Reborn as a DRAGON [STUB]

Chapter 120: The culprit

 Special thank you to Eduardo Garcia, kynan, and all my Patreons. For advanced chapters and illustrations do check the link below! Since its the start of the month, now is the best time to join ))



Hearing my bloodlust-filled tone question, Ynos subconsciously lowered his head, while Immy's expression turned solemn. I was able to sense Essie visibly shivering at my query yet she remained silent. Seeing that I turned my attention towards the second oldest, Sidus. 

He didn't avoid my gaze as his figure seemed to leap out of the shadows becoming more corporal, his expression was grave as he slowly spoke. 

"It was a Dragon," He said causing my frown to deepen. My first thought was that there must have been some sort of misunderstanding, a dragon did this? A dragon harmed Essie? Why would a dragon do that? 

I instinctively wanted to speak out, when I suddenly remembered a scene in the past where my mother seemed to clash against a certain dragoness. That was all the confirmation I needed to understand that not all dragons got along with each other, and so It was understandable for one to be the culprit. 

"An adult dragon?" Although I felt it to be unlikely, I still asked hesitantly. 

Shaking his head, Sidus glanced at Essie who was curled atop of my head before replying. 

"No, It's a young dragon who claims to have been named by the King, he is the one that attacked Essie," He said in a serious tone, I could sense the rage that bubbled deep inside of him as he tried to project himself as being calm, yet beneath all that facade was a storm threatening to lash out. 

Hearing his reply, a figure instantly appeared in my mind as I spat out in rage, "Ember!" The only one that was arrogant enough to do such a thing could only be him. Of course, the possibility of It being Allat or Linyss was still there, but with Sidus' confirmation, I was sure It was the young arrogant dragon. 

"You know him?" Asked Sidus In surprise before a flash of understanding flickered through his eyes.

Nodding, I slowly replied with a dry chuckle, 

"Know him? Heh, oh I know him alright. If grandfather and the other elders didn't intervene then he'd already been dead by now," I growled. 

Ynos' eyes widened in surprise at that, while Sidus nodded in approval a hint of pride flashing through his eyes while Immy had an unfathomable expression on her face, though her emotions told me she was just as mad as everyone. 

"What do we do brother?" She softly asked. 

I paused for a moment before asking. "Why did he attack little Essie?" 

The one to reply this time was Ynos as he spoke in agitation, "That bastard! Before she went unconscious Essie explained what happened, that damned little shit, he took fancy to Essie and wanted to take her with him, but she refused, they ended up fighting and the result is as you can see, though she managed to escape she was still injured," He said with gritted teeth. 

A frown quickly made its way to my face as I asked. "Where were all of you when this happened?" 

Under my questioning gaze, all of my siblings subconsciously shuddered before replying one after the other. 

"I was sleeping inside the cave," Said Sidus. 

"I was outside by the entrance," Added Immy. 

"I wasn't in the mountain at the time, I headed east to hunt for fairies," Explained Ynos. 

"Essie doesn't usually leave the perimeter of the mountain though?" I asked as my frown deepened. 

Immy was the one to reply this time as she calmly explained. "She left this time to search for more monsters and animals to take along with her for her flight tests," She said before a sigh escaped her mouth. 

I slowly nodded, before gently patting the still shivering Essie on my head. "I know you are still afraid, but all of us are here with you right now, can you tell me where did all of this happen? You don't have to worry about anything and just leave it to your big brother," I said in a soothing tone, trying to ease her still tense emotions. 

Hearing my question, Essie slowly raised her head and glanced at all of us, her face still held a hint of fear, yet face with our encouraging gazes she slowly nodded. 

"En, I-I remember," She said in a low voice. 

Smiling, I continued patting her as I spoke. "Then lead me there, I want to see where that damned red lizard grew such courage to harm my little sister," I grinned, barely able to control my rage. 

Essie was quiet for a while before sheepishly nodding. Glancing at my siblings, I silently motioned them to follow, to which they happily did. Soon, we were soaring through the sky, with me taking the lead, Sidus was to my left while Immy was to my right, Ynos on the other hand was flying directly below me as we made our way towards where the arrogant red dragon was last seen. 

Following Essie's directions, we quickly reached a large clearing with obvious signs of battle. Some trees were still burning, while others appeared to have been cut down by a sharp wind blade of sorts, various crevices were littered across the ground. 

I squinted my eyes as I activated my spiritual vision and glanced about. The water mana in the area was scattered and very thin as If It had been forcefully pushed away by another element. My initial plan was to use the water elements in the air to locate Ember, still, this red dragon was surprisingly crafty as he forcefully used his mana to cut off other elements from locking on to him. 

This put me in a rather difficult position, although I now held a bit of influence over the earth element It was still not as good as my water element, and since I was on land and not in the water, I was at a disadvantage. 

'Well, this would have been a problem If I was alone,' I thought with a chuckle as I turned to glance at Ynos who stared back at me with a clueless expression on his face. 

Just as I was about to ask, Essie surprisingly took the initiative to speak. "T-The wind just talked to me," She said causing me to pause as I waited for her to continue. 

"I can 'see' where that mean dragon is, but he is not alone," She said. 

"Not alone?" Asked Immy with a frown. 

"Is it an adult dragon?" Added Sidus, not hiding his concern. 

"Tsk, so what if it's an adult dragon! They can't be forgiven!" Growled Ynos. 

Shaking her head, Essie continued slowly in a soft tone, "No, they are all younglings," 

Hearing that, my expression eased as I spoke with a smile, "Can you ask the wind to lead us there," 

Hearing that, Essie hurriedly nodded, as Ynos walked by my side before asking with a bloodthirsty grin. "Are we going for a raid brother?"

"Heh, will see," 


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