Reborn as a DRAGON

Chapter 380: Fame

Friry's enthusiasm was palpable as he gazed at me, his expectant eyes shining. "So, what say you, cosmic Dragon, Aether?" he prompted eagerly. "Would you like to give it a try?" His gesture directed my attention to the dormant teleportation gate, its imposing presence commanding the center of the courtyard.

I mused aloud, "Give it a try, you say..." My gaze lingered on the intricate structure before me, its form holding mysteries that even I, a cosmic Dragon, had yet to fully comprehend. While in theory, now that I had acquired the cosmic element and attained a degree of mastery over my teleportation powers, the activation process shouldn't have been overwhelmingly complex. Yet, I was acutely aware of the gap between theory and practice.

The cosmic element was unlike any other—it held a unique connection, an almost intimate bond that was distinct from the other elements. I could traverse the realms of space with ease, teleporting myself and others across vast distances, but the cosmic element was like an extension of my very being, as if the universe itself resided within me.

Comparatively, my connection with the darkness element was formidable, yet it lacked the same intrinsic, interconnected resonance I felt with the cosmic forces. In this regard, I knew I was still outshone by my little brother, Sidus, whose control over darkness was nothing short of remarkable. But when it came to the cosmic element, I was undeniably unparalleled. Though, that achievement could also be attributed to the simple fact that there was no one else in this existence who shared this specialization.

As I contemplated the monumental gate, I could sense my siblings and Breta observing me, awaiting my decision. With a faint smile, I turned to Friry. "Very well, let's see what I can do," I responded, a spark of determination igniting within me. The cosmic forces were as much a part of me as my own essence, and with that confidence, I stepped closer to the dormant gate.

My heart seemed to echo in the chamber of my chest, its rhythmic beats a constant reminder of the gravity of the moment. As I approached the dormant teleportation gate, an exhilarating mix of anticipation and trepidation churned within me. Could I truly accomplish this? What lay on the other side? And what if, in my attempt, I inadvertently stumbled upon some unforeseen calamity?

Pushing aside the jumble of thoughts that threatened to overwhelm my focus, I took a deep breath, centering myself. This was not a time for doubt; it was a time for action. I couldn't afford to let fear or uncertainty cloud my judgment. A sidelong glance at Sidus revealed his unmistakable concern, his anxious expression a mirror of my own internal turmoil. There was a connection between us, an almost symbiotic understanding of each other's emotions, but now, it felt as though a layer of haze obscured that connection.

Furrowing my brows, I turned my attention back to the gateway. A strange inkling tickled at the edges of my consciousness, a nagging feeling that something was amiss. Another glance at Sidus offered no verbal communication, but his eyes spoke volumes. An almost imperceptible shake of his head pleaded for caution, urging me not to take this potentially perilous step.

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But why? If he sensed something ominous, shouldn't I feel it too? Our shared intuition was usually so synchronized, our connection profound enough that such feelings should be equally pronounced in both of us. My gaze shifted to Ynos, who was grinning with an uncontainable excitement, seemingly oblivious to the currents of unease around us. Breta wore a faint frown, a crease between her brows suggesting confusion.

However, it was Sidus's imploring gaze that held me captive, his silent plea resonating deep within me. In his eyes, I saw more than a warning; I glimpsed his earnest worry for my safety.

"Well, what are you still waiting for, cosmic Dragon Aether?" The old dragon's question pierced the air, prodding at my lingering hesitation.

Drawing in a deep breath, I steadied myself, a silent exchange passing between Sidus and me. With a subtle shake of his head, he had conveyed his reservations about activating the gate. And in that unspoken communication, I found the reassurance I needed. Trusting my brother's instincts, I stepped back from the dormant gateway, my decision firmly made.

"I regret to say that I lack the power to activate the Gate at this moment," I replied, my voice holding a hint of regret but also resolute acceptance. "Perhaps, in the future, as I continue to grow stronger, I might attain the ability to do so."

Friry's expression seemed to undergo a rapid transformation, a fleeting emotion crossing his features before settling into a more composed demeanor. But my mind churned with uncertainty. What was that that I just saw? Or was it merely a trick of the light? The doubt nagged at me, but I chose to set it aside for now.

The silence that followed hung in the air, heavy with the weight of unspoken thoughts. Finally, Friry released a sigh, his tone carrying an undertone of self-chiding. "Ah, it seems I allowed my impatience to cloud my judgment. For that, I beg your forgiveness. I have heard your stories and I had hoped, perhaps too eagerly, for a miracle today."

Confusion knitted my brows, and I cast a glance toward my companions, each of them equally baffled by the old dragon's words. "My stories?" I questioned, a furrow deepening between my brows. "What stories are you referring to?"

Friry's eyebrows rose in surprise, and he seemed taken aback by my lack of awareness. Recovering quickly, he offered a good-natured smile before continuing, "Oh, you mean you're not aware?"

Turning back to him, I waited for an explanation, curiosity piqued. "Aware of what, exactly?"

The old dragon's grin widened, and he seemed almost giddy with excitement as he spoke, "Why, all of you are already quite famous!"

The revelation left us all speechless, each of us exchanging bewildered glances as we tried to make sense of the unexpected proclamation.

"I'm sorry, what do you mean by famous?" I asked again.

"It means tales of your feats are already being spread amongst the dragons. Well mostly the youglings, but that is already quite something!"

Confused I looked back at my companions, Breta simply shrugged while Sidus had a frown on his face. Ynos, on the other hand, seemed quite excited.

"They even started calling you all with quite the grandiose titles."

He motioned toward Sidus and spoke, "Sidus, the silent shadow," his eyes moved to Ynos, and a light cough escaped his mouth, "Ynos, The wall," he quickly moved on to Breta, "Breta, The Golden spear."

Friry then paused and looked at me, "And Aether, The Voidwalker."

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