Reborn as a DRAGON

Chapter 58: Unexpected situation

The final fight quickly reached its end as Linyss laid sprawled on the ground unable to continue, Allat had a triumphed expression on her face as she gazed at her. Her eyes then turned to peek at the second arena where I had fought against Ember before they darted to the adults who were standing on the pillars.

It felt as if she was looking for someone, once her gaze fell on grandfather our eyes instantly met, I could feel her emotions as she looked at me with a proud expression, almost as if she was trying to showcase her strength to me by proving she was superior to Linyss.

I could not see my grandfather's face, yet I already had an idea of what it looked like with a giant grin. 'Shit, that's embarrassing,' I inwardly mumbled. "That little one seems to be interested in you Aether, as expected of my grandson! Haha!" he said with a laugh.

'Isn't that the first time he called me his grandson? And it was over a girl,' I didn't know how to feel about the entire situation and simply let out a long sigh. 'Yeah, it seems like romance will have to wait for a bit longer,' I mumbled, while I have already come to terms with me being a dragon and the fact that I lost my human form, I still could not bring myself to completely lose my taste to the opposite gender, hence why I could not answer to Allat's feeling.

She jumped into the air and made her way back to the adult dragonness that accompanied her and settled on top of her head, Ember was seated in the same position with the second adult red dragon. Seeing how Linyss lost, I turned to glance at the multicolored dragonness and caught a glimpse of her mana gently moving towards the middle of the arena and bringing Linyss back to her.

'Her mana seems to be even stranger,' I noted with a frown, for some reason shiver ran down my spine when I glanced at the multicolored stream of mana. My grandfather must have noticed because he replied. "It's good to see that you have some good senses, but you should stay away from that one Aether, her type is dangerous," He said with a frown.

Surprised I glanced down at grandfather, although it was for a mere second, I was sure I felt a hint of nervousness from him. 'Holy shit, how much of a monster is she that even grandfather is wary of her!?' I gulped and made up my mind to stay as far away from her and Linyss as possible.

With our fights finished, all adults were standing on top of a pillar with their respective younglings seated on their heads. A heavy silence prevailed for a few seconds, the one who broke that surprisingly was the second red dragon. "The younglings are strong this time,"

The water dragoness nodded in approval at that before replying in a surprisingly sweet feminine voice. "Indeed, we can rest assured," Grandfather nodded as well and continued. "Agreed, at least it's not a repeat of the last cycle's tragedy," He said causing the mood to turn heavy around all of the adults.

'Last cycle's tragedy?' That was something I never heard of before. It didn't seem like an appropriate time to ask about it, so I made sure to keep the term in the back of my mind for now at least...I strained my ears to listen to the adult's conversation, hoping to learn more about the entire situation.

The multicolored dragonness was the final one to speak, her voice was very pleasing to the ear making one almost instinctively have a favorable opinion about her. "It's a shame about what happened to that child though, I'm sure old Neyo did not take his death easily," She said with a sigh, a sad expression hanging on her face.

'That child? Does she mean Brown? So that means the adult dragon that left with his body is called Neyo?' I mumbled. 'Still, she really Is dangerous, no wonder grandfather warned me to stay away from her,' I gulped, she didn't need to do anything, yet there was something about her that just rubbed me off the wrong way.

"Old Neyo will probably head to the borders after he gives the little one a proper send-off," Said the adult water dragonness.

"It's not his turn right? Isn't it your kid's job for this cycle Hadeon?" Suddenly asked the red adult dragon as he turned to glance at grandfather.

'Wait his kid? Does that mean my father?' I frowned, I had no idea what they were talking about yet it seemed as if it was something important so I made sure to pay extra attention to it.

Grandfather simply nodded in reply before speaking. "I'm sure my boy will understand once he sees the state old Neyo's in," Grandfather shook his head and let out a long uncharacteristic sigh before continuing. "This is the fourth generation that fails to pass the naming ceremony after all, I think the least we can do is let him be,"

The multicolored dragonness had a sad expression on her face as she replied. "While It does go against the rules, I also think old Neyo deserves to let out some steam," The water dragonness continued with a shake of her head.

"Although it goes against the rules, I think we owe old Neyo at least this much," She said with a sigh. The adult red dragon seemed surprised at that as he replied. "That's surprising coming from you Aza, you were never one to break the rules," She turned to glare at him before rolling her eyes in annoyance.

"I'll send my kid to fill in for old Neyo's place, that way it should be fine," Grandfather suddenly Interrupted causing the two to pause. "We don't get to choose our turns Hadeon, you know that better than anyone," Said the red dragon with a frown.

"I do, and it's not like Neyo will take charge of this cycle, the whole thing is to allow him to blow some steam else he might truly go crazy, my kid will take care of his place until he gets his emotions sorted out," Calmly replied my grandfather.

The multicolored dragonness nodded in agreement. "Certainly, if it's him his strength is undeniable so I'm sure it would not be a problem," Hearing that the water dragonness seemed to disagree as she shook her head.

"While it's true that he is very strong, I still have my doubts especially when the opponent is 'him'," She said. Grandfather was unphased and answered with complete confidence.

"My kid can handle it," Seeing how much faith he had in his child, my father, the rest of the adults let out a few long sighs before they seemed to come to a unanimous agreement.

"Well, let's take the younglings to their final test first," Said the red dragon. The others all nodded, soon we were already in the air as we made our way further north towards our next destination. My mind was still confused as I tried to piece out all of the information I gathered.

'Why does everything have to be so damn confusing!' I growled in annoyance.

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