Reborn as a DRAGON

Chapter 20: Unfinished business

'The rise of competition between the various nations enhanced the blood lust for the demons, elves, and beast-man with no distinction between the innocent and those who did harm. They acted as knights that took no distinction between heroes and murderers and killed them all, and then they wonder why the natural world and society became so unstable. Without the practitioners of positive chaos, negative chaos will consume all. It's that simple. You can't break the order and expect not to face any consequences. For we do not bear the sins of our forefathers.' — ????


I laid on the ground panting, my strength depleted. I never thought about the consequences continuously using Dragon breath would bring. I could barely move a muscle.

The area in front of me was void of any trees, a side-effect of me getting too excited with the breath attack's firepower. Although I had none left, I could still vaguely sense the energy replenishing itself in my heart.

'But at its current rate, this will take forever.' I inwardly complained. My reserves allowed me to use Dragon breath, six times in a row. I did not quite know yet if that was impressive or not, more research is due.

Though when I used mana, I had no problem worrying about my reserves since I merely asked for its help. Mana was all around me, hence I did not have to worry about running out.

'The damage it could deal however is quite low.'

With a grunt, I stood up and dragged my weary body next to father before I collapsed once again. Although it did not seem like it was dangerous, and I wasn't far away, still I did not want to risk anything. Father didn't seem to mind either.

And so exhausted, and with my energy spent, I closed my eyes and drifted into the peaceful dreamland. 'I hope my energy will have recovered when I wake up. The others are still sleeping too.'


Something wet was touching my snout. My eyes slowly opened as I was assaulted by the sudden glare of the sun. A small green face was obstructing my view. 'Green.'

Seeing my eyes open, a sudden yelp of surprise escaped her mouth as she tumbled backward tripping on her tail before she kissed the ground. My gaze was still drowsy as I scanned our surroundings with a yawn.

'Green woke me up which means the others...' With that thought in mind, Golden boy's energetic figure flashed by as he jumped from tree to tree.

Blacky had a haughty look on his face as our eyes met, yet I could still sense the hidden respect behind his gaze. 'Interesting.' His entire aura was different from before. An almost hazy dark cloud was surrounding him, it reminded me of the Werewolf's ability as he hid in the shadows.

'Wait, where's White?' My head turned left and right as I tried to find my little sister. Father was still sleeping without a care in the world, yet White was nowhere to be found.

'That's weird, she's not here which means she already woke up. Then again where did she go?' As I was thinking about such a thing, her figure suddenly appeared from behind a tree.

'What the hell happened to her?!' My eyes widened. Her white unblemished scales were stained scarlet, a few cracks here and there with what looked like claw marks on her back.

Her gaze however was determined. She glanced at father before turning around and dragging something else back, it was another werewolf? White dragged the corpse which was missing a hand and two legs by the neck before throwing it in front of father.

I scanned the werewolf's body in surprise, although this one seemed smaller than what I had hunted, with grey fur, it was still nonetheless impressive that she had managed to hunt one.

'I never took White for the savage type.' I inwardly mumbled. It was easy to tell how hard of a battle she fought just from the state her body was in.

'But why hunt another monster didn't we already finish?'

Father who had his eyes closed all this time, finally opened them and glanced at the dead monster White presented to him, his gaze then turned to her before he shook his head and resumed sleeping.

'What the fuck is happening? If she presented it to him, does that mean she wants him to do whatever it was he did before with the heart thingy?' A thought suddenly appeared in my mind.

'Wait, the heart...Is that the key to that nightmarish realm? Does she want to go back there?'

I turned to glance at Blacky who did not seem to have any intention of going to hunt for another prey. 'There's no way Blacky who's always haughty would sit by idly when White could potentially grow stronger than him. Then again father did not seem pleased with the prey, why? I'm sure this one is stronger than the previous one she brought.'

Faced with father's rejection, White's head dropped low, I did not know how I could read a Dragon's expression, but she seemed sad. Our gazes interlocked before she made her way next to me before she buried her head at my side.

'Well, even with that tough surface, she's still a kid after all.' I then gently brought my wing over her body.

Blacky who was standing a distance away turned his head in disdain, while Golden boy was too busy jumping between trees to care. Green was the only one that seemed anxious as she wobbled towards White seemingly trying to comfort her.

'Now then, does this mean if I bring an even stronger prey that father approves of, there's a possibility that I might revisit that realm?' A shiver ran down my spine as I recalled that dark abyss.

'Wait why the hell would I want to go back there for?' My mental struggle was suddenly cut short as another cry shook the land and awoke father. His dome-like shield hurriedly covered us before his gigantic body moved for the first time.

His wings seemed to blot out the skies as he leaped to the air causing dust to rise in our surroundings. I was unable to catch a glimpse of his face, yet the thick bloodlust he was emitting was enough for me to understand...Father was angry.

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