Reborn as a DRAGON [STUB]

Chapter 152: Teacher

 As usual,

Special thank you to Eduardo Garcia, kynan, adam9413, Niedzwiedz1, and all my Patreons.



The battlefield slowly drew silent as the dark clouds parted making way for the rays of the sun. The massive dragon army dispersed each gone in a different direction as if what had happened was nothing but a dream, a mere illusion.

If not for the still-burning forest below, the various signs of destruction, and the still lingering repulsive aura in the air, I would have thought it all to be a dream. Sidus, Immy, Ynos stood silently by my side, we all waited with solemn expressions as grandmother finished talking with the other elders before they as well departed. 

Grandfather nodded in our way before he too disappeared on the horizon leaving behind grandmother who stood in the air as if it was solid land. Her gaze was serious as she glanced at the sky seemingly looking at something before she turned her attention towards the direction of the land of the Gods. 

After a while, an almost silent sigh escaped her mouth as she slowly walked down from the sky as if there were steps and gently landed before us all. The second her paws touched the ground, her entire body shapeshifted back to her human form. It made of a strange scene with all of us lowering our heads in respect before her small figure which did not reach our chests. 

"Immy, Sidus, and Ynos," Said grandma as she stared at them with a satisfied expression. 

Since I already informed them of who she was before she landed, the trio was on their best behavior, even Ynos had a look of awe and deep respect in his eyes as he kept sneaking glances at grandmother. He must have seen her previous battle since his eyes were practically shining.   

"We greet grandmother!" They all called out simultaneously to which she chuckled and shook her head. 

"Silly children, call me grandma," 

Saying that she turned her gaze towards me and smiled, "Little Aether, that previous attack of yours was visible from leagues away, although impressive, that's not a very smart thing to do, especially not on a battlefield, its the equivalent of putting a mark on your head,"  

Embarrassed, I lowered my head further and replied, "I apologize, grandma, we were in a bit of a dilemma,"  

"No matter, where's that foolish child of mine?" She then asked with a sigh whilst shaking her head. 

"Inside," I answered respectfully to which she nodded and walked past us without adding anything else. 

We quickly followed behind her as she made her way to the cave. Inside, Essie's tiny figure was standing before father with a nervous expression, her tail moved about anxiously as she kept glancing at his wounds. Ayona was respectfully floating by her side, not saying anything. 

The second we walked in, however, her attention turned towards us, she glanced at me and bowed her head in respect. Sensing our presence, Essie glanced in our direction as well, her eyes widened in surprise as locked gazes with grandmother. 

"So you must be little Essie," Warmly said, grandmother, causing Essie to subconsciously look at me with a puzzled expression. 

I gave her a slight smile and gently nodded my head. Seeing that, she turned back towards grandmother and replied, "I am, and you are...?"  

"Call me grandma dear, I'm that silly child's mother," She smiled warmly as she walked towards Essie who had her head lowered, and gently patted it. 

It was quite a comical scene as Essie had a confused look on her face, she slowly muttered in surprise, "Grandma?" 

"That's right," She answered before turning her gaze towards father's collapsed figure. 

Her body size was insignificant when placed next to his, he looked akin to a small hill while she was too small to mention, yet none of us dared underestimate her, for under that tiny frame laid an explosive power capable of leveling us all with but a flick of her finger. 

Looking at father, a sad expression made its way to her face as another sigh escaped her mouth. "Can you help father, grandma?" Essie asked hesitantly as she glanced at grandmother. 

"En, leave it to me," She smiled warmly and extended her hands towards his body. A gentle gust of wind suddenly appeared and rushed towards father's wounds. Using my spiritual vision I was able to see grandma's mana seep inside his body, it then clashed against the dark energy that was blocking our previous attempts at healing him. 

Once grandma's mana collided with it, her mana elements shuddered for a second before they overwhelmed the dark energy. Essie's eyes widened in shock and surprise as a black cloud seeped out of father's body. 

Grandmother then opened her mouth and sucked the dark mist. Seeing that, a frown made its way to my face, the dark energy was extremely dangerous, so much so that it forced father into such a miserable state enabling him from healing. 

Yet grandmother did not seem to care about it at all, her face didn't change once as she swallowed the dark energy as if it was nothing. Snapping me out of my chain of thoughts was Essie's excited voice. 

"You used wind magic just now! Right grandma?" She asked with beaming eyes. 

"Haha, indeed my child, you seem quite gifted with the blessings of the wind as well," Answered grandma with a smile.

"I am? But I still didn't pass my rite of passage...Everyone already had there's but me, mother didn't take me with her," She replied in a low depressed tone. 

"Oh, my sweet child, that's because you are unique and your mother was afraid she wouldn't be able to guide you well, but now that I'm here you have nothing to worry about!" Declared grandma with a grin. 

"Really?! Does that mean i'll grow stronger?"Happily asked Essie with a glowing expression.  

"Of course! They don't call me the lady of the skies for no reason, once I'm done with you, the wind will be akin to your second limb, at your beck and call," Nodded grandma with a smile. 

Hearing that, Essie grew excited as she turned to glance at me, "Did you hear that brother! Grandma will train me!" She said with a beaming smile. 

"En, you'll have to work hard," I nodded. 

"Thank you grandma! I won't disappoint you!" 

"Oh, I know you won't dear," 


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