Reborn as a DRAGON

Chapter 359: Back

"This is… The Astral plane?" Sidus's bewildered voice brought me out of my reverie as I glanced about in shock.

"Fuck," I subconsciously cursed, my mind racing to grasp the reality of our situation. My gaze turned toward Breta, hoping for her insights.

The goddess's mask of indifference had fallen, and her expression was pale. She scanned our surroundings in disbelief, her voice trembling as she kept mumbling, "No, no, this can't be, no, I refuse, It simply cannot be."

"Breta-" I tried to speak to her, but she interrupted me with a shout before I could even continue.

"Stop! No! No! No! I can't do this again! I refuse! I'm not going to be stuck in this shithole, not again!"

"Breta, calm down, we are not stuck!" I hurriedly replied, my heart aching for her struggle. "We just need to find our way back. We've navigated through this situation before, and we'll do it again!"

"Are you even hearing yourself?!" She yelled, her voice full of emotions that she usually kept hidden behind an almost perfect mask of indifference, this time, however, it seemed like it was hard to keep it up.

"Last time, we barely made it out! Barely! What makes you think we'll be that lucky this time?!"

I motioned at my Sidus who was watching us with a concerned expression, and Ynos was scanning the surroundings with fascination clear in his gaze, before I spoke, "That's because, this time, we are not alone in this. Not to mention, we are significantly stronger, so there's no need to worry, I won't let you down, nor leave you behind." I paused as I approached her with a gentle gaze before I continued, "I promise. Trust me, one more time."

"I understand your fears," I continued, my voice calm but firm. "But you can't let the fear of the past paralyze you. We've all grown since then, individually and as a team.

I looked into her eyes, my heart pouring out my sincerity, "We are stronger together, and I believe in us. We did it before, and we will do so again. We will find our way back, and we'll do it together.

To my surprise, Sidus approached with a solemn expression and chimed in, "You're not alone in this, Breta." I couldn't help but nod approvingly at him.

Our words seemed to have caused the tumultuous emotions that had engulfed her to finally recede, like the waning tide of a stormy sea. Breta then found solace in the shadows, sitting upon the obsidian ground with her hands clasped around her knees, her once radiant divine aura now dim and feeble. A haunting stillness draped the Astral plane, broken only by the faint whispers of ethereal echoes.

As my brothers and I stood in a protective circle around her, our own auras intertwined with hers, the solemnity of the moment weighed heavily upon us. I extended my wing, a deep purple hue shimmering in the astral light, seeking to offer comfort to my goddess friend.

Time passed, stretching its ethereal fabric like a tenebrous tapestry. Finally, after what felt like an eternity of reflection, she raised her head, her eyes glistening with hidden sorrows and steely determination. She released a long, weary sigh, and her features returned to that enigmatic mask of indifference.

"I'm alright," her voice was a faint whisper, barely touching the air around us. Yet, it echoed like a haunting refrain in the vast expanse of the Astral plane.

We all exchanged glances, knowing that her words were more of a reassurance to herself than to us. But we respected her need for space and time to process her emotions.

"Whenever you're ready to move on, just let us know," I said softly, giving her a reassuring smile.

"Yeah, take your time. It's not like we have any time constraints here," Ynos said with a chuckle in an attempt to lighten the mood, causing Breta to turn to him and answer calmly.

"I'll be fine," she said, her voice steadier this time. "Let's keep going."

I nodded and turned to our surroundings, truly taking them in for the first time. I was immediately struck by the sight of iridescent clouds that drifted lazily across the sky, changing hues from shimmering turquoise to opalescent violet as they weaved between one another. The very air seemed to be alive with spectral glimmers, casting an otherworldly glow upon the peculiar terrains below.

Beneath our feet, the ground undulates in mesmerizing patterns of prismatic waves, akin to a sea of ever-shifting colors, with some patches of dark obsidian rocks. Crystalline formations jutted out like towering spires, reflecting light in a myriad of tints and shades. As I took a step it seemed to resonate with a faint, harmonic melody that ebbed and flowed with the pulse of the astral energies.

Amidst this captivating landscape, luminescent flora bloomed in mesmerizing abundance. Trees, their trunks as translucent as glass, bore leaves that radiated hues not bound by earthly pigments. Flowers bloomed in a surreal symphony of colors, with petals that rippled like liquid, producing an ethereal fragrance that intoxicated my senses.

Far in the distance, vast, drifting islands of pure prismatic light hanged in the air, their borders ever-shifting. Each island seemed to house its own peculiar wonders, from luminous caverns that house enigmatic starlit pools to floating colorful meadows.

"This place is really beautiful, though," I couldn't help but marvel at its ethereal allure, even amidst the perils it concealed. The allure of its shimmering flora, resplendent with vibrant colors and radiant auras, cast an enchanting spell upon the eyes. My words slipped through the astral breeze, the soft murmur of admiration for this mysterious realm.

Breta's frown spoke volumes, though she refrained from voicing her concerns. Her vigilant eyes scanned our surroundings, ever watchful of potential threats that might lurk amidst the hypnotic beauty.

Ynos, true to his spirited nature, welcomed the wonder of this unfamiliar domain with unbridled enthusiasm. "It is! And the auras these flowers possess are simply breathtaking! I can't believe something so fantastical exists."

His exuberance was infectious, and a part of me couldn't help but share in his joy. However, the weight of caution anchored my elation, and I knew that the charm of the Astral plane concealed treacherous undercurrents.

"True beauty can be deceiving, Ynos," I warned gently, my gaze locked on the captivating blooms that seemed to dance with celestial energy. "As fascinating as this place is, it also holds great dangers."

"What do you want to do now, brother?" As Sidus inquired about our next course of action, the gravity of our situation brought my focus back to the task at hand. I pondered our options carefully, aware that my cosmic mana was currently inaccessible, rendering us incapable of instant teleportation.

"We need to create a safe distance from where we landed before we attempt to pierce through space," I replied, my mind calculating the best course of action. "I want to avoid any unnecessary complications."

Ynos's playful laughter danced amidst the astral echoes as he embraced the adventurous spirit of our journey. "Punch a hole into the fabric of space? Sounds like fun!"

As much as I appreciated his optimism, I couldn't help but caution, "It's a fun that could lead us to unforeseen dangers. Stay vigilant, brother."

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