Reborn as a DRAGON

Chapter 372: Sanity III

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My entire focus was channeled inward, my senses engulfed by the intense battle taking place within my soul space. The Shade's essence fought desperately against my mana prison, but its efforts were in vain. Bound and restricted, it could do little to counter the overwhelming force I exerted upon it. Every fiber of my being was dedicated to this relentless battle.

The process was slow and deliberate, deliberately drawing out the agony for the monster trapped within my soul space. I reveled in its struggles, my satisfaction growing with every attempt it made to break free, only to be met with an even more forceful resistance from me. It was a torturous dance, a symphony of dominance, as I systematically and ruthlessly eroded the Shade's essence, diminishing it bit by bit.

The once formidable creature was being whittled down, its strength sapped, and its existence gradually consumed by the relentless onslaught of my power. It was a grim satisfaction, a battle of attrition that I was determined to win at any cost.

The process was deceptively straightforward, driven by my unwavering resolve to ensure that the Shade's essence remained imprisoned within my soul space. There would be no release, no escape. But this presented an unfamiliar challenge - I had never consumed a Shade before, and uncertainty gnawed at the edges of my mind.

Though my conscious mind hesitated, my instincts were decisive. While my mana elements relentlessly chipped away at the Shade's essence, a curious phenomenon unfolded. Without any conscious direction from me, the elements redirected the fragmented essence inwards, utilizing the stolen energy to fortify themselves.

What transpired was nothing short of astonishing. The various elemental forces that constituted my mana seemed to take on a life of their own. They surged with an unprecedented vigor, vying amongst themselves for a portion of the Shade's essence. It was an almost frenzied exchange, an instinctive behavior that transcended my understanding.

I found myself merely witnessing this intricate dance of elements, a dynamic interplay that required no guidance or intervention from me. It was as if the mana had tapped into an innate knowledge, seamlessly weaving its intricate web of interaction. In this surreal state, the elements exhibited an unprecedented sense of purpose, as if their mutual struggle to claim the essence was the most natural thing in the world.

Under different circumstances, I might have marveled at the intricate intricacies of this phenomenon, driven by a curiosity to dissect and understand its inner workings. I could have been fascinated by the sheer complexity of my mana elements' interaction, eager to glean insights into this newly unveiled facet of their behavior. But my mindset was far removed from such contemplation; my sole desire was to make the Shade suffer.

The pained cries that emanated from the Shade as its essence was meticulously dismantled resonated with me on a visceral level. It was a symphony of torment that struck a chord deep within my soul, a melody of retribution I had yearned for. The creature, once arrogant and menacing, was now utterly defenseless, its defiant spirit broken down into fragmented wails.

Yet, despite its apparent agony, the Shade remained eerily silent. I understood the reasons; manipulating souls, or what could be termed as 'essence,' was a fragile endeavor. The process was not only invasive but excruciatingly painful, and its inability to articulate its suffering added a unique layer of gratification to my vengeance.

The haunting cries of agony eventually faded into silence, extinguished by the relentless onslaught of my mana elements. Yet, so immersed was I in my rage-fueled frenzy that I failed to register the cessation of the creature's anguished protestations. My elemental forces continued their relentless barrage against the metaphysical prison I had erected, as if unaware that their adversary was already vanquished.

This story has been stolen from Royal Road. If you read it on Amazon, please report it.

When at last I relinquished my grip on the mana prison, it was a motion made more out of instinct than conscious decision. A prevailing sense of emptiness replaced the maelstrom of emotions that had previously driven me. I stared intently at the space once occupied by the monstrous Shade, now devoid of any trace of its existence. It was as if it had never been there, as if the creature had never posed a threat to us, had never torn my little brother from my side.

For a fleeting moment, I felt adrift, grappling with the profound emptiness that now enveloped me. The echoes of my rage reverberated within me, a cacophony of emotions that had driven my every move during the brutal confrontation. Yet now, with the source of my fury eradicated, I was left with a void, a vacuum of purpose. The question lingered, haunting me—what now?


Emerging from the depths of my soul space, I slowly reoriented myself to the reality that surrounded me. My vision, once consumed by the primal fury that had fueled my assault, began to clear. The sight before me was disconcerting; the once formidable form of the Shade now hung listlessly from my claws, a pitiable semblance of the terror it once was.

An acrid taste filled my mouth, one I hadn't noticed amidst the adrenaline-fueled frenzy. Disgust coiled in my gut as I realized that the creature's vile essence clung to my very being. Its residue, like an unwanted reminder of the vile confrontation, seemed to mock me, the remnants of a vanquished enemy that had dared to threaten us.

My grip on the Shade's remains tightened involuntarily as a rush of memories surged forth, each tied to the destruction it had wrought. The fear it had instilled—it was all too much to bear. My anger, like an ever-present specter, hovered on the edge of overwhelming me once more, a force threatening to spiral me back into the abyss of my rage.

The victory, if it could even be called that, was bittersweet. The monster that had haunted us was now reduced to mere fragments, incapable of causing harm ever again. It was a small consolation, yet one I had to hold onto amidst the tumult of emotions that swirled within me.

Despite the defeated monster now hanging in my grip, a lingering sense of dissatisfaction gnawed at me. How could I find satisfaction when the mere thought of its audacity, its attack, and the way it had cruelly snatched my brother from us, sent a surge of anger pulsating through me?

It had dared to disrupt our lives, to threaten those I cared about, to rob me of the presence of my own flesh and blood. My brother. The very notion of it all made my insides churn with a fury that demanded release. I struggled to contain the tumultuous emotions that roiled within me, the need for revenge, for justice, for some form of resolution that felt just as unattainable as ever.

The monster's death might have come relatively swiftly, but the pain it had inflicted upon me, lingered as a harsh reminder. The pain radiating from my broken body was a testament to the fierce battle that had been waged, the toll it had exacted on me. My once-mighty wings were now pierced, my right back limb hung in near-severed agony, and my chest bore a gruesome wound that laid my bone bare.


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