Reborn 80s

Chapter 631

Chapter 631

How big is the gap between Huamei at this time?

The gap between military and technology is somewhat difficult to evaluate, because many things will not be displayed at all.

On the contrary, economic data are all publicly available information.

In 1993, the GDP of the United States reached US$6.8 trillion, accounting for 26.55% of the total global GDP, while the GDP of China was only more than US$4000 billion, accounting for 1.722% of the total global GDP.

The only thing that can compete with the United States economically is Europe.

Since World War II, Europe has been a vassal.

Therefore, it is impossible to argue against this statement.

On the other hand, Nihong wanted to get tough for a while, but it turned out that it was just a delusion.

At this time, Neon has experienced a stock market drop and the real estate bubble has been punctured. Although the economy is still growing strongly, the foundation is obviously damaged.

Wang Wan pursed her lips lightly, and looked at Chen Huaiqing with some surprise.

The slogan of catching up with the Premier League and the United States has been abandoned by everyone. At this time, people have become more rational.

When I don't understand, I feel that I am a cow.

After understanding it, I realized that my opponent was too strong and I was too weak.It's better to be honest and down-to-earth, and don't think about those gains and losses.

It is business to bury your head in development!

Now I don't want to catch up with anyone, I just want to make my life better.

"Boss, do you mean that in 20 years, our economy will be half of what the United States is now, or half of what it will be in 20 years?"

Chen Huaiqing: "Of course it will be 20 years later."

Wang Wan looked like she couldn't believe it, why did it sound a bit unbelievable?
Chen Huaiqing: "Why, don't you believe me?"

Wang Wan quickly shook her head: "The boss says yes, so it will!"

"It's not something I say I can do. It's that we in Huaguo really do it."

Wang Wan smiled lightly, naturally she would not have any refutation.

20 year later...

At that time, I was already old!
Chen Huaiqing closed the report of Mota Education, and started to flip through the report of Mota Medical.

Compared with the losses of Mota Education, Mota Medical makes a lot of money every year.

There are nearly [-] hospitals under Mota Medical, and every Mota hospital is a top-notch hospital in the local area.

In addition to the hospital environment, there are also hardware and medical talents.

The newly graduated medical students are desperately trying to get into Mota Hospital.

Promotion or something, that's not the most important thing.

The most important thing is the income of Murta Hospital.

The doctors at Mota Hospital do not rely on commissions from medicines or the like as their source of income.

Supporting doctors with medicines will only make medicines expensive and force doctors to prescribe more medicines to maintain income.

When the doctors of Mota Hospital go out for outpatient consultation, there is a consultation fee, and the consultation fee is shared with the hospital.

Doctors can get at least 50.00%, and hospitals can get at least 30.00%.

In addition to hospitals, Mota Medical is also involved in pharmaceuticals and medical devices.

Mota Medical is the largest manufacturer of disposable sterile syringes in China, with an annual production capacity of more than [-] billion.

It's an exaggeration, right?
What is even more exaggerated is that this output is not enough.

There are two types of syringes, one is plastic and the other is glass.

Plastic syringes are easy to dispose of after use, but glass ones are not easy to handle.

Moreover, in terms of cost, glass is obviously more expensive than plastic.

In addition to meeting domestic demand, the syringes produced by Murta Medical are also exported to foreign countries in large quantities.

Last year, for this item alone, Mota Medical’s export earnings reached [-] million US dollars.

Of course, Murta Medical does not only produce syringes, but also produces many other things, including disposable infusion tubes.

Before Mota Medical did these things, such as infusion tubes, they would be used repeatedly by multiple patients.

Mota Medical directly purchases raw materials from Mota Touchlight Petrochemical, and then proceeds to production.

In addition to these, Murta Medical also produces general medical masks, anti-virus masks, and medical protective clothing.

Surgical instruments and other things, of course, must be produced.

Mota Medical also has medical equipment, such as B-ultrasound machines.

Still developing nuclear magnetic resonance instrument and so on.

What surprised Chen Huaiqing the most was the achievements of Mota Medical in the field of drug research and development.

Globally, pharmaceutical companies have been at the forefront in R&D investment for quite a long time.

The annual investment of several major pharmaceutical companies in the world in drug research and development is equivalent to the GDP of a medium-sized country.

It must be said that if the money is invested in research and development, every penny proves to be extremely worthwhile.

These large pharmaceutical companies are all making a lot of money.

Of course, there are also things that make these pharmaceutical companies helpless, and that is body poisoning.

The poisonous guy is simply a rogue.

But there are ways to deal with rogues.

For example, let the body poison people, be a guinea pig and so on.

Anyway, there is a word poison in the body poison!
In drug research and development, Mota Medical is not only researching synthetic drugs, but also researching Chinese patent medicines.

The use of traditional Chinese medicine to treat diseases pays attention to the use of drugs according to the symptoms.

Different symptoms require different medications.

Mota Hospital has a dedicated department of traditional Chinese medicine, and attaches great importance to the development of traditional Chinese medicine, vigorously exploring the combination of traditional Chinese and Western medicine.

For example, after the operation, if the patient recovers after the operation, can he use some diet therapy methods to help the patient have a better postoperative performance.

"Mota Medical's net profit is a bit high!"

Wang Wan: "Isn't this normal?"

Since ancient times, it has never been heard that those who engage in medical treatment will be poor.

Chen Huaiqing frowned slightly, and tapped the table lightly with his fingers: "Have you sent someone to see the medicinal planting base run by Mota Medical?"

There are so many companies under Mota Holdings, and there are countless projects, large and small.

If Chen Huaiqing went to see every project in person, it would be impossible for Chen Huaiqing not to do other things throughout the year.

So, generally speaking, the secretary will do the job here, select people to inspect, and then make an inspection report to Chen Huaiqing.

Chen Huaiqing learned about the progress of the project through the report.

The medicinal material planting base established by Mota Medical does not mean that there is only one place, but dozens of places have been established.

As for Chinese herbal medicines, the ones grown in Yuzhou and the ones grown in Rongcheng are not far apart, but there is a big difference in the properties of the medicines.

South orange and north trifoliate also!
Many Chinese medicinal materials in Huaguo are exported to Neon and South Korea in large quantities.

In those two small countries, there are not so many medicinal materials.

It is indeed a very important reason for Chen Huaiqing to let Mota Medical to engage in the cultivation of Chinese medicinal materials to make money, but more importantly, he still wants to develop Chinese medicine while there are still many good old Chinese medicine practitioners around.

Chinese medicine practitioners who have been guarding this land for thousands of years can continue to shoulder this responsibility.

(End of this chapter)

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