Reborn as a DRAGON

Chapter 388: Collision

As we emerged from the teleportation gate into the illuminated chaos of space warfare, the battlefield's frantic energy washed over us. Shades clashed fiercely with our forces, but the tide was slowly turning in our favor. In the midst of the tumult, I spotted my mother, locked in a fierce struggle against two colossal Shade abominations. Grandmother was nowhere to be seen, but that was a concern for later.

My instinct was to dive headlong into the fray, but I knew a more strategic approach was needed. I took a moment to analyze the battlefield and formulate a plan. It became apparent that the Shades had an escape route at their disposal, and our best course of action was to cut it off.

Turning to the army behind me, I signaled my intention to convey my orders. Cillena, ever perceptive, anticipated my needs and summoned a protective barrier around us. "You can talk comfortably now, young Voidwalker," her words gave me the go-ahead to speak freely amidst the chaos.

"Thank you," I expressed my gratitude to Cillena before addressing those who had chosen to follow me into this cosmic battleground. " Our mission is to block the escape route of these bastards. We must not allow a single one of them to flee!"

The fervent roars of agreement from our comrades bolstered our resolve. I continued, " Stay close to me, and together we will close the net on our enemies. On my mark, we charge!"

With those words, Cillena lowered the protective shield, and I led the charge. Beside me, Immy, her nervousness evident, nodded in response to my words. "I know it's your first space battle, but stay with me. You got this!" In response to my words, Immy nodded resolutely.

Our dramatic entrance did not go unnoticed. Our allies, spotting us first, fought with renewed vigor. It wasn't until later that the Shades realized something was amiss, but by then, it was too late. I had orchestrated our maneuver, guiding my army in a swift encirclement that effectively cut off their escape route. Although, the ease in which I was able to manage that was largely due to the experienced army I was leading.

The Shades found themselves trapped, hemmed in on both sides by our forces. Seizing the moment, I didn't hesitate to unleash my transformation, my body morphing into that of a colossal, three-headed dragon. Immy, by my side, was momentarily taken aback by the sudden transformation but understood the urgency of our situation.

Selecting my target, a Shade resembling an obsidian, mutated lion with wings, I lunged forward. My middle head clamped onto the beast's throat, immobilizing it, while my right head methodically tore its limbs asunder. My left head, meanwhile, unleashed a devastating dragon attack that tore through the ranks of Shades behind our primary target, just as the remainder of my army clashed with the enemy horde.

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The battlefield erupted into a chaotic symphony of destruction, as both sides engaged in a fierce struggle for supremacy. The momentum was clearly in our favor, and the Shades, now wedged between our two formidable forces, faced an increasingly hopeless predicament.

Immy, transformed into a radiant beacon of light at my side. Her form seemed to blur with the sheer speed at which she moved, leaving dazzling afterimages in her wake as she deftly weaved through the ranks of Shades. Her clawed strikes were executed with lethal precision, systematically extinguishing the lives of her shadowy adversaries. I watched for a moment, reassured by her exceptional combat prowess.

With Immy well in control of her situation, I took a momentary break from the relentless battle to scan the immediate vicinity for Cillena, the elderly Goddess who had been guiding us. To my bewilderment, she was nowhere to be seen.

'Strange,' I pondered. However, this was not the time to dwell on the mysterious disappearance of our guide. I quickly refocused my attention on the ongoing combat. Having dispatched the obsidian lion-like Shade, I promptly selected my next target, channeling my cosmic mana to cleave the upper body from its lower half with surgical precision.

As I channeled my cosmic mana, a palpable shift occurred on the battlefield. It was as though the Shades, collectively, sensed something extraordinary in the making, and their malevolent gazes locked onto me. In the blink of an eye, three grotesque abominations surged towards me with a madness that defied description.

Swiftly, I teleported out of their reach, leaving them to collide with empty space. With deft precision, I executed a claw swipe that eviscerated one Shade, while a surge of draconic breath expelled from my maw obliterated the other two. My gratitude was then conveyed to Immy, who had thwarted a sudden surprise attack from the rear. A simple nod from me was all that was needed to communicate our unspoken camaraderie.

Eager to press forward, I began to advance, my intent clear: to reunite my force with that of my mother's. The Dragons and Deities who followed in my wake were evidently elite, their actions on the battlefield characterized by a ruthless efficiency. I couldn't help but wonder why Grandfather had entrusted me with leadership in this pivotal moment. The thought briefly nagged at me, but I cast it aside, choosing instead to focus on the exigencies of the battle.

My cosmic mana surged, wild and primal, like a predatory beast unleashed. Shades were systematically dismembered, and some simply vanished into nothingness. I exerted only loose control over the mana, issuing it vague directives that it seemed to intuitively comprehend, acting as an extension of my will.

Amid the seeming victory, chaos erupted once more as a new wave of Shades embarked on a nightmarish suicide mission, targeting none other than me. These sinister bastards eschewed combat in favor of self-destruction, unleashing explosions that sent shockwaves through our ranks. The force generated by the detonation of a dozen Shades was sufficient to clear a sizable swath of the battlefield in a fiery maelstrom.

Swiftly, I invoked my teleportation abilities, whisking myself away from the impending conflagration. My gaze darted to Immy, and I hastily teleported to grab her, before I withdrew us to a safer distance. Regrettably, a handful of the valiant Dragons and Deities who had followed me lacked the means to defend themselves against this cataclysmic assault. They met their untimely demise as their forms were violently rent asunder, the aftermath resembling a grotesque and macabre tableau.

'Damn it!' I cursed under my breath, gritting my teeth in frustration as I watched over the scene.

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