just needed to check to see if there was anything missing.

The family's luggage consisted of a suitcase and a medium-sized hand luggage bag. It was enough for each person to bring two pairs of clothes. When he went to the capital, he would definitely go shopping and buy additional ones.

Yaoyao has the most things. The handbag contains all the things he needs, and there are also a few packs of diapers that take up a lot of space.

This thing is not as good as it was in the future. According to the price at this time, it costs three yuan a piece. Most families are really reluctant to use it. Shen Xiaojun will only put it on for him when he goes out. The rest of the time, he will take care of diapers.

Fortunately, he is old now and knows to call mommy when he wants to say yes.

Carry this with you just in case, like wearing it on a plane.

To be honest, Shen Xiaojun feels more at ease when using diapers.

There is a bus in the city that goes directly to the provincial capital airport, and the family only leaves at [-] p.m.

Before departure, he sent Beta to Li Shufen's house and asked her to help feed him for a few days.

Wang Mengmeng eagerly pulled Xiaowei and talked a lot, asking Xiaowei to bring her willow leaves from the shore of the White Tower to make bookmarks.

The teacher said that there are the most willow trees in Beijing!She has never seen a real willow tree!

Xiaowei nodded and patted her chest, promising that she would definitely bring back many willow leaves for her!

As soon as she walked into the airport, Xiaowei Xiaoyue's eyes widened, and Yaoyao was also looking around in Shen Xiaojun's arms.

"Mom, the airport is so big and high!" The voice was small.

"Mom, I saw foreigners, they looked different from the ones in the book..."

"Mom, where is the plane? Why didn't I see it..."

After picking up the tickets with their ID cards and household registers, and checking in their luggage, the family then went through the security check with their tickets.

After passing the security check, Xiaowei Xiaoyue finally saw the plane she had longed for.

"Mom, look!" He excitedly pointed out the large glass window and showed them the large plane parked on the wide tarmac.

Someone heard this and looked over. Under the stranger's gaze, the two young ladies retracted their hands shyly and hurried to their mother and father's side.

The stranger smiled knowingly when he saw this.

They arrived a bit early, and they didn't board the plane for almost two hours. At first, Xiaowei and Xiaoyue were sitting quietly on their chairs staring at the plane outside. After half an hour, they couldn't sit still anymore. It was as if there were nails underneath, making them restless.

Shen Xiaojun glanced at the two of them, "Do you want to go to the bathroom?"

"Don't go."

Lin Zhe also got tired of sitting and stood up, "I'll take them around, will you go?"

"No." Shen Xiaojun simply handed Yaoyao to him, "There are shops inside, you can go shopping by yourself."

After a while, several people came back. Xiaowei and Xiaoyue were holding the instant noodle bowl in their hands and walking cautiously this way.

Lin Zhe was holding Yaoyao in one hand and a bag of bread in the other.

"Are you hungry?"

It's not that I'm hungry, it's that I'm greedy.

"The things in the airport are too expensive, half the price outside." Lin Zhe handed the bread to her.

Of course it’s expensive, it’s never been cheap. The most expensive noodle Shen Xiaojun ever had was at the airport, one hundred and eighty-one bowls!Also added a cup of soy milk.

When she was looking at the menu, she stood up and wanted to leave, but Xiaowei held her back.

Shen Xiaojun took it, took out one and tore it into small pieces to feed Yaoyao, "They will serve in-flight meals when we get on the plane. Eat this, and I'll see if you can still eat it later."

"Ah!" The two sisters had the same expression as they held the noodles in their mouths and widened their eyes in surprise.

Why didn't dad tell them?

Because your dad and I have never flown on a plane!

Shen Xiaojun: "Eat it, give it to dad if you can't finish it."

Lin Zhe stuffed the bread into his mouth, clapped his hands and stopped eating.

As for the rest, I can only put it in my bag first.

Finally, he cleaned up the instant noodles that the two girls had not finished eating.

It was time to board the plane. After checking the boarding pass, Lin Zhe held Yaoyao and Shen Xiaojun walked in holding their two daughters.

Xiaowei Xiaoyue was very excited because she no longer had to look at the plane through the glass. Unexpectedly, she entered a door while walking, and a beautiful young lady said welcome to the plane.


