Reborn 1990: Running towards the life of a housewife

Chapter 110

"It's close! It's right here, right next to our front door. It won't take more than 10 minutes to walk there."

That's pretty close.

"Can I go see it now?" Shen Xiaojun asked.

"Yes! I can take you there now." The customers who want to see it immediately are 100% want to buy it, and they are not the kind of people who want to see something strange. Comrade Xiao Li is overjoyed.

As soon as they left, Shen Xiaojun held the child, and Comrade Li helped hold the umbrella, and set off towards the alley.

Along the way, Xiao Li introduced to Shen Xiaojun: "...the owner of this courtyard used to eat royal food for his ancestors. I don't know how enviable the life he lived in those days, but later fell into decline. In that era, people like them, that house You can only keep one room for yourself, and you have to hand over the rest and arrange for people to live in it..."

"No, it wasn't until 1990 that this house truly returned to the hands of its original owner. The whole family had gone abroad one after another over the years, and only the two elders stayed at home and rented out the spare rooms. , last year, the old man died in the hospital, leaving only an old lady. The foreign children planned to take him out to enjoy themselves, eat steak and bread, and did not plan to come back. They also evicted the tenants in the courtyard and asked us to provide Find a buyer."

Shen Xiaojun looked around as he walked: "You should listen carefully to what you know."

"Hey! That's not true. I am from this area. There is nothing I don't know about this area. I must also know about his family's affairs. When I was a child, I went to the same kindergarten as the old lady's grandson! What a pity. People are drinking foreign ink abroad now, but we can’t compare to buying a house here.”

Shen Xiaojun laughed, "That's not necessarily true. Maybe you will be richer than others in the future."

Comrade Li burst into laughter and said, "I wish you luck!"

The alleys in the capital were like a maze. Xiao Li led her through them, exiting one alley and turning into another. Finally, she saw the road. After crossing the road, she turned into the alley again.

If she was alone, she might not be able to come out after wandering around for a long time.

Yao Yao was also inspired by this, pointed to the front and said: "Same."

"It's different, this is another alley."

Yaoyao blinked his big round eyes and tilted his head in confusion, "Same."

Very sure!

Okay, it’s the same, it seems like I’ll be a road idiot from now on.

"That's it, Sister Shen."

Comrade Xiao Li and Shen Xiaojun stopped at the entrance of a courtyard.

The two faded doors have two rusty iron door knockers.

"Sister Shen, look at this courtyard. It faces south from the north, and the courtyard door opens at the southeast corner. From a Feng Shui perspective, this is the direction of the door that brings good luck and good luck. It is also called the Ruyi Gate. Living in this courtyard will keep you happy, prosperous, and prosperous. Purple Qi is coming from the east!"

The door of the courtyard was closed. Xiao Li went up the two small steps and knocked on the door. Shen Xiaojun took the opportunity to look at the alley.

After a row of green brick walls, a courtyard door opened at a certain distance. Most of the doors were wide open, and people came in and out. It felt like there were a lot of people living inside.

Now is the time for summer vacation, and there are children running and jumping everywhere in the alleys. There are also vendors pushing a bicycle selling popsicles, and several children are standing around with money to buy them.

The alley is quite spacious, and cars can enter and exit without any problems. I think I saw a public toilet when I came in just now?

Shen Xiaojun hurriedly asked: "Is there a bathroom in the yard?"

Xiao Li smiled and said: "Don't worry, Sister Shen, there are some. They have everything. Those without toilets are large courtyards. In fact, they were originally there, but there are so many people living there. If there are toilets, it is a waste. I would have changed it to a dormitory." A lot of people lived in this courtyard before, and it was built, but after it was taken back, it was renovated long ago, otherwise it would be inconvenient for the elderly couple to live there. "

Just as he was talking, the door opened.

Standing in the door was a middle-aged man in his 40s.

"Uncle, I'm bringing someone to see the house." Xiao Li greeted with a smile and introduced Shen Xiaojun to him, "This is Ms. Shen."

The homeowner smiled and nodded, "Come in, we are packing things."

Xiao Li and Shen Xiaojun walked in. When they entered the door, there was a wall, which should be the wall of the east wing. Under the wall was a screen wall. It looked very old, with traces of months of carvings everywhere.

Passing the screen wall and entering a moon gate, you will find a square courtyard.

Books are drying in the yard, and there are some book boxes under the eaves.

Xiao Li asked: "Are you planning to leave?"

