Reborn as a Lizard: Evolve! Cultivate! Become a Dragon!

Chapter 9: Battle with the Giant Serpent

A perfect ecosystem often has strong resilience. The forest fire burned for a whole day and night and finally went out.

The next morning, Brandon woke up after falling into trance, with a light flashing in his eyes. It was clear that his internal strength had improved again.

Walking to the pool in front, he now particularly liked the pool in the cave. It was simply a natural swimming pool and drinking point. The water here was very clear and even a little sweet.

After careful inspection, he found two stone crevices in the pool. One was the water inlet and the other was the water outlet. They were on both sides of the pool. This also confirmed his original guess that the pool water did come from an underground river.

In addition, he also discovered that due to the continuous flow of water from the water inlet, the water in the entire pool was always in a state of constant renewal. The water in the pool would be replaced by a new flow of water every dozens of minutes. This allowed him to bathe directly in the pool without worrying about the water being contaminated, which was simply wonderful.

Brandon decided to take a shower. He had not taken a shower for several days. Although he looked very clean, he felt uncomfortable all over. The cool water slowly waded through the scales, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

With passing days, he looked less and less like a lizard. Ordinary lizards would look a bit slender, while Brandon looked a bit stubby. Due to regular exercise of his hind legs and tail, they appeared particularly developed. Perhaps due to the human soul, Brandon's head was also much larger than that of an ordinary lizard. If biologists were here, their jaws would drop. Brandon Drake was looking more and more like a dinosaur.

After taking a shower, Brandon decided to go to the place where the fire occurred. He walked out of the cave and walked through the dense jungle. Soon, he ran into the fire. The fire had not been completely extinguished, and some places were still burning.

The originally dense jungle had disappeared, leaving only a few lonely tree trunks on the ground, emitting bursts of green smoke. It seemed like it could burst into flames at any moment. Burnt corpses could be seen everywhere on the ground, emitting a stench of burning protein.

A turtle the size of a round table was hiding under a huge rock, motionless, its neck stretched out, as if it was trying to breathe. In the creek, a huge python as thick as a bucket was floating on it, and it was still twisting. The python's powerful vitality clearly meant that it was not completely dead. But it was obvious that he could not survive. There were many fish floating around, exuding an alluring smell. This creek had completely turned into a pot of fish soup.

As Brandon walked along, he could see animal carcasses everywhere. One crocodile had its entire head buried in the mud, but it was obviously of no use. The once dense forest was now charred, and Brandon's sight had never been destruction as wide as that.

After Brandon Drake walked for a while, he didn't dare to go any further. He felt that it was a bit eerie here, and there seemed to be a mysterious force reverberating in the air.

Brandon Drake waded across the creek and came to the edge of the twitching giant snake. He planned to use his sharp claws to tear open its skin and take out its snake gallbladder, although the giant snake had been burnt to the third degree. It's cooked, but the skin still looked very tough, and it was actually difficult for Brandon to tear it open. In the age of cold weapons, the skin of such a huge snake was a priceless treasure that could provide invulnerability .

Brandon summoned his internal strength and finally cut his way in. He found that the inside was indeed a bit ripe, because no blood flowed out after the outer skin was broken.

Within an inch of entering, a stream of fresh snake blood came out of the inside. Suddenly the whole body of the snake twisted violently. Brandon was violently thrown to the side by the giant snake.

The huge snake head raised up, and the scarlet snake swallowed wildly and made a hissing sound. The snake's eyes were milky white and had obviously been burned. But it seemed even more terrifying.

Brandon was shocked and hurriedly crawled towards the shore. The sound of his palms slapping the water and the smell of his body had obviously brought back the consciousness of the giant snake.

The snake's eyes had been burned, so its eyesight was not very good. But snakes mainly rely on their tongue to obtain information, so it is called "Snake Letter".

A snake's tongue is its olfactory organ. When a snake sticks out its tongue, it gets some material particles. After retracting it, the tongue stretches into a pair of small cavities in the front and upper part of the mouth. This part is called the nasal aid. It is not connected to the outside world and cannot directly perceive the sense of smell. But it can achieve its olfactory function with the help of the snake's tongue.

The nasal aid is composed of many sensory cells, which can synthesise and analyse the information of chemical substances through the olfactory centre to identify the chemical substances in the particles. After judgement, the snake can accurately capture the prey.

Before Brandon could reach the shore, the enraged snake had already raised its huge head high, opened its mouth, and shot at him. When would a snake be the fastest? At the moment of predation. The huge speed brought a fishy wind. Death was imminent, and it was too late for Brandon Drake to make other actions, and the internal force was running rapidly in his body. But his thinking seemed particularly clear at that moment.

It's too late to say it, but it's soon! When the snake's head pounced towards him, Brandon Drake used his internal strength to jump up and suddenly jumped on top of the snake's head.

He raised his sharp claws and inserted them into the snake's neck, firmly fixing it. As Brandon's most lethal tail hit the giant snake, the giant snake howled wildly, making a sound like a beast. The snake's head shook violently and rolled up and down. Want to knock Brandon Drake down?

During the conflict, Brandon was also hit by the giant snake on the ground several times. His internal organs were in severe pain and blood flowed from his mouth. He had obviously suffered serious internal injuries.

Brandon's claws were inserted into the neck of the giant snake, and he did not dare to relax at all. A large amount of blood continued to flow from the giant snake's body, and the creek was gradually dyed red by the giant snake.

Finally, the giant snake couldn't hold on any longer. The huge snake head hit the water hard, causing huge waves. Brandon staggered down from the snake's head, swaying, obviously suffering huge internal injuries.

Brandon Drake took out the snake gallbladder from the snake and crawled staggeringly toward the cave. Fortunately, he didn't encounter any ferocious beasts on the way.

When he entered the cave, he felt some relaxation. His vision went dark, and he almost fainted. Brandon didn't care about anything else, so he quickly drank snake gall and began to perform exercises to heal his injuries.

Before the internal qi could be activated, a huge amount of heat slowly would spread from the abdomen. The temperature of the whole body would rise sharply. The body would begin to hurt violently, and the whole body would like being cut by a knife.

That giant snake had lived for an unknown number of years and had harmed many creatures. As the essence of the snake's body, snake gallbladder naturally had powerful medicinal properties. Especially such a big giant snake, if it is placed in the martial arts world, it would definitely give birth to a bloody war.

Within the body, within the twelve main meridians, the meridians were bulging again and again, without the need for self-guidance at all. The true energy was running crazily in the body, faster and faster, and the smooth scales were trembling slightly. There seemed to be a mouse crawling around inside the scales.

Brandon Drake began to reluctantly use his inner strength. The internal qi at this time turned out to be a mess, dispersing the original complete cycle. As a result the order was lost. There was no order at all, just like a galloping wild horse, scurrying around and rampaging inside.

He used his mental power to explore and understand immediately. The internal force formed by the snake gallbladder was too huge, and it was not under his control at all. It collided wantonly in the body and had dispersed the original true qi. This was also the reason for the severe pain all over the body.

After knowing the situation, Brandon had no choice but to think of a way by himself. He started using the golden bell shield technique, and then used all his mental strength to catch a trace of inner breath. And keep it under control. When it stabilised, it started to run according to the normal path, slowly.


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