Reborn as a DRAGON

Chapter 33: Underwater

'The Divine chosen were heroes guided by the dragons, chosen by the Dragon King himself! The true creator! To say that they are tools created to fix a broken world is true, yet misses the point. We are all created. They are as real and sentient as the rest of creation. What they are... is a special existence, with powers bestowed upon them by the dragons themselves... and they will test you as much as they will help you. If you ever encounter one, we suggest you learn how to approach their level and become assistants. Everything would really go so much more simply if you do.' — Temple of the Dragon King


With the discovery of my new ability to walk on water, I steadily took one step after another as I made my way towards the deeper ends of the lake. Moments later, I was already too far away from shore.

My mind was unbelievably clear. I took a deep breath as the smell of water and clear air rushed to my lungs. I unconsciously closed my eyes as I felt myself descend into a strange trance.

With every breath I take, water-type mana rushes inside my body filling me with unprecedented strength and clarity. Though It never seemed to linger. I could feel the mana make a cycle across my entire body before taking its leave when I exhale.

The cycle continued with every breath I took. Inhale, exhale. My eyes were closed as a gentle feeling encompassed me, my entire body felt great. The tiredness from my previous flight gone, the dull pain I occasionally felt from scars I got during my first-ever hunt with the werewolf slowly lessened before the pain completely disappeared.

I could even feel the peculiar energy that surrounded my heart being restored, it felt as if it was being expanded even! For a while, I simply lost all touch with reality as I immersed myself in the pleasant feeling, wishing it never stops.

Yet all good things must come to end, my eyes fluttered open as I felt myself getting pulled out of that strange trance. I glanced around in confusion, the scene that greeted me was all but normal.

I was inside a water bubble, my mind took a few seconds to register that the pleasant feeling I had experienced was from the strange water that surrounded me.

The second my senses cleared, was when the bubble popped causing the water to drop into the lake and leaving me standing on its surface with a confused expression.

I moved my shoulder in curiosity, the pain was truly gone. Glancing down at my chest, the scar that the werewolf caused was still there though it seemed to have grown duller, the one on my shoulder was the same.

I felt reinvigorated, strength filled my limbs as all my fatigue left me. 'What was that, some sort of healing magic or something?' I inwardly wondered, still confused, yet pleasantly surprised.

'Does this means I can use water mana to heal as well?' I thought as I pondered over the discovery.

I felt at ease standing in the middle of the lake, I felt much more natural and at home than when I was in the cave. Glancing at the water below my feet, I was tempted to take a dip.

Slowly, I lowered one of my wings to test the water, careful to only using a small part of it, I had some concerns over what would happen If my wings got wet, flying would definitely be a pain then.

To my absolute surprise, as soon as I brought the wing back from the water, it came off dry! The skin on it seemed to be almost waterproof of sorts. 'Wait, this seems like I'm built for water.' I mumbled.

I could feel that the reason why I managed to stand on the water was the mana, so it was a simple matter if I wanted to submerge myself in it. With curiosity getting the best of me, I communicated with the mana, my body slowly sinking into the water.

My head remained above the surface, while my entire body was below. My instincts took over as I used both my limbs and wings to keep myself floating.

After taking a deep breath, I decided to push things a little further and dove into the water, my body sinking with relative ease. Swimming was almost as natural as walking which surprised me to no end.

It was as if I just discovered a whole new world. My wings worked as propellers as I swam underwater. I could feel a thin layer appear in my eyes, helping me see as clearly as I would outside of the water.

I thought I would have a problem with holding my breath for so long, but surprisingly there was no such a thing. I roughly feel that If I wanted to, I could easily stay underwater for a few hours at least!

I did not quite understand how I knew that, It felt as if the knowledge of this was just...there. As if I was supposed to know. I didn't dwell too much on the matter as I was too fascinated by the different scenery below the water.

It was surprisingly clear, I could even see the lake bottom, a few strange fishes swam far away as they tried to avoid me. I didn't mind too much and sank even deeper, moments later, my feet touched the lake floor.

The water mana was the strongest I ever felt, I could feel it encompass me, filling me with strength. 'It seems like I'm at my peak underwater.' I noted.

Pushing myself from the floor, I moved within the water more easily than a bird in the sky. It felt as if water was my air as I swam within its homeless arms, feeling the freedom it gave me, transparent and blue, soft yet strong.

'Maybe this is what Green feels when she's flying in the air. I certainly understand now why she never seems to want to go down,' I was happy.

Just as I was about to head back to the surface, a strange feeling of being watched caused a shiver to run down my spine. I turned my head left and right, trying to spot the source of my eerie feeling when all of the sudden, my body froze in alarm.

'What the fuck is that?!'

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