Reborn 60 years ago, became a god thanks to the prophet

Chapter 023 Was it calculated again?

Australian wagyu, French foie gras, caviar, black truffle.

There is also a dessert and a drink.

It doesn't look like there are many things, but the per capita number is over [-].

The food was quickly served on the table of Zhang Jingshan and the others.

Originally, Zhang Jingshan wanted to introduce Ye Chen.

Little did he know that after the food came, Ye Chen was the first to make a move without any politeness.

The skillful use of knives and forks, as well as the temperament revealed when eating.

Zhang Jingshan was dumbfounded at the inadvertent self-consciousness.

Is this the kind of gambler who idles around and just wants to get rich overnight?

Mr. Ye, how do you feel about things here?Zhang Jingshan couldn't help but ask.

The steak was okay, but it took a little longer to defrost. As for the foie gras, less brandy was added when marinating. The caviar was okay, it was quite delicious. The black truffles tasted okay, but the slices were a bit thick. !

With elegant movements, Ye Chen said lightly after tasting each one.

However, Zhang Jingshan was stunned when he opened his mouth.

Although he was born with a golden key, his character is rough.

Regarding food, that is, the two concepts of delicious and not delicious, if you ask him to explain the ins and outs of it, he will definitely not be able to explain it.

As for asking Ye Chen how these things taste, I just wanted to ask if Ye Chen could get used to eating them.

How could you have thought that the other party would say such a thing?

Is this nonsense just pretending to understand?

Zhang Jingshan looked at Li Changfeng subconsciously.

He doesn't understand that, but Li Changfeng, who loves delicious food, does!

But when he looked around.

Li Changfeng's expression looked a little shocked!

This was not his first visit to the Champs Elysées.

But every time he felt there was something wrong with the taste, but he couldn't tell the origin of the flaw.

Now that Ye Chen said this, he seemed to suddenly become enlightened!

The defrosting time of the steak is too long, and the marinating time of foie gras requires less brandy...

The reason why I always felt there was a flaw before was probably this reason, it must be this reason!

Mr. Ye also has in-depth research on food?I have been to the Champs Elysées many times, and I always feel that the food here is a bit defective, but I just can't tell where the defect is. After Mr. Ye said this, I thought that the defect should be due to the problem Mr. Ye mentioned. ah!

Li Changfeng said anxiously, as if he had found someone with the same ideals.

It can’t be said that there is any research, it’s just that my tongue is a bit tricky, haha... Ye Chen said.

On the side.

Zhang Jingshan was completely confused.

Did Ye Chen really get it right?

How could a pauper and a rotten gambler be able to eat the flaws of these high-end Western foods?

Impossible, it seems that the information I collected before is wrong!

Li Changfeng, on the other hand, disagreed with what Ye Chen said.

Is this something you can eat if your tongue is a bit tricky?

He subconsciously thought that Ye Chen was being low-key and reserved.

I wonder what Mr. Ye does?Li Changfeng said.

Which way?The current state is that of unemployed vagrants enjoying the autumn breeze!Ye Chen smiled.


Li Changfeng looked at Zhang Jingshan.

The latter coughed awkwardly, "Mr. Ye and I just met yesterday, and we got attached to the string of Buddhist beads I told you about!"

oh!Li Changfeng nodded.

Somehow, the more this happened, the more mysterious he felt Ye Chen was.

Because Ye Chen can tell the difference between steak and foie gras at the first entrance. Looking at the entire upper class circle in Jiangzhou, he dare not find a few.

For a person like this, Li Changfeng wouldn't believe it if he said it was simple.

However, regarding Ye Chen's identity, he did not intend to continue to probe and inquire.

At least in this first meeting, he recognized Ye Chen.

This haute cuisine meal ended with harmonious laughter.

A group of three people walked out of the Champs Elysees.

Mr. Ye, will you go home directly later or do you have somewhere else to go?I send you!Zhang Jingshan said.

No need, I can just take a taxi back to avoid so much trouble!Ye Chen shook his head and declined with a smile.

