Reborn as a DRAGON [STUB]

Chapter 432: Newcomer

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"That was fun!" Grinned Ynos as he flew closer to us.

I looked at his bloodied state with raised brows. His golden scales were dyed red by the blood of all the unfortunate souls who decided to step in his way.

"Fun you say?"

He smiled and continued scanning the area around us as we flew, his eyes shining in hopes of finding another challenger. Luckily, however, it seemed like we were in the clear for now.

The loyalists decided against approaching us once they saw the look on Ynos's face and the aftermath of facing him head-on. The Shades and the others, on the other hand, tried to stop us a few more times before they gave up as well.

It wasn't much of a surprise since most of the big guys were fighting at the far edges of the battlefield and had no time to turn their attention toward us, which worked quite well in our favor.

"What was the name of that planet again?" Sidus asked with a frown as we flew further and further away from the brightly illuminated battlefield.

"Aynezh," I replied.

"How are we supposed to find that," he sighed with a frown.

"I'm not sure, but first things first, we have to leave this area. It's not safe anymore."

"Teleport?" Little Essie asked while tightly gripping my horns for support.

"Yes," I smiled, "Come closer, all of you," I continued.

Ynos flew under me, while Sidus took to my left and Immy to my right. Breta was on my back, and little Essie was happily settled on top of my head.

With everyone accounted for, I summoned my cosmic mana. This time, the elements moved from all around us and encompassed everyone with me at the center before we were whisked away.

Almost instantly, we were somewhere else. The teleportation process was smooth, and the group barely felt anything as we found ourselves in a different part of space.

Before they could say anything, I teleported us once more.

I would have liked to say that I had a destination in mind, or that I knew where I was going. Unfortunately, that was not the truth. I was simply following my gut feeling and letting the cosmic mana guide me.

The elements were very much so, 'alive'. They understood my emotions better than anyone, and so I leaned on that feeling and continued to teleport.

Once, twice, three times. It didn't take long before I lost count of how many teleportations we made, and I couldn't even fathom how large of a distance we had crossed.

Still, I persistently followed the guidance of the cosmic mana one teleportation at a time. Sure enough, after a while, the familiar dark scenery of space changed as a bright star appeared before us.

I paused and glanced at the massive blue planet before it. It looked to be inhabited. Two moons lazily orbited around it.

"Is that it?" Ynos asked in confusion.

"I don't think so," I hesitated before answering.

"Can we check it out!?" Essie excitedly asked.

I glanced at Sidus and Immy who shrugged before nodding, "Might as well,"


As we approached the planet, we all kept our guard up expecting the worst. Still, there was no barrier protecting the world and no sign of divinity.

Were there no Gods in this world?

As we broke through the surface, we landed in a massive open grass meadow, though its color was a strange scarlet one. Mana was present in this world, though not as abundant as the main plane.

Breta jumped from my back and landed on the grass, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath, seemingly enjoying the light breeze.

Essie quickly followed after her, and stretched her wings, flying in circles above us. Her light giggles echoed across the field.

"Is this okay?" Sidus asked lightly as he approached me.

"What is?"

"This," he said motioning to everyone before continuing, "Aren't we supposed to be running?" He asked.

"I didn't take you for one that runs away," I teased.

"Don't poke fun at me, brother. Even I know that we hold no chance should everyone turn against us."

"True, but we don't have a choice now. We don't even have a plan, and we don't know where this Aynezh world is at," I replied.

Deep down, I still held a slight hope that the cosmic mana would lead me to the right way, but I couldn't be so sure.

"Is there any chance that this place is Aynezh?" He asked, as he raised his head to stare at Essie who was enjoying herself.

Looking around, I lightly frowned, "Somehow, I doubt it. Syra said that world had Gods and Dragons. I can't sense a single strand of divinity here."

"There are some mortals," he replied.

I nodded, "And there is a faint aura of Dragons."

"Are we staying here?" Ynos asked with a yawn as he approached.

"I don't mind," Breta added.

Right before I could answer, I turned my gaze to the south where a presence was fast approaching. A dragon?

"Someone is coming," Immy added solemnly.

Right after that, the figure of the newcomer was made clear. It was a Dragoness. Chilling winds whipped through the land as she approached, with eyes as piercing as a frozen peak, her gaze a beacon of frost-kissed intensity as she scanned us.

Frosted white horns crowned her head, gleaming like polished diamonds under the light of the sun, a stark contrast to the azure hue of her scales.

Along her back, curved spines jut out like jagged peaks, each one adorned with a delicate fin that extends from the back of her head to the tip of her tail, lending her an ethereal beauty. Her scales, a brilliant shade of azure shimmered with an otherworldly glow as she approached, their ends frosted in a pristine white that sparkled like freshly fallen snow.

Judging from her aura, she was strong, but we were stronger, of that at least, I was sure. Still, although she didn't seem to hold any ill intentions, I was still prepared for whatever might happen.

The dragonness landed gracefully before us, and the wind almost Immediately turned cold in her presence.

'Water Dragoness with a strong Ice element,' I noted. She was of average height, a bit shorter than me, but not by much.

Before we could say anything, her frosty visage fell as she gave a wide almost innocent smile, "Oh thank the king! Finally! Someone came!" Her voice was cheerful as she smiled warmly at us, a massive contrast from the initial impression she gave.

"Uh, hello?"

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