"Yes, I think the house may not be sold for a while, so I plan to go back first, and then come back to sign the contract when I really find a buyer. I will share these books, take away what you can, and give away what you can. .”

"Isn't this just right? Ms. Shen plans to buy a courtyard house. If we can negotiate, the procedures can be completed in these two days."

The homeowner put down the book in his hand: "If this is the case, of course it would be best. Let me introduce this yard to Ms. Shen."

The homeowner clapped his hands and put ashes on them, "My yard is a legacy from our ancestors. The exact age is unknown. It has been repaired many times. The earliest one was in 1990. Before that, these places..."

He pointed to the open space in the yard and showed it to Shen Xiaojun, "Many houses were built haphazardly, but I demolished them all."

The floor tiles on the ground are obviously different shades of color in some places. The lighter areas should be where houses were built. Some are newly added and are not the same type as the old bricks.

Well, there are quite a lot of buildings there. The middle courtyard is probably all occupied by houses, leaving only the corridors around it. You can imagine that the courtyard must have been very crowded before.

There are also mottled marks on the brick walls, doors and windows everywhere, and they look dusty. Even if they have been repaired, it is probably just a patch here, and a tear down somewhere, and it cannot be restored.

Siheyuan, Siheyuan, this set of courtyards perfectly interprets these three words.

The whole courtyard consists of four houses, the main house, the east and west wing rooms, and the reverse side room.

"There are three main rooms, one light and two dark, one on each side of the wing, three on the east and west wings, and three on the back. The main room and the east and west wings are connected by a verandah, so you don't have to worry about rain. The kitchen is in the east wing... "

The toilet is between the west wing and the reverse room. There is also a concierge on the right side of the door. It can also be said to be a utility room now, and it is very small.

The middle of the yard was bare, all paved with floor tiles, and no trees were planted.

After walking around a whole set of courtyards, Shen Xiaojun felt more and more satisfied. This courtyard house was a bit old, but the location was good!So close to Qianmen Street.

It is normal for houses that are hundreds of years old to be old.

Xiao Li asked in a low voice: "Sister Shen, what do you think?"

Shen Xiaojun nodded, "Very good."

"Then let me ask you the price?"

Shen Xiaojun nodded.

"Ms. Shen, if you want it, the price is 80 yuan!" said the landlord.

Shen Xiaojun almost choked on his own saliva.

Didn’t you say you can get it for 50?

A Hong Kong star can buy six houses for 300 million yuan in a courtyard house, but she wants 80 yuan for one house? !

Are you talking about her?right?

Seeing Shen Xiaojun's surprise, Xiao Li quickly said: "Miss Shen, don't be too expensive, you have to look at the area! This yard covers an area of ​​[-] square meters! There are more than ten rooms, and it is only about ten meters away from Qianmen Street. Minutes away, it’s convenient to go anywhere. Another thing, it’s not easy to come across a courtyard house like this. Walking down several alleys nearby, you may not encounter such a neat courtyard. Some courtyards are said to be courtyard houses, but in fact they are not. It's just a three-sided courtyard or a two-sided courtyard. Why do you think it's like this? It's because it's divided in the middle, half of the courtyard is half on one side, and the other half of the courtyard is not neat."

"There are other courtyard houses that are cheaper than this one, but they are small! The whole courtyard only has four or five rooms in total. The middle is a courtyard rather than a patio. When the children are older, there is no place to play."

"Look at our house, it's boxy and has a big yard. If you want to plant flowers or trees in the future, you can take care of it however you want."

"Look at the wall tiles, the carvings on the beams, the cornices, and the wood. They are all good wood! Good fir wood, right?"

The homeowner nodded.

Xiao Li continued: "There are also these bricks on the ground. They are hundreds of years old if you take them out. By the way, the solid wood door at the door is a serious artifact from the Qing Dynasty!"

Yes, you are right, but these cannot be regarded as antiques. Instead, they need to be repaired and replaced.

"Also, the property rights of our yard are in the hands of the homeowner. He has a large property right. Once the transfer is completed, it can be passed immediately..."

To be honest, Shen Xiaojun also knows that this yard is now worth 80 yuan, but in more than ten years, it may not be possible to buy it for 8000 million yuan.


"Do you think I can afford 80 yuan?" Shen Xiaojun looked at the two of them helplessly.

The landlord didn't say anything, and Xiao Li said, "It looks like it!" His voice was very firm!

