Reborn as a DRAGON

Chapter 30: Home

Folded in the breast pocket of Gabrien's shirt is a yellowing piece of paper. The paper had been with him for years now, ever since the war had ended, it almost started to fall apart, yet he tried to take extra care of it. The paper had become wet in Grandwood's forest while the ink had run a little, making the hurried writing even harder to decipher. but that mattered not for he knew what every word said and what it meant to him. It had been penned by his little brother, too young to enlist, but forced to anyway. They'd signed up on the same day but been separated into different fronts. He didn't think that he would die... The day he discovered that his brother had perished, something inside him died as well. A numbness took hold of him and he was unable to cry like his mother and father. The feeling of loss and helplessness was so much that mere tears would not assuage it. It has been years since the end of the continental war, and he had continued with his life, run a small blacksmith store and had a family, but he always kept that letter safe with him. "I love you, Hob." —???


The old ruins below on the endless plains were so strong in foundation, that they lasted for what appeared to be generations. My eyes glanced about in curiosity at weather-worn stone pillars surrounded by dead clumps of grass, half-crumbled buildings were neatly packed together, with cracked blocks and stones broken up by meandering tree roots.

The massive ruined city, with its hundreds of stone temples, passages, stairways, and statues, rose up like a hand praising the heavens. I could only imagine what it might have looked like before.

Soon, however, we passed by the plains leaving the ruined city behind. I was almost reluctant to leave, my eyes were still drawn to the old ruins which almost seemed to whisper of hidden treasures and tales of adventure bold.

Glancing below as the scenery changed once more, this time reverting to another forest. To my surprise, instead of continuing on her way, mother slowed down before she began to descend towards the dense wood.

Father was right behind us as he followed, his eyes darted left and right as he scanned the area, almost as if he was expecting someone or something to suddenly show up. 'So we already arrived?' I thought as we drew closer to the ground.

Just then, however, the scenery ahead suddenly changed as we passed what felt like an invisible veil. The endless forest was no more, in its stead was a large green mountain. My mouth opened in amazement at the sheer size of it.

'Did we just teleport elsewhere or was that just some sort of magic that hides the mountain?' I wondered as my gaze scanned our surroundings with a curious gleam.

The mountain was about the same size as the grey one we were born in, the only difference was that this one was full of vegetation. As my foot meets the earthy path, upon the mountain's rising ground a feeling of peace washes over me, making me feel at ease.

I glanced at my siblings to see their reactions, Green's eyes were sparkling as she raised her tiny head to stare at the distant mountain peak. White and Black were both very collected, they kept their emotions under check as they scanned our surroundings with little interest.

Golden Boy was different, once we had landed on the green mountain foot, his eyes instantly widened in surprise as he threw himself on the ground and rolled around. I was confused as I watched him run for a few steps before diving into the soil once again

My confusion was cleared seconds later as a warm, but strong yellow mana began to gather around his body. 'Oh! Does this mean that this place is full of earth mana which he seems to be compatible with?' I guessed.

I still had my suspicions about my siblings' attributes, but for now, my current guess was as followed.

'Green seemed to have an affinity with wind type of mana, taking into consideration her large wings and her natural talent for flight. Golden boy, on the other hand, appears to be more compatible with earth type of mana, so a tank-type?' I nodded, that would somewhat explain his abnormally strong body and scales.

'White and Blacky, are perhaps light and darkness if I had to guess. Well at least from their previous fight it appeared as so. Then there is me, water.' My mind drifted back to my parents' affinities.

'Father is a red dragon with fire type mana, mom is a grey dragoness with wind type. But strangely no red dragon had been born amongst us. Should I be thankful since fire can be considered as a poor match-up for me?'

While I was lost in thoughts, my father finally joined us. Just then an intense tremor suddenly appeared as the ground began to shake. I was unable to stay on my feet as I was sent tumbling into the ground.

None of my siblings managed to fare any better.

Our parents on the other hand appeared to have already anticipated such a thing as they stood steady like a rock rooted in its place. 'An earthquake?' I wondered. My eyes were drawn to my parents as I felt a surge of mana seep out from their bodies and into the ground.

Both of their mana seemed to merge as it disappeared below. Shortly after, an inconceivable thing happened. The ground itself with us on top began to rise! My eyes widened in shock as my mouth hang loose, the entire mountain alongside the small green plain that surrounded it was slowly rising to the sky.

'W-What the hell is happening?!' I turned to my parents who almost seemed smug as they glanced back at us.

In that instant, both of their voices echoed in my ears as they simultaneously spoke with a strong proud voice.

"Welcome home!"

For a second, my mind was momentarily blank. 'Home? This floating mountain is home? What about the one we were born in? Wait, forget that! How the hell did they even make an entire mountain fly!' I gulped, it seems like I may have underestimated the true strength of dragons.

"Come." My mother's voice spoke to us all as she marched towards the peak alongside father. My siblings seemed to glance at me for a second before I hurriedly followed with them in toe.

'Home is it...' As I rolled the word in my mouth, a pleasant feeling warmed my chest.

'I like that.'

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