Reborn as a DRAGON

Chapter 76: The rite of passage

That night, I went to sleep earlier than usual after I barely managed to shake off Immy and Sidus who kept bombarding me with their questions. The next morning, I found myself standing in front of my father at the entrance of the cave, all of my siblings were there as well alongside my mother who came to see us off.

"You little ones need to hurry and catch up, else you'll be left chasing behind the back of your older brother," Said father as he turned to glance at my siblings, his words seemed to affect Sidus the most as I could see him gritting his teeth as he turned to look at me. 'Oh boy, here we go again,'

Saying that father turned towards me and asked. "I take it you are ready to go?" He asked to which quickly nodded in confirmation. "Yes!" I added. "Good, then do your best to follow, and don't lag too far behind," He said. 'So unlike the naming ceremony, this time I'll be flying by myself, not that I particularly mind,' I inwardly noted before turning my attention towards my mother who was standing by the entrance, watching over me.

I lowered my head in respect and spoke "Mother, I will be leaving," at that, she gave a nod of approval before answering. "I bid you good luck my child, and I pray to the king for your triumphant return," Said mother in a surprisingly soft and gentle tone causing me to deepen my bow.

I then turned towards my siblings, no goodbye was needed between me and Sidus, as soon as our eyes met I and he already understood everything. Immy came closer alongside Essie, she rubbed her head against my side, while Essie affectionately licked my face, both wishing me good luck.

"I will be waiting for you big brother!"

"Good luck brother,"

I thanked them with a smile before my gaze fell on Ynos. He was standing next to mother with his head raised high and his back straight before he let out a roar. My smile widened as I recalled him sending me off the same way during my naming ceremony, and so I simply nodded at him before turning towards father.

Father only looked at mother once and spoke, "I'm off," To which she nodded, and then turned back towards the cave. He then flapped his large wings causing dust and rocks to fly off as he quickly took off into the sky, his large body rapidly moving in the distance.

I didn't dare delay any longer as I quickly summoned a water pillar to promptly launch me into the air following after my father. Our difference in size was very clear as I struggled to keep up with him. Father didn't seem like he was even trying, quite the opposite, he appeared to intentionally lower his speed so I wouldn't fall behind.

Our destination was the north, the flight proceeded in silence as I didn't have the energy to ask any questions since I struggled to keep up with what I thought was a fast pace. Shockingly, It took us an entire day before we finally left the forest and managed to reach the familiar Dragon road within the first rays of the new day.

This just went to prove the large gap that existed between me and my grandfather, the last time he took me here, we had arrived in a matter of what seemed like mere minutes, an hour at best, yet for me, It took an entire day. I was sure that father could have arrived way earlier had he not intentionally lowered his speed.

'I still have a long way to go,' I shook my head with a sigh. Our flight over the Dragon road continued until what I assumed was halfway before father suddenly dropped to the ground below, I quickly followed after him. From then on, we walked instead of flying.

I remembered grandfather saying something about how I should walk the next time I visit the Dragon road by myself instead of flying. 'Interesting, when I was with him we flew all the way to the temple, yet now with father, we dropped halfway. Is it due to the strength of an individual or is It because of one's social standing?' I wasn't very sure about that since I was still unfamiliar with the rules of the dragon society, hence I could only assume.

We continued on our way, this time since we were on foot I was able to observe the statues better than before, the one thing I noted was that they truly were too lifelike. Had it not been for the obsidian color of the statues, I would have without a doubt had a hard time figuring out If they were real or not.

Another thing I could feel now that I didn't feel back in my last visit, was the pressure. It wasn't as heavy as standing against grandfather or father's bloodlust, yet It was still undeniably there. A strong and steady type of pressure, one that made me feel a sense of respect towards all of these figures that I had never met before in my life.

We continued our walk, and along the way, my father would occasionally stop in front of a few sculptures seemingly reminiscing about some memories. 'Friends maybe? Comrades? Grandfather did mention that most of these honorable ones, fell during the great war, I wonder was this great war the one that decorated that large door inside the temple? And did father participate in It as well?'

I still had a mountain of questions I wanted to ask, yet now did not seem like a proper time for that, so I refrained from doing so and silently followed after father instead. With most of my attention on the countless sculptures that decorated the road, we quickly arrived at the entrance of the large temple.

Father took the lead with me closely behind him, the familiar yet intimidating sculpture of the King greeted us as we both lowered our heads in respect, this time I did not do anything stupid and didn't raise my head to stare at It, instead I silently followed after my father.

We did not follow the same route I used when I came here with my grandfather, this time we went through a relatively smaller corridor that opened into a large but completely desolate room. I was curious, yet I controlled myself and simply followed after my father patiently moving into th center of the empty room.

I raised my head, the ceiling was a dome-shaped one with the drawing of a dark blue river flowing from one side to another. 'Strange,' as soon as we were standing in the center father suddenly unleashed his mana as a towering pillar of flames rose to the ceiling.

My eyes widened in surprise as I watched his flames come in contact with the drawing, strangely the river seemed to ripple sucking in the flames as familiar mana, one I hadn't felt in these past five years descended upon us.

'Cosmic mana!'

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