Didn't you see the plane?

My mother held my hand and walked inside, and then I saw rows of seats. When I sat down on the seats, the two young ladies didn't even react.

"Mom, are we on the plane?"

Shen Xiaojun took Yaoyao, who was rushing towards her, and said, "Come on! Shouldn't we just sit inside now? Look out the window."

The three of them were in the window row, while Lin Zhe was sitting across the aisle.

Xiaowei Xiaoyue squeezed in the window and looked out, "I saw wings."

"We're really on the plane!"

It felt very magical, even though I didn’t see the plane!How did they get in?

Shen Xiaojun answered their questions, "The passage we just walked through is the boarding bridge connecting the aircraft door."

Xiaowei nodded, so that's it!It’s different from the pictures in the book.

The plane took off, and after a weightless feeling, the plane jumped into the sky above the white clouds.

Xiaowei let go of her mother's hand and looked at the clouds outside the window with her sister.

It was ten o'clock in the evening, and the glow burned the sky above into fire-like colors, from light to thick, and from deep to light.

And they are like tourists soaring in the clouds in a flying boat.

This scene is beyond beautiful.

Xiaowei Xiaoyue opened her mouth wide.

Yaoyao was originally frightened, with tears still hanging on his face. When he saw this scene, he opened his hands and was about to rush towards his sister. Xiaowei hugged him and said, "Isn't it beautiful? Crybaby."

Yaoyao grinned and stretched out his hand to grab the clouds outside the window. Unfortunately, he couldn't grab them. Let's grab the glass.

In the middle of the meal, Kung Pao Chicken Rice was served. Xiaowei puckered her lips after taking a bite. It was not delicious. Fortunately, she ate instant noodles.

When we arrived at the Capital Airport, it was already eight o'clock in the evening. We got off the plane, picked up our luggage, and waited for another 10 minutes to walk out.

As soon as he came out of the airport pick-up gate, Lin Zhe saw Zhuang Yan standing at the front.

"Lin Zhe, here!"

The two brothers gave each other a nice hug, "Have you been waiting for a long time?"

"Not long after, I just arrived."

Shen Xiaojun smiled and greeted everyone, and Xiaowei Xiaoyue called Uncle Zhuang affectionately.

Yaoyao was tired and had slept in her mother's arms for a long time. She didn't wake up when she got off the plane.

Zhuang Yan: "Let's go, let's eat first, and then I'll take you to the hotel."

Lin Zhe quickly waved his hand, "Forget about eating, now we just want to go to the hotel and let the children have a good rest."

When the word "rest" was mentioned, Shen Xiaojun and his two daughters breathed a sigh of relief.

Traveling can be tiring.

Zhuang Yan did not insist, "Okay, I'll take you to the hotel first and wait until tomorrow. Let's go roast duck tomorrow..."

The group of people got into Zhuang Yan's car, "...In order to have fun with you, I have specially set aside a few days. In the past few days, I, a local, will take you all around the capital."

"Excuse me, you have something to do. Let's take our time and enjoy ourselves."

"Brother and sister, don't be polite to me. I don't have much else, I just have a lot of time..."

The hotel was set near Qianmen Street. When they arrived, it was almost 09:30 in the evening. After checking in, Shen Xiaojun took the children into the room.

Xiao Weiyue was so sleepy that she nodded, washed up casually, and quickly let them go to bed.

The standard room is just right for their family, and it also has an enclosed balcony outside, which is convenient for drying clothes.

Lin Zhe came up after a while.

"Zhuang Yan is gone?"

Lin Zhe lay down on the bed, stretched out and said, "Let's go."

"Have you given me the money to book the hotel? I think this place is nice, and the price should be pretty high."

Lin Zhe breathed a sigh of relief, "He didn't want it, and he paid us the room fee for ten days in advance. When I come here this time, I will definitely visit the elders in the family, and then buy something good and expensive as a gift..."

Shen Xiaojun nodded at the store, saw that he was still lying on the bed and kicked him, "Hurry up and take a shower. After that, go to bed early and get up early tomorrow."

Shen Xiaojun sat on the bed and kicked him again. Lin Zhe slowly got up. He really didn't want to move.

