Reborn 1990: Running towards the life of a housewife

Chapter 93 Signature

After chatting with Lin Zhe for a while and looking at the store's account, Shen Xiaojun went to Lin Ru's fast food restaurant again.

Lin Ru was busy in the kitchen, and Shen Xiaojun didn't stay long. He said a few words to her at the door, left the cosmetics and left.

When Lin Ru wet her hands and came out of the kitchen, she saw the beautifully packaged box on the table, "Is this left by her little aunt?"

The eldest sister who was helping in the store said: "Yes! She put it here, saying that she bought it for Xiaoya. You are such a nice person, generous and willing. This thing will cost hundreds of yuan at first glance. ! I bought it for Xiaoya without saying a word, unlike my sister-in-law, who never bought even one candy for my baby in her entire life..."

Lin Ru laughed, "It's just too good. We don't have anything to give back to others..."

"What are you afraid of? She also has children, so you just need to be nice to her children. Let me tell you..."

Shen Xiaojun walked around and returned to the Children's Palace, where classes were just about to end. He called Xiaoru and took a few children to eat outside. There was no class in the afternoon, and he took them to the store to buy snacks.

"Want some fruit peel?"

"I want Wangzi steamed buns..."

"And potato chips!"

"Where's the chicken drumstick bread... I want biscuits too!"

Several children selected a large bag of snacks and bought two piggy banks.

Shen Xiaojun originally wanted to buy one for Xiaoru, but Xiaoru shook her head like a rattle, "No, no."

She didn't have much pocket money to begin with. If she had a piggy bank, her mother would definitely ask her to save all the money, and then she would have even less money to use!

After coming out of the store and putting Xiaoru carrying snacks into the car, Shen Xiaojun hailed a taxi and took the children home.

As soon as she got home, Xiaowei couldn't wait to start preparing things for tomorrow's spring outing.

"You have to wear a hat." He took out the books in his schoolbag and stuffed them into his schoolbag one by one.

For the snacks I bought today, I took out the ones that belonged to my sister and put all my own in my schoolbag!

After putting away the snacks, I took my sister and picked up the piggy bank to find my mother.


Looking at him with two pairs of big bright eyes, how could Shen Xiaojun not understand what he meant.

He took out the money from his bag and gave one hundred and fifty to each person.

Xiaowei blinked in surprise, "Mom, we still have so much money left!"


Shen Xiaojun didn't remember how much was left, so he gave a rough amount. Their New Year's money was about one hundred and fifty each.

The two ladies took the money and stuffed it into the piggy bank one by one.

After stuffing, I looked at my mother again.

Shen Xiaojun dug in his bag again and took out a few pieces of one-dollar change. He gave two yuan to each person, "This is your pocket money for this week. If you want to buy books and pens, my mother can buy them for you. For other things, you have to use this." If you buy it with money, you’ll have to wait until next week when you use it up, you know?”

"Yeah, I know!" He nodded quickly.

He took the money and stuffed it into the piggy bank without saying a word!

Shen Xiaojun: Come on, stuff it. If you want to buy snacks or something and run out of money, you won’t be able to take it out.

The two young ladies were happy. Each of them kissed their younger brother who was learning to walk on the sofa and went into the house.

Yaoyao almost fell in love with her two sisters. She slapped her little hand on the sofa and said, "Ah!" How fierce!

Shen Xiaojun burst out laughing.

Yaoyao tilted his head and looked at his mother for a long time. "Mom, let's go," he said clearly.

Shen Xiaojun knelt down and asked, "Where do you want mom to go?"

Yaoyao just laughed and whispered, "Let's go, let's go..."

Every time I say a word, my little feet move, which makes me happy.

Well, it's a walking doll.

Xiaowei Xiaoyue was busy in the room for half the afternoon. Seeing that it was almost dark, she slowly handed the exercise book to Shen Xiaojun.

He took it and looked at it, "Jianli?"

These two words are on the first line of the calligraphy book.

"Lin Wei and Lin Yue will earn 100 yuan for the top ten in each exam. Ten yuan will be added for each ranking. The No. 1 will earn 200 yuan."

There is another line below, "Lin Wei is among the top three in the exam. Dad is taking the whole family to Jingcheng on May Day."

Shen Xiaojun silently turned her eyes to her two daughters who were looking at her eagerly, "This is what you wrote in the dictionary."

Nod, I can’t write it down without looking it up, there are a lot of words I haven’t handed in yet!

I touched my forehead and saw that one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight... twelve words were wrong.

"Give the pen to Mom."

Xiaowei obediently handed over the pen.

Shen Xiaojun asked them to come closer, "The word "reward" is written like this. When you look it up in the dictionary, you should read the explanation below..."

The typos were corrected and they were asked to write again.

When they finished writing it again, Shen Xiaojun signed it.

Agreed, Shen Xiaojun.

"I'll sign the next one for dad when he comes back."


So, as soon as Lin Zhe arrived home, he was greeted by his two daughters eagerly waiting for his signature.

"Dad signed, and mom signed both."

Lin Zhe took it and looked at it, "Do you really want to sign it?"

"Of course! Dad, you don't want to regret it, do you?" Xiaowei frowned, unhappy.

Lin Zhe said harshly, "How can you say that about dad? I'm not that kind of person!"

"Then sign!" He handed the pen forward and stared at him with two pairs of eyes.

Lin Zhe could only sign his name.

Just signing your name is not enough.

"Dad, you have to be like mom and write the word "agree" on it."

"Okay, okay, I agree, that's it."

"That's more or less."

Lin Zhe: "..."

When they went to bed at night, Shen Xiaojun and Lin Zhe mentioned that Shen Ying would come to the city to look at houses the day after tomorrow.

"I told my sister that we would treat them to dinner tonight."

Lin Zhe took off his shoes and went to bed, "Okay, we have rooms here, let them stay with us."

Shen Xiaojun put talcum powder on Yaoyao's buttocks and said, "I don't necessarily have to come here. I'm used to living at my eldest sister's place."

"Whether they come or not, we still need to invite them, so that your sister-in-law won't gossip again."

Lin Zhe rested his arm on the head of the bed, "If they stay for two more days, I will take them for a nice walk."

Shen Xiaojun looked at him, "Do you want to show people around? Or do you want to show them the store you opened?"

Still feeling better?It’s not the first time I’ve been to the city. I don’t know how many times I’ve been here before. I’ve never been to attractions, shopping malls or parks in the city. Where have I not been?

Lin Zhe was struck by her, and there was a moment of embarrassment on his face. He laughed twice and said, "Either she still has to be my wife, or she understands me."

Shen Xiaojun rolled his eyes and fell asleep holding his son.

Xiaowei got up very early the next day, checked the contents of her schoolbag, stuffed two more apples into it, and then ran out to wash up.

As soon as I walked to the door of the kitchen, I smelled the delicious smell.

He ran in and said, "Mom! Are these Coke chicken wings?"

It's so sweet, she can guess it as soon as she smells it!

"Yes, let you bring food for the spring outing."

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