Reborn as a DRAGON

Chapter 37: The ancient battlefield

'The Elven Goddess and the Demon God has fallen! The elves and demons were punished by the Dragon King and were driven to the brink of extinction! This is our chance to counterattack, the Dragon King had already retired to the forbidden continent. Now is the time for us humans to rise, we must reclaim what we lost and fight the heretic elves and demons! My king, I urge you to send the army, victory is ours for the taken! The continent is ours, for the Dragon King is by our side!' — ???


The sudden glare of the sun, alongside the feeling of something wet on my nose, woke me up. My eyes quivered as I opened my heavy eyelids, the first sight to greet me was Green's large eyes staring straight at me.

I blinked consecutively a couple of times to adjust to the sudden brightness as I yawned. I patted Green on her head using my tail as a thank you for waking me up before I stood up and stretched.

'Something is wrong,' I inwardly mumbled as I glanced at Green who was looking at me with stars in her eyes.

'Did she get smaller?' I wondered as I turned my head to the other side of the cave where Blacky was staring at me with a competitive spirit.

Golden boy was fidgeting as his tail wagged in excitement, he seemed to be barely able to hold the urge to initiate a fight with me. White gracefully walked next to me and rubbed her head affectionately against my side.

'Wait, White is smaller too,' The sudden realization shook off my drowsiness as I scanned my body in surprise. It was not my siblings that got smaller, I was the one that got bigger!

If before I was just a little taller, now I easily dwarfed all of my siblings. I guessed that I now stood at a height similar to that of two adult males on top of each other.

The fatigue that I had felt the day before was long gone, instead, my body was reinvigorated as I moved my limbs in amazement. My wingspan increased significantly as well which without a doubt would come in handy for my next flights.

'But why now, and so sudden at that too?' I wondered before I recalled the memory of me devouring the monster shark.

'Could it be because of that?' I had no other plausible explanation since that was the only I did differently that day.

'Hmm?' I turned my head in surprise as Green hopped on my back and slowly made her way on top of my head where she rested hers between my horns, all the while letting out a cute growl.

White glanced at us and rubbed her head against mine before she returned to her corner to resume her nap. Golden boy then slowly approached me, I was on guard as I waited for him to start a fight, surprisingly he didn't.

He merely scanned my changes, his body releasing waves of admiration and envy as he looked at my larger form before he turned around decisively and ran out of the cave.

Moments later, sounds of explosions rocked the area as Golden boy began to practice using his golems. Blacky, rolled his eyes in annoyance before he stepped into the deeper parts of the cave, away from the glare of the sun, and curled up, a hazy black aura surrounding him.

'Let's go test things out,' With both White and Blacky taking a nap, and Green sitting on top of my head, I slowly made my way outside of the cave.

I was immediately met with a sudden gust of wind, it forced Green to hold on unto my horns lest she gets sent off. Moments later, mother's figure appeared in the air.

She circled the mountain a couple of times before gracefully landing in front of us, causing dust to rise as the ground shook at her immense size. Even with my sudden growth spur, I was still incomparable to my mother.

'I still have some ways to go,' I noted. 'Maybe if I come across some monsters like that shark, getting into her size wouldn't be a distant dream.

I lowered my head in respect as my mother's gaze landed on me. I could feel Green on top of my head doing the same thing, she was unable to control her emotions as her body kept giving off anxious signals when confronted by our mother.

I didn't keep my head lowered for long, just enough to show my respect before I raised it back up and met her gaze with my own. I could see a flash of approval pass through her one eye before she nodded and headed back into the cave, not before leaving some final words for me.

'Don't go too far,' She said without stopping or turning her head. I still nodded before I made my way to the edge of our floating mountain.

My disappointment was immeasurable, and my day was ruined as I was met by the scenery below. We were no longer floating atop the giant lake of before, instead, the land below was that of a ruined ancient battlefield.

Massive swords the size of mountains lay buried into the ground, enormous decayed corpses that did not appear to belong to any species I was familiar with laid unburied.

The ancient battlefield stretched for as long as the eye can see. I scanned it in curiosity. Some corpses had a humanoid shape, others were more monster-like, some were horned while others were not.

The only thing they all had in common, was their gigantic size, and the fact that none of them were buried, but rather left to decay above ground. The battlefield did not appear to belong to mere mortals.

Right in the middle of it all, was a peculiar skeleton that caught my attention. Its shape was vaguely similar to that of an enormous dragon. 'Now that I think about it, it seems like most of the creatures died while surrounding the dragon,' I inwardly mumbled.

I could feel Green stir as she nudged my horns, urging me to jump already. 'No use in staying here, I kind of want to have a closer look at that skeleton.'

With that thought in mind, I took one final step as I dropped from the edge of the mountain. The feeling of weightlessness overtook me as I roared in the delight.

'I wonder if I could find something there?' I thought with a grin as I flapped my wings and lunged forward like a bullet, Green roaring in excitement as she grabbed my horns.

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