Reborn as a DRAGON

Chapter 421: Human life

"So you mean to tell me, they eat this every day?" asked Ynos with eyes wide open.

Syra laughed and nodded, "That's normal, it's just seasoned food."

"Seasoned food you say?" He mumbled to himself, "This is amazing," he continued as he stuffed another chicken stick into his mouth.

Syra chuckled and turned her gaze around the table, Essie had a happy smile on her face as she ate. She didn't look too surprised or shocked by the food, which meant her grandmother had done well to teach her.

Breta, the Goddess was also sitting there exuding a sense of elegance as she skillfully used her knife and fork.

Immy was somewhat the same, although she struggled a bit with the fork and knife, while her twin brother Sidus was trying to remain composed, but his shining wide eyes betrayed him as he sneakily used magic to drag some of the dishes from the far side of the table toward him.

Syra watched over everything with a soft satisfied smile on her face. It has been a while since she was last amongst her own kind. Although she loved living amongst the mortals, she had still missed the interactions with other Dragons. Not to mention ones as adorable as them.

A knock interrupted them, and Syra still stood up to answer. Ynos was too busy golfing down the food to care, Breta and little Essie didn't seem to mind either, only Sidus and Immy raised their heads to glance at the door.

"Oh, so you are back! We heard you had guests over, so we brought over some food!" An old lady with a kind face stood outside the house with a plate of food in her hands, next to her was a teenage girl holding another tray.

"Oh, Mena, you didn't have to!" Syra smiled as she grabbed the tray from the old lady, and motioned both of them to come in.


Walking over to the table, she sat the plate down before grabbing the second one from the teenage girl and setting it down as well. The young girl seemed curious as she glanced at the strangers sitting around the table.

Her eyes were slightly wide and her cheeks were flushed red as she looked at both Sidus and Ynos.

Mena catching a glimpse of that laughed heartily, and spoke, "Well, there goes that. I thought this granddaughter of mine would never be interested in marriage. Looks like she had just not yet met her prince charming," she said with a cheeky wink.

"Grandma!" The teenage girl protested.

Syra laughed and turned to introduce the others, "These are my family. Distant cousins from the north. They came over to check on me as the war situation is growing out of hand."

"Oho, never heard you speaking of your family before, Syra," the old grandma gently patted her back with a nod.

"Well, I suppose it just never came up in a conversation," she then turned to the others who were still busy eating and spoke, "Come on now, where are your manners, say hello to the village chief,"

Breta elegantly sat her utensils down and gave a slight bow to the Mena and her granddaughter causing the latter to blush even more.

"Maybe she does swing that way after all," Mena mumbled to herself with a chuckle as she returned the bow and glanced at her Grandaughter.

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"Breta," She said curtly.

'A noble?' The village chief mused inwardly, before answering, "Pleasure to meet you, I'm this village's chief Mena, and this be my Grandaughter Anna,"

Essie jumped off the table and happily waved her hands at them, "Hello! I'm Essie!"

"Well, aren't you just the most adorable little thing!" Mena said and couldn't help but pull her into a hug.

Anna, on the other hand, offered a shy wave and smile in response.

Walking over to her, Essie whispered, "Hey Anna!"

"Ah? Yes?"

"Did you ever experience the thrill of flying?" Essie asked with an expectant tone.

"Uh- flying?"

"Yes, yes!"


"Would you like to?" Essie pressed even further.

"Stop it, Essie, leave the mo—," letting out a fake cough, Sidus continued, "Leave the young girl alone,"

"Oh, I was just asking," Essie's face turned sad as she turned to move back to the table.

She, however, turned toward Anna for one final time and spoke, "Pss, if you ever want to experience it, just come find me!" She said with a slight giggle.

Although confused over what had just happened, Anna, was more focused on Sidus. Her face was awe-struck like a maiden in love.

"My name is Sidus, and that one over there is Ynos," he said as Ynos was still busy wolfing down his food with a happy grin.

"Oh my, Syra. I should have expected your family members to look like— like this. But still, it seems like the village will get quite noisy, hoho."

Syra didn't reply and simply smiled in return.

Immy was the last to introduce herself before the village chief took her leave alongside a very reluctant Anna who kept sneaking glances at Sidus.

"Poor child, her first love and it's a Dragon," Syra shook her head lightly.

"First love?" Confused, Essie asked by her side.

"Why yes, did you not see the stars in her eyes as she glanced at young Sidus?"

"Me?" confused Sidus asked with his head tilted.

"Yes, Mortal emotions are quite easily influenced. Especially by those with good looks,"

"Good looks?" Sidus mumbled, "What would she do if she saw my real form?" he said before musing inwardly, 'That's good looks,' he raised his head proudly.

Immy by his side seemed to be able to read his thoughts, rolled her eyes, and ignored him.

"This is not enough! I need more!" Ynos suddenly spoke as he glanced at the empty plates around the table.

"Now, now. That's no way of asking for something," Syra said.

"I want more?" He asked again, puzzled.

Syra raised her brow at him.

"Please?" He added.

"Good, and you'll get more when it's time for dinner. For now, help me take these plates to the kitchen."

"But I said please?" Ynos muttered in slight annoyance but still complied.

"You guys help clean the table, would you?"

"Yes!" Replied an enthusiastic Essie.

"How are we supposed to do that?" Confused, Sidus scratched his head before waving his hand over the table and using his darkness mana to swallow everything.

"No magic!" Came Syra's voice from the kitchen.

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