Reborn as a DRAGON [STUB]

Chapter 436: Elements

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As our final exchange of glances unfolded, I observed the varying expressions etched upon each one's face. Sidus, ever the stoic, bore a solemn countenance, his eyes reflecting a depth of contemplation. Ynos, in stark contrast, wore a grin so broad it seemed to stretch from ear to ear, his confidence palpable as he exuded an air of excitement rather than concern.

Breta's nod carried a weight of caution, her gaze conveying a silent warning amidst the anticipation of our impending endeavor. "Be careful," she urged, her voice laced with a subtle hint of apprehension. "There's a chance we were just incredibly lucky," she added.

Standing beside Breta, Immy nodded in agreement, her features mirroring a blend of determination and caution. "The moment you sense anything awry, teleport without hesitation," she advised, her voice carrying a note of urgency.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to risk it. I'll be fast," I replied without hesitation.

"U-Um, Good luck!" Lost who was standing a foot behind Ynos mustered her courage and spoke up.

"Don't worry! How many times do I have to remind you?" Little Essie chimed in confidently, taking it upon herself to respond on my behalf. "Brother Aether is the strongest," she declared with unwavering assurance.

While I wouldn't openly admit it to their faces, there was a certain satisfaction in knowing they held me in such high regard.

A faint smile graced my face as I ascended into the sky. With each flap of my wings, I propelled myself higher, gaining altitude before initiating teleportation. I executed the process in brief bursts, traversing small distances with each teleportation.

There was no point in rushing. As I neared the planet's atmosphere, my form began to flicker in and out of existence until finally, I emerged beyond its bounds.

For a fleeting moment, I hung suspended in the boundless expanse of space, my wings outstretched as if embracing the cosmos. It was a sensation akin to returning home. With eyes closed, I savored the familiar embrace for a few precious seconds before reopening it to the endless expanse before me.

Behind me lay the planet, its serene beauty accentuated by the lazy orbit of its two moons. Yet, ahead stretched an expanse of darkness, an abyss devoid of any familiar illumination. Directing my focus to the space before me, it vaguely evoked memories of Share territory. Here, amidst the void, no familiar starlight pierced the darkness, leaving only a pure abyssal expanse.

What struck me as strange, however, was the absence of any sense of foreboding. Instead, it simply felt... empty.

'So that's the Void,' I inwardly noted.

There was no discernible pull, or at least none that I could perceive. Yet, to be doubly certain, I resumed teleporting in brief increments, traversing small distances as I neared the expanse of vast void. Its boundaries were elusive, difficult to ascertain amidst the darkness.

However, even as I distanced myself further from the planet, the absence of any sort of pull persisted.

'Interesting, is it just me? Or would the others not feel it as well?'

I felt the temptation to continue onward, yet as I ventured farther from the planet, a growing sense of apprehension gnawed at my resolve. With each passing moment, hesitation tightened its grip, until finally, I shook my head and compelled myself to turn back. Before departing completely, however, I cast one last glance toward the endless expanse of the Void.

'Maybe some other time.'

The journey back proved uneventful; I refrained from teleportation, opting instead to rely solely on my wings. The Void exerted no influence over me, allowing for a smooth return flight. As I reentered the planet's atmosphere, I initiated teleportation directly to rejoin the others.

Appearing right above them proved to be a not-so-smart decision, as Breta and Sidus already on the edge, and positioned at the ready, nearly simultaneously unleashed their attacks in my direction. Fortunately, I swiftly dodged the incoming assaults before teleporting safely to the ground.

"Whoah! Calm down, it's me!"


Breta lowered her spear, and Sidus dissipated his mana. I shifted my gaze towards Ynos, who had conjured a massive boulder and was poised to launch it in my direction. As our eyes met, he awkwardly averted his gaze.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Ahem, well, they all had a shot, so…"

A disappointed sigh escaped my mouth as I shook my head before speaking, "Drop it, now's not the time."

Clicking his tongue in frustration, Ynos released the massive boulder, causing the ground to tremble upon impact. He grumbled to himself about the perceived unfairness of the situation, his discontent evident in his muttering.

"So, how did it go?" Immy inquired, drawing nearer. Essie, standing beside her, fixed me with eyes brimming with anticipation, her gaze alight with curiosity.

I gave a light shake of my head before responding, "No pull. I even tested it by flying back instead of relying on teleportation. Still nothing."

"H-How can that be possible?" Lost muttered in disbelief, her voice tinged with astonishment.

Essie, appearing satisfied with her reaction, lifted her head high with a smirk, gazing toward the sky with a sense of accomplishment.

"Who goes next?" I asked.

"I'll go," Sidus stepped forward.

"Huh, why you?" Immy asked with a frown.

"I wasn't asking," Sidus retorted, his tone firm, before his shadow elongated from the ground, enveloping him before propelling skyward.

"That basta—"

"Well, guess I'll go make sure he's safe," I quickly interrupted before teleporting behind him.

His silhouette resembled that of a living shadow, with only his eye emitting a faint glow amidst the darkness. He cast a glance in my direction as I materialized beside him, uttering, "Stay back for the time being."

"Don't worry, I'll intervene only if the situation takes a turn for the worse," I assured him.

With those words spoken, I came to a halt, observing as his figure gradually receded into the distance, moving farther and farther away from the planet. Squinting my eyes, I remained vigilant, poised to react swiftly at the slightest hint of trouble, yet still, no disturbances arose.

Even Sidus hesitated, pausing in his departure to cast a lingering gaze in my direction. His eyes shifted between the expanse of void and me for a fleeting moment before he reluctantly began his return journey.

I waited until he made the journey back himself before asking, "No pull?"

"No, nothing," he replied.

"In that case, I doubt Immy would feel anything either," I said, to which he reluctantly agreed.

"Might have something to do with our elements," He said, to which I nodded.

"Well, best we make sure that's the case then."

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