Reborn as a DRAGON [STUB]

Chapter 3: The first battle

My little brother, or Blacky how I liked to call him seemed to be somewhat shorter than me by a little. As he approached me with his teeth bared in hostility a growl unconsciously escaped my throat. 

It was a natural response in which I had no control over. I could clearly sense the animosity from his gaze yet somehow, I was also able to sense something else, fear?

So my little brother was afraid of me? A strange feeling of pride took over me, I did not know why but seeing the hesitant look on his face as Blacky contemplated on whether he should pounce on me or not made me feel excited. 

My blood began to boil as an unfamiliar thirst for battle took over me and threatened to cloud my vision while I struggled to retain control over my sanity. 

Blacky seemed to have reached a final verdict as he lunged at my neck with his jaw wide open, the feeling of danger caused my body to stiffen as I unconsciously retreated a few steps back successfully avoiding his attack.

Perhaps it was just my imagination, but somehow I could sense the smugness oozing from Blacky as he seemed to be proud of himself since he made me retreat. 

Another unfamiliar wave of emotions engulfed me as I glared at my younger sibling. His previous attack was made with the intention to kill, he had lunged himself towards my neck which forced me to retreat in panic. 

For some reason, the fact that Blacky my younger sibling pressed me into retreating caused my blood to boil in anger, It was a wave of deep primal anger that sprung from within my bones. 

I did not quite understand how I was feeling, yet at the moment I didn't care, Blacky had to pay, he had to learn his place as the youngest, and I was going to teach him!

A somewhat immature roar escaped my lips, although not as impressive as what I imagined a full-grown Dragon would be capable of, it was still enough to force Blacky back a few steps, his scent that of fear as he lowered his head, his gaze, however, remained full of defiance.

Taking one step forward, I dashed towards him causing his snake-like golden eyes to open wide in panic. Although my blood was boiling in excitement, I still forced myself to remain calm. 

I didn't attack with my teeth but rather used my right sharp claw. With a mighty swing, Blacky barely managed to raise his left paw to block my attack before he was sent flying backward. 

Not giving him any time to regain his composure, I instantly followed after him with another attack from my left claw, this time, however, Blacky managed to use his shorter body to evade my attack as he tried to launch one of his own at my side.

By this time, I had already immersed myself completely in the fight, I was moving purely on instinct. As I sensed Blacky's attack, I hastily turned around and countered with my tail which was spiky at the base.  

His face instantly collided with my tail causing a few of his scales to dent and crack as he was sent flying back once more, this time he remained on the ground. 

It seemed that the previous attack on his head caused him to be stunned, I could see that his right eye was bleeding, my tail attack had apparently rendered him blind in that eye. 

I didn't come out of our clash unscathed either, some of the scales on my tail were broken as blood dripped down from between them and into the cave floor. 

I forcefully calmed not raging emotions before I ended up doing something I could potentially regret. My entire body was screaming at me to 'kill' as I glared at the now dazed Blacky, yet I struggled against it. 

I still had no idea where my mother or father was, and while no sibling affection was stopping me from just killing Blacky, although I never met her, I still had my concerns over how my mother would react.  

Perhaps only the strongest child would survive? That could be so, but I was still unsure about the entire Dragon family situation so I decided to play it safe. 

While I was lost in thought, I neglected the fact that there were other eggs present. A strong force suddenly clashed against my side knocking the wind out of my lungs as I was sent tumbling to the ground. 

Raising my head to glare at my assailant, a newborn golden dragon with a short but robust body, and a large pair of horns that sprung from his forehead, his wings appeared to be even smaller than Blacky's yet his body seemed looked stronger. 

'Tsk, great another disrespectful little brother.' I growled to myself before lightly jumping back to my feet. 

"Roar!" I tried my best to intimidated my newly born sibling with a mighty roar, yet to my disappointment, Golden boy was unphased, unlike Blacky, his fighting spirit seemed to grow stronger at my roar causing him to unleash a cry of his own. 

"Roar!" Albit it came off a bit lacking compared to mine. 

Soon the robust golden dragon was rushing towards me with unprecedented speed, his pair of large horns pointed straight at me as he ran with his head lowered. 

Since he was rushing towards me in a straight line with his head lowered, I simply sidestepped out of the way of his charge and used my tail to throw him off balance causing Golden boy to tumble ungracefully to the ground nose-first.

"A muscle brain, eh?"  I shook my head in disappointment. 

Golden boy did not seem to mind that his attack has missed, he hurriedly rushed back to his feet and charged at me once again using the exact same tactic as his previous attack. 

Staring at the golden tank of pure muscles rushing towards me, I calmly waited till the last second to dodge his charge before this time sending a paw attack straight to the back of his head while also using my tail again to trip him off balance. 

Golden boy was once again sent to kiss the floor, this time, however, he failed to remain conscious as he laid unmoving on the hard cave ground. 

It seems my instincts had not failed me, a feeling of relief washed over me as I glanced at my collapsed younger sibling with pride, the back of our neck seemed to be one of our weak points, I'd do best to protect it carefully.


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