Reborn as a DRAGON [STUB]

Chapter 108: Grandma’s magic

Special thank you to Eduardo Garcia, kynan, and all my Patreons. 



I watched carefully as the pink elements began to twist and twirl around my grandmother's body causing her to glow with a bright colorful gleam forcing me to shield my eyes at the sudden brightness.


The sudden glow was only there for a few breaths before It disappeared, leaving me with my mouth hanging open in shock and surprise. Grandmother, no, I didn't even know If I could call her my grandmother now, did not appear to be a dragoness anymore.


Her body was that of an extremely attractive older human lady, wait, not completely human, I thought as I glanced at her slightly pointed ears. A pair of large soft white wings sprouted from her back, as she stood there giving off a feeling of divinity.


It felt like her entire body was almost glowing, constantly giving off a strange unfamiliar aura. Her hair was silver, while her eyes also remained purple. If I had to guess from her face alone, I would have reckoned her to be in her mid-thirties.


Her silky silver hair was short barely reaching her shoulders, while her deep purple eyes still gazed at me with that gentle look of hers. I gulped before slowly asking hesitantly, "Grandmother?" Hearing the uncertainty In my voice, grandmother brought a hand to cover her mouth as she chuckled lightly before answering.


"Who else would I be?" She smirked before asking, "So what do you think? Hard to tell this is not my real body, right?" She asked with a proud expression on her face, to which I nodded subconsciously before adding. "That's soo cool grandma!"


"Grandma? Haha, I like that," She laughed, before continuing, "And It is, 'cool' right? That old lizard doesn't understand the beauty of going undercover, I can't believe your father didn't take anything after me and instead got that rotten personality from him," She clicked her tongue in annoyance.


My eyes were still glued to her body as I tried to figure out how exactly did her transformation work. Was It a simple illusion? Or did she truly modify her body? Grandmother must have sensed my confusion as she asked. "Are you curious?" To which I nodded subconsciously.


"Yes, is It a simple illusion, or did you actually transform?" Grandmother remained quiet for a few seconds as she rubbed her chin deep in thought before answering. "I suppose It would be more plausible to call It an illusion," She said as she took a step towards me and moved till she was barely an arm's length away.


I watched carefully as the pinkish elements reappeared, causing her humanoid figure to turn hazy as she began to morph back into her original draconic form. It continued blinking to and fro her human form and her dragon one causing grandmother's figure to look somewhat vague.


With but a thought, grandmother's body reverted to its original form as she explained. "The gods are all humanoids, they despise 'monster' forms or so they call them, and believe that the humanoid ones are the holiest forms," Clicking her tongue, she mumbled in annoyance, "Monster forms, heh, I'd like to see them say that in front of the King," Shaking her head, she added. "A bunch of hypocrites, but still, their food is amazing!" She said with her eyes sparkling before continuing.


"And, well, not all of them are that bad," She sighed.


'Oh? It seems like grandma's stance regarding the gods is rather conflicted,' I inwardly took note of the matter, committing it to memory.


The pinkish elements quickly gathered around her body once again, transforming her back to her humanoid form. “Now then little Aether, do you want to break into the land of the Gods with your how did you call It? Ah, with your grandma!” She said a light chuckle.


I instantly nodded in confirmation, I was very curious and excited to find out more about this floating land of the Gods, and besides, grandma was coming with me, so I didn't really feel nervous either. ‘She seems like she has been there a lot of times,’ I thought as I recalled her talking about their delicious food.


With an approving smile, grandmother extended her now human hand towards my head and gently caressed it. I was immediately surprised when her hand came in contact with my head as It did not feel like that of a dragon at all, instead, It felt like the gentle touch of a human.


‘That’s strange? Her element helps her create an illusion, no? Doesn’t mean she can't actually transform her body into that of a human, then again how does It feel so real?’ I wondered.


Glancing at her still extended hand, I could make out the various small pinkish elements wrapping around It. ‘The elements? So not only can they fool my sight, but they can also fool my senses?’ I thought while watching carefully as the said strange elements rushed towards me, completely enveloping my body in a matter of seconds.


A strange sensation soon followed as I felt as If there was suddenly an odd ‘layer’ of sorts between my body and the outside world, said layer was made completely out of the pinkish elements that grandmother used. I watched in curiosity as my body started to glow, my point of view also ended up becoming lower than before.


I blinked for a few seconds as I tried to adjust to the new sensations I was experiencing, only to suddenly pause in alarm. An old almost familiar feeling I had almost completely forgotten about...glancing down, I froze momentarily at the soft white palms that greeted me, ones that were completely different from the scaled arms I was used to seeing.


I hesitantly moved my hands to my face, softly tracing It in surprise and alarm. Everything felt too real, my nose, my thick eyebrows, my lips. For some reason, this gave me goosebumps, and not the good kind as I found myself quickly panicking. My breath picked up, as touched my hair, and glanced back down to my chest and legs.


For some reason, I was uncomfortable, I was more uncomfortable than I ever thought I would be. It felt like this body did not belong to me like I was just yanked out of my ‘original’ body, and placed into this, this...


Grandmother must have sensed my emotions, as her gentle hand softly patted me in the head. Her soothing voice reverberated in my ears, slowly easing my fear. “Calm down little Aether, what you are experiencing is completely normal, take a deep breath and focus on my eyes,” She said.


I quickly tried to do as she said, as I brought my gaze to face her deep unfathomable purple eyes. Strangely, I could feel myself calming down, almost as If something or someone was forcefully repressing my emotions.


“Better?” She asked with a smile.


Glancing at my still unfamiliar hands, I hesitantly nodded. “Better,”

Now, now, before anyone says anything, don’t count on this becoming a thing, It’s mainly to infiltrate the land of the Gods, other than that I have no plans of making Aether turn ‘Human’.  So, this won't be for long and it's not a permanent change.

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