Reborn as a DRAGON

Chapter 6: A Dragon’s roar

'The angel of peace is the angel of war. They are the same. So there is no use in looking for her twin. She is all goodness and all evil. Her mission is to bring world peace. Whether that be by uniting you as one species that cares for and loves all of creation, or by

sowing discord among those intent on war.'— ???


"Roar!" A premature cry echoed through the cave as I tried my best at imitating what I thought to be a mighty Dragon’s roar, hoping for something to allow me to bring forth the legendary Dragon’s breath.

The reality, however, is often disappointing. All of my siblings were staring at me with curiosity. Even White, who had been sleeping, had her eyes fixed on me with interest. Unfortunately, that only served to make me even more embarrassed at my failed attempt, as I wished for nothing more other than the earth to open and swallow me whole.

It seemed that breathing fire was, for the most part, impossible for me, at least for now. As I was thinking about such matters, and how I had embarrassed myself in front of my younger siblings, Golden boy, who had regained his consciousness a bit earlier, came to the rescue.

I looked up as he swiftly made his way to my side with admirable vigor, before he began to imitate my previous attempt at a roar. 'Ah, Golden boy. Although you are such a blockhead, you can be surprisingly cute,' I thought to myself as the embarrassment I had felt before lessened, now that I had company.

Green stuck out her small cute head from behind White's body, full of curiosity and interest as she watched with wide-open eyes. Her gaze shifted between me and Golden boy, who was still roaring like an idiot by my side, and then finally fell on White, who was watching the entire ordeal as if she was being amused.

Slowly, our shy youngest sister stood up meekly as she made her way towards me, her steps full of hesitation as she wobbled around, almost tumbling down to the ground a few times before regaining her bearings at the final moment.

'How cute.' Looking at her big eyes and small stature, it somehow reminded me of a small shy dog rather than a mighty Dragon.

As she reached my side, Green seemed to hesitate for a second as I glanced down at her, curious to see what she would do. Our youngest sibling then lowered her head fearfully, not daring to meet my gaze, before she mustered her courage and let out a tiny cute cry.

After hearing that, I momentarily froze. Even the idiotic Golden boy stopped his uselessly loud screams as he turned to stare at our little sister. Blacky, who had been gazing at mother with a fawning expression, also turned his head towards Green.

The reason was rather simple, she was just too damn cute! I never would have thought that a Dragon could be this adorable. Sensing all the stares on her as she had turned into the center of attention, Green was visibly uncomfortable as she shifted about with her head lowered, before she unconsciously moved to hide at my side.

'Goddammit, this is too much for my heart,' I thought. The urge to pat the adorable shy dragon threatened to overwhelm me as I barely managed to restrain myself.

"Roar!" I decided that joining in was the best course of action to not make her feel uncomfortable. And so, putting my embarrassment aside, I began to roar like an idiot alongside Golden boy, who was getting a little bit too excited by the entire ordeal.

Somewhere along the line, even the calm and mature White joined in on the fun. Seemingly not wanting to be outdone, or perhaps he simply didn't want to be left out, Blacky also joined in.

And so, what had initially started as an experiment and an attempt to use Dragon’s breath, somehow ended up as a strange scene, with all of us siblings roaring at one another. Green slowly opened up as well, as she joined in with a few tiny cries of her own.

It was then that mother, who had her one eye closed the entire time, suddenly rose up and glanced in our direction. Her giant maw opened to reveal an abyssal darkness alongside a row of razor-sharp teeth.

"ROOOOOAAR!" Mother then let out a cry that caused the entire cave to shake as rubble and debris fell from the ceiling, forcing all of us backwards.

Everyone momentarily froze. Seemingly satisfied with our reaction, mother's eye squinted in what I swear was satisfaction, before she laid back down and resumed her nap.

'Now that is a real Dragon’s roar,' I thought in admiration as I glanced at my mother. It seemed I was not the only one impressed, as Blacky was back by mother's side with the same awe-filled expression as before.

'Somehow, I can see the resemblance.' I thought to myself. Due to our previous fight, Blacky was now blind in one eye as well, so he did look like a miniature mom.

Feeling a small nudge at my side, I looked down to see Green peeking at mother from behind me with curiosity, yet one small glimpse was enough to see how hard the little one was trembling. The previous roar must have shaken her up.

With that thought in mind, I slowly used my tail to gently push her from behind me and to my side, before using my wing to cover my cute little sister, who still seemed a bit dazed.

Feeling my wing wrapping around her, Green raised her head and stared at me with her big puppy-like eyes, before she snuggled even closer to me. 'Goddammit, this is cheating,' I thought. It seemed I had a soft spot for our youngest sibling, but who could blame me? She's just too damn cute!

While thinking about such things, a familiar strong gust of wind suddenly appeared once again, provoking a strong sense of deja vu as I glanced at Blacky, who had his jaw wide open in shock as he glanced at the direction behind me.

'Ah shit, I wonder who that might be,' I thought with an inwards sarcastic chuckle, as I reluctantly turned my head backwards only to freeze at the sight that greeted me.

'Well, I'll be damned.'

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