Immediately he remembered the car accident that Li Changfeng suffered in his previous life.

He couldn't help but look at the other party and said, Mr. Li, did you drive here?

Yes, what's wrong?Li Changfeng was confused.

Monk Zhang Jingshan was also confused.

No, it just seems that something is not right with Mr. Zhang’s Yintang. Mr. Zhang had better take someone else’s car today. If you have time, you can find someone to check your car carefully, just in case!Ye Chen said.

This kind of argument that brought out something wrong with Yintang is really far-fetched, and it makes him look like a magician.

But Ye Chen couldn't help it. If Li Changfeng was the kind of passerby who made him feel indifferent, he would definitely not remind him.

But aside from the fact that the other person was a charitable maniac whom I admired in his previous life.

He is also the CEO of Yinuo Company.

Therefore, Ye Chen felt that it was necessary to let the other party avoid this difficulty and change people's hearts. In this way, Chen Yinuo's life in the company would definitely be much smoother.

Mr. Ye, are you kidding me?Li Changfeng frowned, his face solemn.

Mr. Ye, did you figure this out again?Zhang Jingshan was stunned.

No kidding, Mr. Li had better trust me, my intuition is always pretty accurate!

After saying this with a smile, Ye Chen clasped his fists towards Zhang Jingshan and raised his hands, "Mr. Zhang, thank you for today's hospitality and take your leave first!"

Ye Chen left.

Zhang Jingshan and Li Changfeng got into the taxi in astonishment.


Zhang Jingshan swallowed his throat.

Lao Zhang, do you want me to believe what he said?Li Changfeng's frown did not relax.

It’s better to believe that it exists than to believe that it doesn’t exist. I think it’s better to be cautious about this matter!Zhang Jingshan said.

When did you become so superstitious?You are not that kind of person either!Besides, my car was just picked up and it hasn’t even traveled [-] kilometers yet!Li Changfeng still didn't believe it.

It's not a matter of superstition or not. If Ye Chen doesn't take the initiative to bring it up, then it doesn't matter. He has already taken the initiative to bring it up, so don't you feel uncomfortable?It would be best if everything goes well, but what if there is something wrong?It’s not more than a day and a half, it’s just for peace of mind. Come on, I’ll take you back, and you can find someone to help you drive over and check it out later!

There was no room for Li Changfeng to refuse.

Zhang Jingshan pulled him towards the red Panamera.

In response, Li Changfeng smiled helplessly, but in the end he no longer resisted.


after an hour.

Two men pulled the brand new Ferrari 911 out of the Champs Elysées parking lot.

Fuck, slow down, Mr. Zhang has repeatedly told you, you have to slow down, you have to slow down!

When the Ferrari drove onto the road, the man on the passenger seat saw the speedometer hit [-] and immediately shouted in a hurry.

No, why are you panicking? I would say Mr. Zhang is being overly cautious. This is a new car with only [-] kilometers, and the maintenance has just been completed. Why should I drive it for inspection?The man driving the car was unimpressed.

I only follow Mr. Zhang’s instructions. There are two options, either you slow down, or you stop and let me drive!The man in the passenger seat said.

Come on, let me drive slower, slower, okay?

The man in the driver's seat was at a loss. He didn't want to hand over the steering wheel of this brand new Ferrari 911.

As soon as the accelerator was released, the speed of the car began to slow down.

When the speed dropped to [-], a taxi in front suddenly changed lanes without turning on the turn signal.

Damn you, uncle, if you change lanes without turning on the turn signal, this taxi will go to heaven!

In a Ferrari 911, the man driving the Ferrari [-] suddenly stepped on the brakes in desperation.

However, the brakes didn't react at all.


One kick on the brakes and the car hit the ground running.

There is still no sign of slowing down!

boom! ! !

The Ferrari 911 hit the taxi in front.

Bang bang bang -!

The Ferrari, which failed to stop, pushed forward against the rear of the taxi and rear-ended three more private cars before it finally stopped!

The scene was a mess!


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