Reborn as a DRAGON

Chapter 425: You're back

As I continued my flight, the eerie feeling of being watched, and avoided persisted. I knew the battles didn't stop, I could hear them after all, but they never quite reached me, constantly moving away.

All I could see were the traces left behind from them. This continued as I found myself wondering if I should simply teleport directly back home and try to find my mother or Grandma.

It was then that a sudden flash of lightning followed by a clap of thunder echoed behind me. I immediately raised my guard and turned around to face whoever was there.

To my surprise, a 'human' lady appeared mid-air. She looked like a bard, which was my first impression of her as I saw the lute on her back, before staring at the twin blades nestled around her waist.

"Oh, there you are," the Dragoness in human skin said. Although her aura was so subdued, my perception was not the same as it was before. I could tell she was one of us.

"Who are you?" I asked with apprehension.

"Now, now, dear. There's no need to be on the edge. My name is Syra, I'm an old friend of your Grandma," she said with a gentle smile.

Hearing that, I frowned before replying, "I don't think Grandma ever mentioned you before."

"Well, that hurts," she chuckled before continuing, "Though, I'm not surprised. I came here to get you."

"I apologize, I'm not sure if you're aware, but my current situation is not one where I can afford to simply follow random strangers who claim to be old family friends."

"Cautious, not so bad. But, I assure you dear, I only have your best interest at heart."

I shook my head and continued, "That's what everyone says, even the Shades seem to want me for whatever reason."

Syra nodded as if she was expecting that, "I am aware. I'll explain everything once we get away from here. You're siblings and Goddess lady friend are waiting for you as well."

My aura surged for a second before I forcefully restrained it back, "What did you do to them?"

"Dear, while it's good to be cautious, I understand with you dying once and all. You still need to keep some small faith in yourself." The Dragoness said with a shake of her head.

"How do you know that?" My heart skipped a beat as my muscles tensed.

"Like I said, I'll explain everything once we get out of here," she then extended her hand motioning for me to approach, "Besides, with your cosmic mana, I'm sure you can retreat whenever you like."

A big part of me was screaming that this was a trap, while another part was curious. Besides, although there was the possibility of her fooling me, and that she didn't have any of my siblings or Breta with her, I simply couldn't take that risk. And so I nodded.

"Lead the way."

Syra gave a warm smile before answering, "Before that, we need to make some adjustments."

Her smile seemed devious as she said that, somehow reminding me of Grandma, and causing a shiver to run down my spine.

"W- What are you trying to do?"

"Oh, nothing much, just a little disguise," she grinned.


"I don't like this," I grumbled as I looked down at my human hands.

Unlawfully taken from Royal Road, this story should be reported if seen on Amazon.

"Haha, you sound just like your brothers," Syra replied with a laugh.

"They better be safe," I couldn't help but answer.

"Oh dear, we need to get you to calm down. Can't have you being on the edge all the way. How about a song?"

"Not in the mood, thank you."

"A bummer. Well, to answer your question they are all good and looking forward to seeing you again."

I gave a slight nod at that, but inside my heart felt warm at the image of reuniting with everyone.

"For now, just try to get used to your body, I don't want you to scare away the villagers, and we'll teleport back there come evening."

A long sigh escaped my mouth as I remembered the first time Grandmother shifted me to a human form to sneak into the Gods' realm.

This time my body seemed to be the same, except for my hair, which now stood at shoulder length and was dark purple.

It took a few hours before I got used to the legs, and managed to walk without falling. I wouldn't call it graceful or anything, and I was far away from being able to run, but it was not bad. I just needed a little bit of time to get used to it.

"Good, then let's go!" said the overly enthusiastic Dragoness.


"I thought you said we were teleporting?" I asked as I clenched my head trying to clear the dizziness.

As It turns out, flying through a lightning streak was anything but comfortable, especially when inhabiting a human form.

"Oh, you don't know the coordinates, that's why. Next time though, it's on you," she said while gently ruffling my hair, causing me to lightly frown.

I didn't sense any ill intent from her, which made me lower my guard a bit.

We had landed in the celestial mountain range back in old Piya's territory. The night sky shone bright and was clear of any clouds making the stars visible. The sight was as mesmerizing as ever.

Syra saw me lost in the scenery and nodded, "As expected of a cosmic Dragon. I suppose out there is your real home now," she said.

I didn't answer and instead took a deep breath before asking, "How far are we from this village?"

"Not far, just down the mountain."

"Why did you not fly us directly there?"

Syra raised her brows and answered, "To not scare the mortals of course."


"Besides, you still need to get used to walking, so come on!"

Another sigh escaped my mouth.


By the time we finally arrived at the village gates, it was already deep into the night. The guard was dozing off and didn't even see us walk by. I was sure Syra did something to keep him sleeping, however, as I felt her mana stir, but I didn't say anything.

As we walked through the quiet village, my eyes glanced about in curiosity, taking in the scenes and the smells.

It didn't take long before we arrived at her house, and sure enough, I could sense the presence of my siblings and Breta inside.

Just then, the door swung open and a human Essie jumped towards me with open arms. I barely managed to keep myself from falling as I held her in a hug.

"You're back!"

"I am," I couldn't help but smile.

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