"Sister Shen, when I look at your temperament, I know that you must be a very capable and successful woman. To be honest, among the many clients I have received, Sister Shen is the only one who came to buy a house with her child in her arms, and her purpose is very clear. , I want a courtyard house! Sister Shen, you must be a particularly sentimental person!"

She was very talkative and very talkative, which made Shen Xiaojun wonder if she was the successful woman he said she was.

Ye Feiyang said that she is gentle and virtuous at first glance, and Comrade Xiao Li said that she is a successful woman at first glance. Is her appearance so changeable now?

Still sentimental, isn't this what Ye Feiyang said about that Hong Kong star?

Now the label is attached to her.

I guess people nowadays are all sentimental people when they see those who have money and don’t buy high-rise buildings or villas, but choose to buy unheated courtyard houses!

"Sister Shen, the price of a courtyard house now is not what it was six or seven years ago. In 1990, you could buy this courtyard for [-] or [-] without saying anything. Now, it has increased tenfold. If you don't buy it, you won't be able to buy it in the future. After all, there are fewer and fewer old courtyards like this."

Hmm... Judging from the current situation, this courtyard house is probably being hyped up by people like them who are sentimental.

Shen Xiaojun shook his head, "It's too expensive. The price has exceeded my expectations."

Xiao Li paused and said, "Then shall I go and talk again?"

Let’s talk, the price of 80 is impossible.

Comrade Xiao Li took the landlord aside and muttered.

Yaoyao seemed to particularly like this yard, running up and down the corridor with his little legs swinging unsteadily.

When I was tired from running, I sat down on the ground and smiled at my mother.

Shen Xiaojun clapped her hands at him, and he stood up on his hands and knees, then staggered over and threw himself into his mother's arms.


Shen Xiaojun asked him, "Where is the best place to see?"

He just pulled it and said yes, which meant it looked good. The yes was for his mother.

"Little clever ghost."

Shen Xiaojun picked up Yaoyao and stood up. She must win this courtyard house!

Maybe she will buy a courtyard house in the future, but it is probably rare to encounter one of this size.

After a while, Xiao Li came over and said, "Sister Shen, the landlord also said that if you really want it, 75 yuan, no less."

When Shen Xiaojun heard this, he picked up the child and was about to leave, "Okay, this yard doesn't seem to be destined for me. I'll look at other places."

Xiao Li quickly stopped her, "Sister Shen, don't worry, Sister Shen! If there is a counter-offer, we can discuss it again. Can I go and talk about it? I will definitely negotiate a good price for you."

Seeing that Shen Xiaojun was about to leave, Comrade Xiao Li was anxious. After finally encountering such a big customer who came to the door on his own initiative, he couldn't let him go like this.

Shen Xiaojun stopped and said helplessly: "Xiao Li! Although I am a foreigner, I have also inquired about the price of the courtyard house. Let's be sincere. Don't make false claims and give us a real price. If it's suitable, I'll take it. If it's not suitable, let's not talk about it and let's go do our own thing."

"Yes, yes, sister Shen, you have to understand me. I didn't set the price. So, sister Shen, tell me the price in your mind."

Shen Xiaojun: "During this period, a Hong Kong star bought six courtyard houses in the capital. Those of you who work with him should know about it, right?"

"I know, I know, how could I not hear about such a big thing?"

Xiao Li smiled bitterly, it was their agency that handled the official business, which made them envious.

Shen Xiaojun said calmly: "I want whatever price someone bought it for."

Xiao Li swallowed, "Sister Shen, this...the house price will rise according to the market conditions."

"I know, but I can't get promoted so quickly." Shen Xiaojun rolled his eyes and smiled sheepishly: "Well, it just so happens that a friend of mine knows the Hong Kong star, and I asked her to ask about setting up a courtyard house for others. Who is the intermediary? I'll go find them. They might have a suitable one. I'm sorry, Xiao Li, but your trip was in vain."

Xiao Li almost fell to his knees in front of Shen Xiaojun. The cooked duck was about to fly to the other side. If this spread, people would laugh to death.

He didn't expect the homeowner's price to be so high, but as an intermediary, didn't he have to follow the homeowner's words and sign the contract smoothly?

The higher the sales, the higher his commission.

I was thinking that maybe I could sell it at a really high price, but who knew they were prepared!

If I had known about it, I would not have told the owner about someone who bought six courtyard houses in one go. This person was probably stimulated by the news and thought that the market was going to rise, so he offered such a high price.

"Sister Shen, just wait, I'll talk again..."

(This chapter has been changed)

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