Reborn as a DRAGON

Chapter 66: Winner

By the time I reached her, Green was still panicking and trying to remove the water bubble from around her face. I hastily deactivated the spell causing her to take a huge gasp of air yet her body from immediately, I was already behind her. 'Go to sleep,' I gently murmured and then delivered a swift hit to the back of her neck, after which she went numb her body falling to the water below.

I used my mana to cushion her fall as sent her towards mother who was watching the entire ordeal with an amused expression on her face. Not losing my momentum I lunged on to my next target, Golden boy. Unfortunately, by the time I had reached him, he had already managed to escape the water bubble, and not only he, White and Blacky was both gasping for air.

That was to be expected, however, he was still a bit disoriented as I tucked my wings to my side and spun downwards bringing my tail down on his head. Golden boy must have been expecting an attack to come from my claws, hence one with my tail and at such a strange angle caught him off guard.

He hastily raised his claws in the final seconds, trying to block my strike, yet to no avail. My attack landed true as my spiky tail met his muscular head, the sound of cracking reached my ears as an unbelievable pain shot from my tail and through my spine. 'What the fuck is he made from?!' I inwardly complained the crack sound came from my tail, his head was too thick to be broken by an attack of this caliber.

Still, my attack stunned him as his dropped down revealing the back of his neck to me. A swift strike was all it took for him to plummet down to the water below joining Green in the rank of the defeated. I still made sure to use my mana to gently guide and drop him next to my mother where the water had not reached. 'Looks like some sort of wind barrier she's using?' I wondered before turning my attention back to my last and probably most dangerous opponents, the twins.

My fight with Golden boy was concluded pretty fast, that was intentional as I did not want to give them enough time to recover, sadly they already did as they moved a few paces backwards in the air. Their wary gazes scanned my every move as they stood on guard.

'Ah, what a pain, still two are down and two more to go,' Although I complained, my heart was full of joy and excitement as my lips curved upwards into a terrifying grin causing White and Blacky to retreat even further as my aura skyrocketed.

'Golden boy is the only one I'm concerned about when it comes to physical strength, White and Blacky however have their magic,' I reached out to the mana as pillars of water rose from below, my siblings gracefully dodged, White seemed almost nonchalant as she danced between the attacks.

'Hmm, I have to do something about that,' I mumbled, just then White and Blacky glanced at each other for a brief second and then turned towards me. 'Oh?' Their bodies blurred as they lunged forward like an arrow leaving a trail of white and black light behind them.

A sense of danger overtook me as I faced their attack head-on, It appeared like they also wanted to finish this with close combat. None of us used Dragon breath, as we still treated this fight as a spare, using a dragon breath powered by the heart mana should be left for when we intend to kill. I instinctively knew that, and I was sure they did as well.

'That bastard Ember was definitely trying to kill me back then,' I groaned in annoyance as I recalled my fight with a certain over-enthusiastic red dragon before I quickly shook my head and focused on the battle at hand. I reached out to the mana as I sensed my siblings coming, and moved with Its flow.

Blacky was using his dark mana to boost his strength as he coated his claws with it reminding me of the clash he had against White before. White on the other hand played to her strengths as well and used her light mana to increase her speed and agility, a few light balls followed after her.

Both of them had dyed the air black and white as they made their way towards me, looking mighty impressive. 'They grew stronger,' I nodded in acknowledgment, 'But so did I!' Instead of waiting for them to arrive, I also lunged forward to meet them.

My body disappeared inside a large wave of water that lunged towards their attacks. The cave was strangely steady despite the high level of our clash, I suspected It had something to do with the barrier I felt, yet decided not to think about that at the moment.

Both of our sides met causing a deafening explosion to follow, as expected even I was unable to gain the upper hand against a combined all-out attack against them and was forced backwards, though I sustained no injuries, my water spells were nullified. My siblings were the same as the shining white and dark cloak that surrounded their bodies disappeared showcasing their shocked expressions.

Though no one was injured, just from our clash, It became clear who was the strongest among us. White hanged her head low as her fighting spirit died down, she gave me a respectful bow and gracefully walked back towards the other side of the cave and sat down next to mother who used her tail to pull her closer.

'Well, that's another one down I guess? Now then, looks like he's not backing down until the very end,' I inwardly mumbled as I glanced at Blacky's one eye. There was no loathing in his gaze considering it was my fault he was blinded from one side, no, the only thing I could see, the only thing I could sense from him was a strong desire to win.

"It seems like you made up your mind, so be it. I respect your resolution. Come, let's end this!" I spoke for the first time causing his one eye to widen for a second before he nodded.

We stood there observing one another before instantly lunging forward at the same time, the hue blue color of water mana was surrounding me causing my body to lightly glow, I strengthened my claws, tail, and horns readying myself for close-quarter combat.

Blacky was the same, he initiated the fight by jumping in the air and sending a slash of black mana from his claws towards me, I sidestepped and summoned a few Ice sickles to surround him from all sides, just then the familiar black cloak of darkness emerged from his body acting as a shield which nullified my attacks.

Just as he was about to attack me with his claw, I used ice magic again on his body, which slowed down his strike for a moment, and sent a counter-attack towards his face. The strike landed true as Blacky was sent tumbling backwards.

I didn't want to give him any time to recover as I quickly summoned a water palm which grabbed him mid-air, 'I got him now,' I thought as I curled my palm and used my entire physical strength backed with water mana to send an attack with the intention of knocking him out.


My palm met his face as Blacky's eyes rolled back. The water hand that held him disappeared causing his body to fall to the ground. 'Fuck me, the sneaky bastard,' I grinned as I brought my gaze down to my left side, a small see-through hole was now there.

The attack had missed all my vitals and I could easily heal it now with my magic, but the fact remains, he managed to land a clean attack on me. My grin widened as I glanced at my reckless little brother, he knew he would get knocked out yet still chose to sacrificed himself for that tiny opening.

The second I thought I had him, the very second I was sure of my victory was when he made his move and attacked my side. I summoned a water bubble around my wound as It visibly began to close, yet instead of completely healing it as I could, I chose to retain a small scar in that place out of respect for him, and as a reminder to never underestimate anyone.

'Well done little brother, you did good,' I thought with a smile.

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