Reborn as a DRAGON

Chapter 385: The beginning of the end

After a long moment of silence, Grandfather turned his gaze to all those present, his eyes scanning the army of Deities and Dragons with a sharp look before he spoke, "Today, as I stand before you, my heart weighs heavy with grief that words alone cannot express. We gather not only to bid farewell to my beloved son but to honor the bravery and sacrifice of him and his valiant companions. They fell like heroes defending our realm from the bastards that sought to consume it. Without their unwavering courage, our plane would have been taken off guard, and darkness would have engulfed us all."

My back subconsciously straightened as he began to speak. Grandfather seemed like an entirely different person, his eyes falling on each and every one of us, Dragons and Deities alike.

"My son, with the fire of youth burning bright within him, chose a path of valor and dedication to protect the very essence of our existence. His comrades, who stood by his side, embodied the very spirit of unity and sacrifice that defines our kin. They have valiantly fulfilled their final duty."

I could feel my blood boiling as he continued, Ynos, Sidus, and Immy were finding it hard to stand idle by my side. Even little Essie, sitting on top of my head was exuding an unfamiliar savage aura.

"Today, I declare an all-out war against the Shades that have dared to invade our realm. For so long we have been content by the stalemate we found ourselves in. But not anymore! By orders of the elders council, by orders of the King! We shall not rest until every last trace of their malevolence is eradicated from our world. Their cowardly act of attacking us will not go unanswered. We shall rise as one, dragons and deities alike, to avenge the fallen and ensure that such darkness shall never again threaten our existence."

His words caused a buzz of energy to rush through the crowd. The Dragons raised their heads to the sky and roared in a united voice, shaking the very foundation of the planet. The Gods stomped their feet causing the ground to tremble as they summoned their various weapons.

"As we lay my son and his brave companions to rest, let us remember their noble sacrifice, and let it ignite a fire within our hearts. We shall fight with unwavering determination, with the memory of their heroism as our guiding light."

He paused, for a second, his eyes momentarily settling on me. His gaze was warm, it felt almost unfamiliar, as I had never seen my Grandfather act this way. "This is not a call for vengeance born of anger, but a pledge to uphold the legacy of honor and courage that all our fallen, whether Dragons or Deities, have left behind. We will unite our strengths, harness our powers, and march forward together, for it is in unity that we find our greatest strength."

This content has been misappropriated from Royal Road; report any instances of this story if found elsewhere.

"Let the King bear witness to our resolve, and let the Shades tremble at the might of our fury. Together, we shall emerge victorious, and the world shall know peace. To victory! To the memory of the fallen, and to the dawn of a new era where darkness shall fear the light of our unity!" He ended his speech by releasing a thunderous roar that caused the clouds to part in the sky.

The entire Royal Road was shaking, the countless auras mingled together created an oppressive atmosphere, one where no mortal could survive. My blood was boiling, and I soon joined in with a roar, along with my siblings. Even Breta, with her history against Dragons and her usual emotionless face, now held her spear high in the sky. An expression of determination and anger was clearly etched on her face.


As the day wore on, Grandfather's speech concluded, and the army began setting up a makeshift camp around the Royal Road. It was a sight that would have once seemed unthinkable - Dragons and Deities standing side by side, united by a common enemy. The tension and animosity that had characterized the relationship between our kind and the Gods back home seemed to have been set aside, at least for the moment. This time, it truly felt different.

At the center of the encampment stood Grandfather, with his imposing figure that seemed to embody the strength and resilience of our kin. Flanking him were two equally impressive dragons, each radiating their own unique aura. One was a pink Dragoness, her presence exuding a strange, enchanting charm that was hard to ignore. The other was a silver-scaled Dragon, his visage marred by a massive scar that ran down the middle of his draconic face.

Across from them, on the side of the Deities, was a formidable group led by a massive Goddess. She was clad in an imposing suit of rusty-looking armor, and her hand gripped an enormous blade that gleamed with divine power. The contrast between the two sides, Dragons and Deities, was stark, yet they had come together with a shared purpose - to honor the fallen and face the looming threat of the Shades. It was a testament to the gravity of the situation and the strength of the alliance that had been forged in this dire hour.

Standing just behind Grandfather were my siblings, Breta, Allat, and Ember. Our ears perked up as the discussions between the elders from both sides began.

Breta moved closer to me, her voice a hushed whisper as she gestured towards the formidable Goddess in rusty armor. "That's Gridona, the Goddess of Judgement. She's one of the oldest and most powerful living Deities." I nodded in acknowledgment, absorbing the information but choosing to remain silent.

A peculiar expression crossed Breta's face for a brief moment. She hesitated, then gently placed her hand on my head. I was taken aback for a moment and turned to look at her, our faces coming into close proximity. The Goddess then leaned her forehead against mine, her voice carrying a tone of genuine empathy as she spoke softly, "I'm sorry for your loss, Aether."

Her words caught me by surprise, and they felt like a dam breaking open. I struggled to contain the surge of emotions that threatened to overwhelm me, managing to muster a weak but sincere smile. "Thank you," I replied, my voice devoid of humor or sarcasm this time.

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