Reborn as a DRAGON

Chapter 361: The jump

"So what do you think?" I asked Breta who had a complicated expression on her face.

"I think it's stupid and risky-" she said before pausing hesitantly.

"It's stupid and risky, but?" I questioned again with a raised brow.

Breta released a long sigh as she turned to me, "What do you want me to say, Aether? I can't take responsibility for this," she said, her face turning serious as she continued, "This is uncharted territory we are treading on. What you are suggesting is risky, it might work, but then again, it might not."

I sighed as I turned to look at my brothers who were both looking at me expectantly.

"And what do you two think?" I asked.

Ynos was the first to answer, he shrugged before speaking, his deep voice coming off almost nonchalant, "I trust your judgment brother if you say we break the veil in this place, then that's what we shall do."

I lightly shook my head. That wasn't what I wanted to hear, I wanted to hear his point of view, I wanted to hear another suggestion, and I didn't want the final decision-making to fall on me. Breta did not want to shoulder any of the responsibility, and my siblings... It was my duty to do so on their behalf as the eldest.

My eyes turned to Sidus. He seemed to understand something as he gazed deep into my eyes. He scanned our surroundings before he fixed his gaze back on me and spoke, "I think you are forgetting something, brother."

"Oh, and what is that?" I asked.

"We are all in this together. Whether we want to, or not, the responsibility is equally divided between all of us," he said and turned to glare at Breta, whose frown deepened. She appeared like she wanted to argue or say something, but Sidus continued without pause, "You suggested the plan, but none of us disagreed with it. We didn't give any better one, and so If anything, we are responsible for its final outcome," he said.

Sidus then broke his staring contest with Breta and glanced at Ynos before his eyes finally settled on me, "So, stop overthinking and doubting your decisions too much, it doesn't suit you, brother."

"Heh," a chuckle escaped my mouth as I playfully slapped Sidus's shoulder. "Since when did you become so mature, you brat?"

Sidus shook his head with a rare genuine smile, "Let's get out of this place, brother."

"Fine, let's leave this shithole."

I turned to Breta, her demeanor showing traces of hesitation beneath the veneer of her usual stoicism. "Breta, as before, you break the barrier, and I'll forge the connection to the cosmic mana," I declared, my tone resolute. I then shifted my gaze to Ynos and Sidus, conveying the gravity of their roles in this endeavor. "Your duty is to protect us from any interlopers or assailants attempting to breach the Astral plane. Understand?"

Ynos, ever eager for action, responded with an enthusiastic grin, his eyes gleaming with excitement. "You can count on us! We'll keep any of the bastards at bay!"

Sidus, acknowledged the responsibility with a nod of somber understanding. His unwavering composure was a reassuring presence amidst the ethereal unknowns that enveloped us.

With our roles established, I focused on the task at hand. Breta took her position, her hands emitting a subtle glow as she prepared to summon her spear and unleash her formidable power. I extended my consciousness, ready to reach out to the cosmic mana that resided beyond the Astral plane.

"Ready?" I asked, my gaze sweeping across my siblings, gauging their resolve.

"Ready!" Ynos affirmed, brimming with adrenaline-fueled excitement, while Sidus assumed a poised stance, an enigmatic veil of darkness enveloping him, ready to shield us from potential threats.

"Then, Breta, go ahead!" I directed, and without hesitation, the Goddess summoned her luminous spear, its brilliance illuminating the astral expanse. As her aura surged, its power rippled through the surroundings, influencing the very fabric of the astral realm. Breta's focus was unwavering as she unleashed one of her most potent attacks, creating a minuscule fissure in the ethereal veil.

The crack she fashioned offered us a glimpse into the realm beyond—a fleeting glimpse of the boundless darkness that lay in wait. Though the opening was modest, it was more than enough for me to establish a link with the cosmic mana on the outside.

Before I could, however, an oppressive aura descended upon us from the unknown, signaling that a Shade had detected our presence. The speed and accuracy of their response left me puzzled, but now was not the time to dwell on such matters.

In a heartbeat, Ynos sprang into action, his battle instincts driving him to confront the encroaching darkness head-on. With a fierce charge, he clashed with the ominous fog, hiding the King knows what, and pushing it back with all his might. The violent clash shook the opening in the veil, threatening to close it, but Ynos's determination bought us a crucial split second.

Without hesitation, Sidus followed suit, employing his darkness mana to form a protective shield against the malevolent forces attempting to invade our realm. The shield shimmered with an eerie darkness, holding back the encroaching monstrosity and safeguarding our path.

I could feel the weight of the cosmic energy within my soul space, eager to break free, but we needed a stable connection to traverse the veil successfully.

I took the cue and began to channel my energy. I extended my consciousness into the realm beyond the veil, reaching for the cosmic mana that surged within the vast tapestry of existence. The link between the cosmic mana inside my soul space and that of the cosmic energies out there strengthened, and the veil grew more permeable, beckoning me to embrace the realm beyond the astral plane.

"Brother!" Sidus's nervous voice cried out.

The cosmic energy surged within me as I embraced my three-headed dragon form, an embodiment of raw power. My connection to the cosmic mana intensified, filling me with a renewed strength. With a resounding roar, I seized Breta with my tail, knowing there was no time for delicacy. My focus was solely on ensuring we crossed the threshold into the astral realm.

With unyielding determination, I swiftly gathered Ynos and grasped Sidus in my powerful claws. Time was slipping away, the veil threatening to seal shut. I had to act quickly. There was no more room for hesitation. With a surge of energy, I propelled us forward and made the jump...

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