Reborn as a DRAGON

Chapter 1: The fall of the Gods

'Many fantastical creatures begin their lives as ordinary until they are touched by magic. Dragons are different, they are born fantastical — The book of Gods.'


Though the ground glistened as if the rain had fallen, the liquid that shone wasn't clear, but

red. The men who had fallen, pawns in the game of gods, were for the most part dead, and those

who were not soon would be. Their masters took stock of the outcome, considering their armies in numbers only. How many had fallen? How many remained strong and able to be sent to the next fight?

For now, however, the battlefield lay quiet, for it was now mostly a graveyard of the unburied. Their corpses lay there unmoving. The sun still shone and the wind still blew, but somewhere, mothers and fathers, brothers and sisters still waited in vain. These men, who were once boys that played in the yard with sticks and laughed at each other’s silly tales, were now meat for the birds. Their eyes vacant and as immobile as their limbs. Their souls had long since departed to the celestial planes of their respective Gods.

In the middle of such a gruesome scene, a man and a woman stood facing one another,

their robes unblemished nor stained by the blood and dirt of the battlefield.

As they quietly stared at one another, the survivors of each side watched with bated breath,

none daring to breathe loudly, for it was now the battlefield of the Gods.

They as mere mortals had no part in such confrontation. And so they watched, each side praying to their respective deity, for this was not a simple battle, no, this was a war between the races. A war between the Gods.

The green-haired Elven Goddess was the first to make her move. Her body started to glow under the careful gaze of the watchers, as vast amounts of mana began to gather around her form.

The black-haired Demon God looked unfazed as his cape fluttered behind his back. He suddenly opened up his bat-like wings and took to the skies while gathering his mana around his body.

"It's about time we end this, Tyra," he spoke, his voice booming down from above, forcing

the mortals to cower in fear as they brought their hands to their ears.

"Hmph, today is the day I exterminate you and your vile race Leion!" Answered the Elven Goddess as she summoned a giant tree root from the ground, shooting it towards him.

"Child's play." He rolled his eyes, a giant red bastard sword appearing in his hands.

With a flick of the sword, the tree roots that obstructed the skies were suddenly cut in half and sent back to the ground with a loud boom, inflicting even more casualties to both sides below, yet the Gods seemed not to care for the mortals, their eyes simply glued on one another.

With a loud swoosh, the Demon God disappeared from his place only to reappear in front of Tyra. Yet she was already prepared for his attack as she sidestepped his sword slash and summoned her bow, instantly shooting three arrows in succession towards him.


The sound of metal clashing resounded throughout the ruined battlefield as sparks flew from Leion's bastard sword, forcing him a few steps back.

"Is that all you got?" He laughed as he rushed towards her.

Seeing that he was unphased by her attack caused a slightly flustered expression to surface

on the Elven Goddess' face as a pair of fairy wings suddenly sprouted from her back,

helping her escape his attack and taking her to the sky.

Leion did not give up his pursuit as he hurriedly summoned a massive black flame, which

caused the surrounding space to collapse on itself.

Faced with that, Tyra's face fell as she urgently shouted, "Are you out of your mind?! Do you

no longer care for your subjects?!"

Undisturbed by her remark, Leion simply laughed before answering. "They came from me, and to me, they shall return. Don't act like you care, Tyra, I know you better than anyone else. Behind that gentle facade

you keep lies a heart of stone."

She clicked her tongue in annoyance. There was no use in dodging the flame since it would

simply keep on following her wherever she went. Shooting the surviving mortals a glance, her mind was constantly thinking of a solution to her dilemma.

If she used the power of the earth to shield herself, then that would mean causing damage to the entire plane, and that would make it a pain to recover it to its habitable state.

Gritting her teeth, she decisively willed all of her mana to her fairy wings causing them to expand before covering her entire body within them as they suddenly started to glow a faint green color.


A deafening explosion ensued as the two sides clashed, followed by a shockwave that made

the mortals bow to the ground. The sky seemed to be on fire, and to the soldiers below, it looked as if the end of the world was nigh.

"I'm surprised you actually took that head-on," said Leion with a tinge of shock. Before he

could say anything else, his face suddenly changed as he quickly retreated from the smoke-

filled sky, yet he was a step too late.

Four beams of light shot towards him at a speed impossible to follow with the naked eye. His bastard sword gracefully danced in his hand as he swung it at the beams, successfully deflecting three, yet the fourth landed true on his left arm, completely pulverizing it.

A scowl took over his face as he glanced at the distance where Tyra slowly landed on the ground, missing a wing. She did not seem any better off as she hatefully stared back at him.

"Already using your celestial mana to stop me from regenerating. Why do you want to end things so quickly?" He said while briefly glancing at where his left arm was once at.

The Elven Goddess did not bother to reply, as she readied her bow for her next attack. Leion

did the same with his bastard sword as he brandished it, hoping to settle the battle in one

strike. It seemed that both of them had the same thought.

Yet before any of them could make a move, something unexpected appeared causing this battle between the Gods to come to an abrupt halt, something suddenly arrived...

A roar suddenly shook the plane, causing the two deities to glance back in panic at the

newcomer. A majestic large creature with obsidian scales, a pair of enormous wings that

blotted out the sky, the creature had four large horns coming from its head as they

curved backward, looking like a crown on its majestic head.

Its golden eyes stared coldly at the two deities before it spoke in an ancient and authoritative voice.

"You have broken the ancient pact," said the mighty dragon. The two deities visibly

shuddered as they retreated a few steps.

"For that, you must pay the price." It spoke once more.

Hearing that, the two celestials’ faces turned pale with fear as they suddenly turned tail and

fled, any thought of resisting long gone from their mind. The mortals below watched in awe and disbelief as their guardian deities tried to flee.

The mighty and ancient dragon however had no intention of letting them go as it opened its

large jaw, revealing a massive row of teeth, each capable of tearing through any mythical

armor like paper.

A black whirlpool of energy suddenly appeared, swirling as the dragon gave a mighty roar,

sending the energy towards the fleeing deities. Frantic, the Elven Goddess alongside the Demon God turned and summoned every ounce of their mana to defend against the ancient dragon's attack.

"Okay, that should be it for tonight. Try and get some sleep for now," said the mother as she

closed the book in her hand and moved to give her child a gentle kiss on his forehead.

"But mom! You can't stop there! You didn't even get to the part where the Dragon slays the Elven Goddess and Demon God!" Protested the boy.

His mother chuckled as she affectionately patted his head before replying, "We'll continue

tomorrow, dear. For now, you should get some sleep." She said.

Although clearly disappointed, the boy grumbled and agreed."Fine!"

His mother smiled before standing up from the bed and blowing off the candle. "Mom?" Her son called out to her as she was about to leave the room.

"Yes, love?"

"Do you think the Dragons will ever come back?" He asked.

"I don't know dear, maybe they never left. Now sleep love, it's already too late," She said with a smile before gently closing the door.

The boy soon drifted to sleep, his mind full of majestic Dragons soaring through the skies as they battled Deities and restored the balance to the plane.

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