Reborn as a DRAGON

Chapter 56: Low blow

My grandfather seemed a bit surprised as his eyes widened a little at my figure madly dashing straight towards him, nonetheless, a scary grin quickly made its way onto his face as he rushed forward as well. The difference in our sizes was ridiculous as I was sure I looked like a moth jumping into a flame, yet it was too late to back down.

Once I was within his arm's reach, grandfather's fiery claw slashed at me from my left side, flames burned in his palm as it rapidly bore down on me. Still, I anticipated that and was elated that he chose to use mana as well. One thing I noticed from our clash, is that even though grandfather tries to only use his body against me, as his magic is too overpowered for me to face, he still sometimes unconsciously coats his arm with fiery red flame when he launches an attack.

That was exactly what I was hoping he would do this time as well, and he did! I willed the water mana in our surroundings as a water wall as large as his palm materialized to meet his attack. The result was as expected, the wall evaporated without putting any resistance, yet I didn't mind my objective was already complete!

Once grandfather's fiery palm met my water wall, fog rose effectively hiding my figure within. It was but for a mere second that grandfather was unable to see me, and that second was all I needed to cross the distance between us. I used an exploding water ball as a sort of launcher and tucked my wings by my side as I flew like a bullet right under my grandfather's stomach.

While I was in mid-air, I hastily twisted my body so my head was upwards while my back was facing downwards, I squinted my eyes as I spotted my target, grandfather's family jewels. It was a cheap shot, I know but a necessary one. Even though the scales on our stomachs were softer, I still did not want to risk my attack failing as I had no idea if my grandfather's scales were strong enough or not, hence I went for the second option, a place every male would instinctively want to protect, a weak point.

'Besides, this fight was not a fair one since the start!' I inwardly mumbled. Once I spotted my target, I opened my jaw as a spinning bluish sphere appeared in front of my mouth, It was the strongest attack I could use, a dragon's breath!

The sphere moved like a beam of light as It dyed the sky blue. The force of its launch however sent me crashing to the ground and lowering my speed. By this point, however, I didn't care about my injuries as my eyes were fixed on my attack. 'Please hit! Please!' I prayed earnestly to the heavens.

Grandfather's entire body shuddered as he probably felt the imminent danger, he twisted his body in an attempt to blindly dodge my attack yet it was futile, the only thing he did manage to do was save one jewel and sacrifice another.

I watched with bated breath as my dragon breath hit true, my grandfather's entire body seemed to freeze for a second before he jumped, and I mean jumped! One second he was on the ground the other he was already a few hundred meters away with his body collapsed to the ground in pain.

'I didn't hear a pop, so it should be okay?' I gulped as the severity of what I had just done, dawned on me. 'I didn't do anything wrong, I was at a disadvantage I merely used everything I could to survive,' I tried to convince myself, yet I soon froze as grandfather let out a rather unbecoming cry.

'Oh shit,' I unconsciously took a step back as my grandfather's body turned into an actual torch, his scales were no more, his eyes were orange, and it became impossible to make out his features as he looked like an actual fire dragon.

His gaze turned to glare causing a chill to run down my spine, I gulped as I tried to take another step back only to find myself incapable of doing so. My body would not move, it didn't listen to me and seemed to have been frozen once I met grandfather's now orange eyes.

He suddenly stood up and calmly made his way towards me, with each step he took, a large crater filled with fire would be left behind. The loud thuds felt like they came down on my heart as I forgot to breathe.

'Should I apologize? Is there any point in doing so this late? Fuck, am I going to die now?' My mind went into overdrive as countless thoughts spiraled in my head, I was unable to sense any emotions from my grandfather which made the entire ordeal all the more scarier.


To my ultimate surprise, grandfather stopped a small distance away from me and simply stood there staring. I was confused as my eyes kept darting around, trying to figure out what was happening.

I could feel the heat emitting from his body which made my scales tingle uncomfortably. I was sure that if he took another step forward, I would be burned alive. I tried to control the water mana in my surroundings to cool myself off, but it almost felt like he was blocking my link to the stream of mana.

Just as the heat was slowly becoming unbearable, grandfather's flames disappeared without a trace as he reverted to his normal figure. His gaze was calm and steady as he looked at me before his mouth curved upwards in a terrifying grin.

"That was a dirty blow little one," He said. I was about to try and explain myself when he continued. "But a very smart one nonetheless," He added with a nod. "In an actual life and death battle, there is no right or wrong, nor are there any codes you must abide by. The only thing you should be concerned about is making it out alive, and to do that, you must use everything at your disposal no matter the tactic. You did well!" He said in a proud tone.

I was still surprised that he didn't seem mad about my attack anymore that I forgot to say anything back for a few seconds. Grandfather merely grinned at me before he turned to take his leave back to the top of one of the four giant pillars with the other adults.

I was left standing there with a dumbfounded expression before the pain that I so much wanted to forget came rushing like a flood. My knees buckled as I collapsed with a thud, a long sigh escaped my mouth.

'It's over,' All of the adrenaline left me at once, as every part of my body protested in pain. I closed my eyes as I willed the water mana to heal me.

'I wonder how the girls are doing?' I mumbled in curiosity, as I recalled the second fight that was supposed to take place in the second arena.

'Maybe they also finished?' I thought.

'Ah, let's just heal up first and then go check,'

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