He stepped on the heel of his shoes and took them off, kicked them to the corner, put on his slippers, and then stood up. He heard his wife's disgusted voice: "Hurry up and take your shoes to the balcony! It stinks."

Lin Zhe sniffed, where did the smell stink?Why didn't he smell it?

"What can you smell with your nose? Hurry up!"

Lin Zhe resignedly picked up his shoes and put them on the balcony outside.

Before putting it away, he got closer and smelled it, which almost made him vomit. He looked back, but fortunately his wife had already laid down and didn't notice.

How about... or buy a pair of sandals?

Lin Zhe was woken up by Yaoyao. When he opened his eyes, it was already bright and his precious son was sitting on the bedside, staring at him intently.

Seeing that he was awake, he rushed towards him with his little hands open and called daddy.

Lin Zhe was pressed under his belly, "Ouch! My son, you are pressing down on me."

Tickling his belly made Yaoyao laugh.

Shen Xiaojun interrupted the father and son playing in bed, "Get up quickly, let's go down and have breakfast."

Xiaowei Xiaoyue had already put on her little skirt. She was too sleepy last night and was not in the mood to take a good look when she entered the capital. She became excited as soon as she got up in the morning. She lay by the window and looked out, thinking. Get out right away.

"Dad, hurry up!"

Lin Zhe entered the bathroom and said, "I know, I know."

There are all kinds of food near the hotel. The family didn’t go far and ate buns at the bun shop next door.

Lin Zhe saw that the others were enjoying the soy juice, so he also bought a bowl. In the end, when they finished eating and left, the bowl of bean juice was still full.

When they returned to the hotel, Zhuang Yan was already here and waiting in the lobby.

As soon as he saw them, he said: "I knew you must have gone out for breakfast, how about it? The breakfast in our capital is not bad!"

Xiaowei smiled and said, "The buns are delicious!"

"Are you eating steamed buns? Have you eaten fried liver?"

"Eat, dad ate."

"Then you must be drinking soy juice, right?"

"I didn't finish the drink. Dad wasted it."

Zhuang Yan laughed and said, "I know you guys can't get used to drinking."

Lin Zhe waved his hand, feeling sour when he thought of the taste, "It's not something ordinary people can drink."

"It's not that exaggerated, just get used to it."

Zhuang Yan clapped his hands and said, "Where do you want to be your first stop today?"

Xiaowei Xiaoyue raised her hand: "White Tower!"

Lin Zhe said with a smile: "Let's go see the White Tower. They have been talking about it for months."

It only takes about ten minutes to drive from the hotel to Beihai Park, passing Tiananmen in the middle.

Xiaowei pointed out the window and shouted excitedly, "Mom, mom, Tiananmen!"

I haven’t seen the White Tower yet, but I want to see Tiananmen again.

"I know, I know, after watching the White Tower, let's come back to see Tiananmen Square." Shen Xiaojun breathed while hugging Yaoyao who was jumping on her lap. The little guy was excited when he saw his sister happy.

When they arrived at the place, Xiaowei took her sister out of the car and pointed to the White Tower on the other side for Shen Xiaojun and the others to see, "Look! It's the same as in the book! Dad quickly took a photo of my sister and me."

Lin Zhe squatted down and quickly took two pictures of them. Zhuang Yan came over with the purchased tickets, took the camera and took a group photo of their family.

"Let's go, let's cross the bridge first, and then we can take pictures slowly after we get there."

Because it is summer vacation, there are so many people in Beihai Park, and parents with their children can be seen everywhere.

There are also people painting on the shore with easels.

Xiaowei said: "Mom, when I go back, I will also draw the White Tower."

"Okay, let dad take more photos then, and you can draw on them while you look at them."


After watching the White Pagoda that they missed so much, Lin Zhe and Zhuang Yan took Xiaowei and Xiaoyue to go rowing again, allowing them to truly experience what it means to say: Let us row the oars, the boat pushes away the waves, and the beautiful scenery is reflected on the sea. White pagoda, surrounded by green trees and red walls...

As for Shen Xiaojun, she could only take Yao Yao to watch on the shore. Who asked her to hold a little baby in her arms?

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